Kiley Alexis

Drama Tragedy Others


Kiley Alexis

Drama Tragedy Others



2 mins

Everyone acts like life is so easy and, all stories have happy ending well this story doesn't it has a horrible ending. Enough about that and let's get on to the story. My name is Zaylee and this is my life story. I was born December 15th 2008. As a child I had it bad I thought but we never know how good we have it till it gets worse. When I found out I had it good at first I was 12 years old. When I was 12 my mom got a new boyfriend I thought it was fine but it wasn't. After a year he moved into the house we lived. I didn't really notice at first then one day I came home from school and saw him hurting my mom; I didn't know what to do. So I said leave her alone after that day he was abusive towards me and I was happy my mom and sister were okay but then on March 2021 I had just got off the bus my sister at a friend's and my mom was at work.

So it was only me and my mom’s boyfriend he told me to go inside I said no because I had enough so when I went in he was waiting for me. I asked what he needed all he said was come here I did as told and I got choked every day after that. Then I had enough of life so I almost killed myself when I found out if your suicidal they can take you away for a little bit and I had no idea what I was getting into. So I got a knife and cut my wrist I only did it so they would send me there. After that I went back 3 years had passed and I wasn't in a hospital. Soon after I got out he would still beat me. Then when I told the police and we went to court he was friend with the judge so I said I was done. I had given up and I said it was all a lie I got taken again by them for the whole summer. But this time it was awesome it was so much fun but when I came back we had moved and they broke up. But then as I got older things became worse like my mom did drugs. I got diagnosed with anoxia but the moral of the whole story is don't take things for granted

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