Shlesha Chawla

Children Stories Drama


Shlesha Chawla

Children Stories Drama

Lesson Learnt

Lesson Learnt

3 mins

Once there lived a poor woman across a street. She lived in a cold house, for she had nothing but the roof above her and the wind whistled through that even though the largest cracks were stuffed with straw and rags. Her thin hands were almost numb with cold. But she never cared because her love and life was her son Amar. The poor woman used to work in rich houses by doing household chores and the earned money was spent on Amar's education.

Amar was a smart boy. He gave all his time to studies and the teachers were proud of him. Amar had many friends. They were all from a high-class family background but never let Amar lonely. Amar was overjoyed with their company. When the school got over Amar and his friends stopped at a sweet shop and bought sweets. Amar did not have any money so his friends gave him sweets.

One day Amar told his mother that he wanted some money to buy sweets as he did not like taking sweets from his friends everyday. But his mother refused and said that they did not even have money to eat food , sweets was like a dream. Amar sadly entered his room and started thinking that if I take sweets from them everyday, they will think that I always borrow but never return. Suddenly, he caught up with an idea.......

When the next day they went to the sweet shop, Amar silently took two ladoos and kept it in his pocket. The shopkeeper not knowing what Amar had done, continued to be in a cheerful mood. When Amar went back home, he told his mother that he had stolen two of them. The mother, instead of scolding him, started praising him for what he had done because they did not have any money to buy those and Amar had bought in free.

Slowly slowly, he started to steal things from the school and his friends and no time he was known as 'Thug Amar'. All the people in the city were scared of him because he used to take away all the things they had and if nothing, they were killed.

After few years Amar was caught by the police. He was trialed in the court and sentenced to death. Just before hanging him to death the judge asked him his last wish. He said that he wanted to see his mother. As soon as his mother came in front of him he cut her nose with a knife. When the judge asked him why did he do that he answered, " If my mother had not scolded me when the first time I had stole the two ladoos, neither I would have been sentenced to death, nor her nose would have been cut off......

THE END..............

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