Subhashini Ramar

Abstract Others


Subhashini Ramar

Abstract Others

Lights Out

Lights Out

17 mins

This story is about what would have happened if Edison did not invent “BULB” ……

Long ago there was a boy named Noe. On this planet, there was no “LIGHT”. I wonder which planet Edison was born! So Noe is a school going boy. He is a studious boy. This planet has not seen LIGHT. All the work has to be done within the daylight. No one will go out in the night. The scientist is working very hard to produce an artificial light source. Noe was a part of a science experiment group. He was researching for planets that have life forms. Many days passed. There was no progress in Noe’s research. One night’ Noe was getting ready to go to the bed. Suddenly he heard an alarm ringing from his monitor. It showed that an intruder was entering the planet. Noe checked whether it was an asteroid or any space debris but, it was quite small to be any of that. Noe took a closer look and found that ‘it’ was landing in Mr. red street which is………. Noe’s street!!!!!! He panicked and went out and stood near the tree at the edge of the street. The “it” landed on the edge of the street. Before anybody could notice, Noe ran to his house, went upstairs to see whether he had a lifting device. He used it to lift the rocket and put it inside his garage. At first, it did not move later it started moving its legs opened its eyes. It was wearing a weird outfit. And the most important thing……It had an artificial light source. Noe was mesmerized and was staring at the light for a long time. Suddenly the “it” started moving. It looked mostly like Noe but with few features which were different. The “it” had a smaller head and eyes than Noe. Noe was scared to go near it. But for his research and the light source, he gathered courage and tried to speak with the “it”. Before Noe could say a word, the “it” asked “Where am I? what am I doing here and who are you”. Noe tried to calm down the “it”. He explained that his name is Noe. Then it smiled and replied “awe! What a sweet name”. Noe continued that it is on Han mea planet. The “it” screamed at the top of its voice. Quickly Noe shut the its mouth and calmed it down. Noe inquired the it. He asked “where are you from?”, and the it said that it was from ‘Earth’. Noe was astonished. Noe asked, “what is that?!”. The it said that it was a torch. Noe took the it to his room and inquired how it came to this planet. It said “I am an astronaut. I came on a mission to collect information about Pluto.

Instead of landing on Pluto, I landed here. The it asked Noe “where are the street lights and why is it so dark?”. Noe said that on this planet there is no artificial light and it will be freezing outside without the “special heater”. When Noe just finished his words the “it” fell down and said it is very very cold here. Noe attached the “special heater” to its suit. Within moments the it was feeling much better. It was the morning and Noe had to go to school. Noe said the it to stay only in his room and not to come out of his room. Noe was worried. When his school was over he ran to his room. He got his life back when he saw the it in his room unharmed. His plan with the it was to learn how to make an artificial source of light. He took a pen and paper and inquired the it silently. The it constantly kept saying that it did not know how to construct an artificial source of light. Noe examined the torch and found some clues on how to make it. The it was bored and hungry so, Noe gave the it some food to eat and some normal-looking clothes to wear. He wanted to go back home or in this case back to his planet. Noe took the it out in the morning silently from his house to the place where the it and his rocket landed. Noe examined the rocket and smiled. The it got irritated because he was confused about how to fix the rocket and this Noe was laughing sarcastically. The it asked Noe “why the hell are you laughing?”. Noe replied “how did you come from earth with this simple mechanism. The it was shocking. Noe called millions of dollars worth aircraft “simple mechanism”?. The it was confused too. Noe took the it to his garage and showed an aircraft three times bigger than the it’s. The it’s jaw dropped after seeing this extravaganza. He asked Noe “how did you get this?”. Noe replied that it is a simple vehicle used for his project. The it emphasized “simple?”. The it was mesmerized. Then he started laughing suddenly. Noe was irritated. He asked “why are you laughing?”. The it replied, “your planet scientists could invent a massive aircraft and have given it in the hands of a school student but your planet scientists could not invent the simple bulb?”. Noe got angry and went back inside his room. The it felt bad. But it wanted to use this opportunity to make a deal with Noe. The it told Noe “I am sorry”. Noe was getting back to his cool. The it suddenly asked, “Can we make a deal?”. Noe was confused. He asked, “what is the deal?”. The it replied, “the deal is that I will help you to make a bulb but, in return, you have to help me repair my aircraft”. Noe hesitated but at last he agreed to the deal. He said that the work will start next week because he had his summer holidays within a week. He scheduled that the task will take 4 to 5 days to complete. The it shouted suddenly. He said that he should be there in his planet within a day or two. Noe laughed. He said that a week on this planet is equal to 2 to 3 months on the earth. The it was shocking. Then the shock suddenly changed into fear. Noe’s mother came suddenly inside to announce in loudspeakers that the dinner is ready. Noe froze for a moment. The it hid under Noe’s bed. His mother did not suspect anything but, still, Noe remained frozen. Noe woke up from his dream in his frozen state and asked his mom “What happened” as if he woke up from a coma stage after 10 years. His mom stared at him for a second and called him for dinner. Noe was questioned a lot by his parents that day. His father asked, “what are you doing up all night?”. Noe stammered to death. He was like “Dad…hmm…I…was…a…studying”.

Noe was stammering the whole dinner. It was the night that even with the special heater he was sweating to death. His mom asked

“what happened Sweety?”. Noe answered “nothing mom I am perfectly alright and I have to go and study”. He literally ran to his room and gave a sigh. He searched for the it and found him literally after two to three seconds of searching. Then they had to decide the materials required now because they do not have time to search for materials while working. Noe asked the it “what are the materials to make that light thing”. The it replied “it is a torch!”. Noe asked answer for the question he asked. The it was into serious thinking. After thing for an hour he replied “you will need a glass case like…mmm…egg like….ha!” he got an idea what he was saying. He took the torch and showed Noe the bulb inside it. Noe took everything in his secret notepad. After an hour of discussing they decided to rest. The it asked Noe “don’t you feel like sleeping all day or whatever you call it”. Noe asked “why?”. The it replied “because it is dark, chilly and gloomy all the time how do you work, study, and stay awake?”. Noe laughed and replied “we are used to this dark, cold weather”. The it had a million questions to ask Noe about this planet and Pluto but, he decided he will ask it in the morning according to him but decided to sleep first because he was very tired. In the morning when the it woke up Noe was not there in his room. He panicked and was about to scream but, just in time, Noe arrived and closed his mouth. Noe asked “why the hell are you shouting?”. The it replied “I thought you were not in the room so…. I panicked”. Noe was getting ready for his exam. The it asked Noe “what is your first exam?”. Noe said that it was space science. The it was confused and said “that is a subject?”. Noe said “this is the main subject and I am very bad in this”. The it laughed and said “you…bad…in space science”. Noe replied “it is not as easy as you think”. Then Noe’s mom called him for his breakfast. Then after his prayer he was off to his school. The it had no amusement or work to do. So, he thought of looking around Noe’s room and thought of reading his research on the planets in solar system. The it was shocked with how much accurate details he had about the Earth. With this, the day was about to start for Noe and it. This means that the it can ask the billion questions he had about this planet and its people. The first question the it asked was “how do you know English?”. Noe did not answer anything. Then the it asked “how do you look the same as humans, how do you know so much about earth?”. Noe interrupted and said “I’ll answer all your questions after you make me a torch”. The it was slightly disappointed but was holding his positive spirit till the next week. The last exam of Noe was over. Noe was happy, the it was happy, until Noe’s sister entered the room. There was silence all throughout the house. His sister shouted at the top of her voice. The it tried to calm her. He asked “what is your name Sweety?”. Her name was Sweety. She got even more scared because she was wondering “how this creature knew my name?”. She screamed the most she has ever screamed in her life. Noe quickly shut Sweety’s mouth with his hands before anybody from the houses in the next street could hear her. Luckily his parents were out for a work. After a lot of explaining she finally understood the situation of both of them. After that chaos, at the night they started to make the torch because it was the easiest (according to us). Noe enthusiastically took out the most sophisticated tools you would have ever seen. The it stared at it and laughed. Noe asked “what! Is this not enough should I take some more tools?”. The it said “I told you ten simple tools and you have taken hundred tools! I have never seen these complicated tools even when making a rocket!”. He replied “I thought you said those simple tools when you were half asleep and I have not heard or seen the tools you have said!”. The it said “then we have to make them”. They decided they will do the work in the morning and as usual discussion in the evening. They were able to do the discussions in the night because of the candles (with matchstick of course) and the torch which mesmerised Noe. The windows of every house in Hanmea is tinted with black glass even without light. They started their work very enthusiastically. That enthusiasm did not last for very long. They were really tired and literally at the verge of fainting in the gloomy and cold sun and terrible fear. The cold sun was like an irony for the it to faint in cold sun because humans faint in scorching sun. When they gave up suddenly the it made a guilty face. He said “I have a……basic……. tool ….box”. Noe was about to kill the it. Then after that chaos they had to face Noe’s parents. They were approaching to Noe’s garage. Noe went to his frozen state. His parents were sad and said “we have a work at your aunt’s place. We will return in a week Noe”. It was a happy news for Noe. Noe bid for his parents and jumped in joy. The it was confused. “your parents are out for a week and your jumping in happiness!”. Noe explained that if his parents were there in the house someday, they would be caught red handed. The it started to understand slowly. They continued their work and finally they completed for the day. His sister was eager to know about the it. They ate till their stomach was full and went to their room. They continued their discussion in the night. Days passed still the rocket was not even half done and the torch has been stopped because they wanted a tungsten filament to complete the torch. They were unfortunate because in Hanmea there was no tungsten filament. The work was very boring so they decided to listen to rodio. The it turned on the news channel. The news was about an intruder residing in Hanmea. Noe jumped with fear because the planet safety department branch for his city is next street. He was scared that he would have to spend his life in the ‘cur’. The it interrupted and asked “what is cur?”. Noe hastily said that it means jail. The it wondered that the people in Hanmea speak English, look nearly the same as humans but some things differ from earth.the it asked Noe “how do you know English meanings of words that is your planet’s. Noe replied that one of his subjects at school was English because scientists doubted that the third planet in the solar system as living organism. So, he had to learn English. The it suddenly out of nowhere got an idea. The it was very eager to say the idea to Noe. But Noe was in the shock and was frustrated about the news so, he ignored him. The said it was a life changing idea. Noe stood in confusion not by the idea by the word ‘life’. The it now was frustrated. He asked Noe “what do you call your soul or something inside you that keeps you alive?”. Noe exclaimed and said “oh lof ok!”. The it who is interested in the funny words that make a huge difference from the earth an hanmea ignored the funny word and said the idea. He said to Noe “We can use the tungsten filament from the bulb in the torch!”. Noe was shocked by the ‘lof’ changing idea. They instantly went to work. Noe’s sister was watching this by the side and she thought “my brether as gone mad as the intruder”. Noe excitedly went to his room and they dismantled the torch carefully not to break the lof changing bulb. Suddenly Sweety came running to Noe’s room and shouted “Brether the planet safety officers and on the rounds for investigation as the noise of the intruder’s rocket was recorded here at the edge of the street the officers are investigating the whole street and guess what our house is next”. Noe panicked and rushed to front. Coincidentally the officers at the front door. Noe freaked, side by side the officers rang the doorbell. Noe opened the door like snail. One of the officers asked Noe “where are your tenants my boy”. The it was in Noe’s room and he was confused after hearing the word tenants. He thought “why the officer’s enquiring about his tenants rather than his parents”. With this confusion the it stepped on the bulb! The officer heard a crack. They questioned Noe “what was that”. Noe replied “that is my pet”. The officers stared and left. Noe sighed and went upstairs. He thought that the it broke the tungsten filament too. Luckily it was still intact. The it got his life back. He did not think it would go this far. The it asked a question “why did the officers ask about your tenants. Do you have any?”. Noe was confused and said “what do you mean they will ask about my tenants. I do have tenants”. The it asked “where are they”. Noe was frustrated. He said “they are out with my aunt. I told you that!”. The it realised that tenants in this planet means parents. Noe ignored the its stupid questions and started attaching the tungsten filament to the bulb they prepared as the it broke the torch one. They finally were ready to pass the electricity through the bulb. When they tried it for the first time with the radio’s wire they failed. They tried again and again still they failed. What they did wrong was the tungsten filament was not fixed properly. When they fixed that the bulb glowed very brightly for a minute. Overjoyed Noe put the bulb down. A sudden shock to the it because the only tungsten filament he had as gone to waste. But Noe was laughing. He thought that the tungsten filament did not damage. To their luck the tungsten filament did not damage. This was a first-time excitement. They scheduled the bulb making to the last three days. They continued their work happily for a week. It’s the weekend and Noe’s parents are supposed to come today but the officers are suspecting that the intruder is in his aunt’s street so their house too was closed for a week. Noe had confused emotions. He was happy but sad for his parents too. They continued their work. It was monotonous and boring. They were so bored that they stopped their work for two days and relaxed. They said about their family to each other. They enjoyed playing a lot of games inside the house. Meanwhile they completed their jobs. They were at peace when Noe’s parents entered the house. They screamed to the top of their voice. Then Noe explained everything to his parents silently so that the neighbours could not here. Their parents were against this nuisance. But when his father saw the bulb glowing like the sun. Noe’s father was fascinated by the bulb. His father asked “what is this called?”. “It’s called a bulb”. In the whole street probably in the whole planet, Noe’s house was glowing brightly as the sun. From that day onwards Noe’s father too helped them with the rocket stuff. They had a fun time until planet safety officers came to their house for investigation. The neighbourhood had complaint that they saw a strange light, the intruder in Noe’s house. The officers were investigating when suddenly the it appeared into the scene. The officers continued their investigation but it was Mr. it’s time. The officer started by asking simple questions like “what is your name?”. The it replied “My name is Dany”. The officer was still a bit suspicious because he came the day the intruder came to Hanmea. The officers asked the it one more question. He asked “where are you from?”. The it stammered. He asked help from Noe. Luckily, he saw a nameboard of a place called Teli. The it replied confidently that he was from Teli. The officer was convinced now. The officers left the house yet they had to face another problem. The rocket has to be ready within a week’s time but, it took nearly a month to completely the work. Today is the day when the rocket was ready to launch. It was midnight and it was a bit odd for the it to leave this planet. The it bid farewell to everyone and it was Noe’s turn. The it said “I am very thankful to you. You were very good with me. And one more thing… don’t forget to give me some credit for the bulb”. Noe held the it hands and asked “what is you real name?”. the it smiled and replied “My name is Noe too. I am an astronaut from earth who came to collect information about Pluto. In turn I landed on this planet to make a new friend. This can seem like a movie or dialogue but I am thankful to you”. Noe was shocked surprised confused and happy. But he had a question “Noe, I really don’t want to make this funny but what is the meaning of movie?”. The it or now Noe laughed his heart out he said “when you make artificial light prominent around this planet, the inventions that you make with artificial light will once tell you the meaning of movie”. They hugged each other and Noe was ready to leave. The it had a surprise for Noe “I took the research you did on Pluto. Do you mind?”. Noe was happy that he has done something for the it or Noe because he has done so much for his planet. His spaceship took off. They both gave credit to each other’s work and from that day the Noes promised to themselves not to forget the help the other has done to them.

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