Deepika Venkatesan



Deepika Venkatesan


Journey Of A Matron

Journey Of A Matron

2 mins

She is just stepping into her womanhood. All these days, she experienced only acceptance and love in her life. She expected her life to be the same ever after. With a welcoming smile on her lips, She faced the juncture of her life. But, she is unwitting the intricate forthcoming, sarcastically laughing at her immaculateness. In the blissful commencement, accidental jeopardy waited for her at the doorstep. She has begun the ramble, without any foresight. Sometimes later, she sensed that the journey was not going to be smooth, because it has so many obstacles. She aimlessly explored along the way, that life moves her. In this sour journey, she suddenly decides to pick her own way. But, life hasted her to move in the routes of others' choice. Even, she struggles herself to go behind her desire. But, all she could hear is the ear-piercing outcry of 'NO!' From every direction. Her ravishing smile wholly fades away. She felt helpless and stood with huge anxiety. She cried aloud. But, nobody could hear her weeping sound. The painful tears of her, remain unnoticed. In this discomforted journey, she also met so many women of her kind. She asked about their experience in this journey of desolation. She was startled as well as surprised to hear those frightful stories. She connected herself with some of them, while others' were beyond imagination. Even in this formidable ramble, she could see some women, conquering their battles and procuring fortune. Then, she realized, this journey is not a child's play. Only through this expedition, she could find a way to reach her destination. At last, She brought back her radiant smile with conviction. And, she ascended with the fortitude to determine herself as an alluring gem among other exquisite jewels.

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