Little Paws

Little Paws

3 mins

It was past twelve when I softly crept out of the house. The large mansion had just been whitewashed and I was worried if it would damage my skin.

The Browns lived in a large eight acres mansion, which they termed as their 'ancestral property'. The mansion looked upon a large garden of various fruits and vegetables. There were no flowers. That was the reason why I often slipped into Lucius' house to ponder over the magical effect created by the vibrant petunias against the vast sky.

Sam, the newspaper boy, swifly cycled his way into the gate leading to the mansion. I yelped with pain, as he accidently grazed my body with his hoarse bicycle tyre.

"Sorry Lara!" he yelled after me. "I am really in a hurry!!!"

The wound was still oozing blood, but it was not deep. I went my way, hoping if by any luck, I could find some first aid at Lucius'.

The sky looked like a picture. It looked exactly like the scenery Rue had drawn recently, with strokes of red paint ebbing away into the dawn sky. The soft green grass was full of little emeralds, which were shining magnificently under the morning sun.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

I turned around to see Lucius pondering at me suspiciously.

Lucius lived with the Laurence s. They were sweet,good tempered people and it was certainly an utmost irony that they had to live with someone as bad tempered as Lucius. I was about ninety nine point nine percent sure that he was going to chase me away .

"Its okay, if you just came to take a look at the flowers. "

I looked up in complete utmost amazement. Was it really him or had my ears gone wrong?

"But don't you dare try to destroy the flowerbeds, or Charlotte would know," he added threateningly, but , it seemed, with a twinkle in his eye.

We sat down on the pavement, relishing the magic of morning sunshine on the majestic garden.

"Hey Lucius! Who is that with you?"

I realized that some girl with long blonde hair was coming towards us. She was wearing an orange crop top with an yellow skirt. I really loved that colour. It was so attractive and. . .


I cried aloud in disgust. Of all the special guest treatment that they could give me here, the one that they chose was, water??

"I am sorry Kitty. " She said guiltily.

"But you looked like you needed a bath. But, oh gosh. . . "

She stared in horror at my wound for a second, then rushed into the house, to emerge again after a few minutes with a large white box.

"Here you go. "she applied the antiseptic balm on my wound and bandaged if carefully.

The morning sun sparkled on my wet fur, as I scampered back into the Browns.

"Lara, where were you all this time?"


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