Mayank Sharma

Children Stories Classics


Mayank Sharma

Children Stories Classics

Kabuli Bala

Kabuli Bala

2 mins

Hello friends 

My name is 'Poonam. And I was searching a platform in which I can write daily...I just want to write for my English writing practice. Ok let's start a story writing...

When I was a child I read many stories... And the name of this story kabuli bala....

This is a very sensitive story of cute, innocent girl. She lives with her parents in a small village. And she also likes playing game like other children but she was the only child of her parents and she was a girl so she cannot go outside alone. So most of time she played with herself. 

One day she saw a person outside the house he was wearing different type of clothes and he sold nuts. When she saw this man she called kabuli bala o kabuli bala.and as soon as kabuli bala came close to this girl she ran away. Because she wanted to play with him but she felt afraid because she thought he is a person like that who caught the children so she ran away and hide behind her father. But then her father understood if you called someone by a name then it's your duty that you must talk with this person. But didn't come in front of kabuli bala..

After few days when she believes he is not a baby catcher. She talked with kabuli bala and she started play games with kabuli bala. And kabuli bala also felt good when he played with Minibecause he also had a child of mini's age and he always missed her daughter but he was living here only for employment. So whenever he watched Minishe find her daughter inside mini.amd so whenever he spend time with Minihe felt happy. He always gave nuts for Miniwithout any cost. 

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