Atiya Khan

Children Stories Comedy Fantasy


Atiya Khan

Children Stories Comedy Fantasy

Little Red Riding Hood: The Digital Age

Little Red Riding Hood: The Digital Age

3 mins

Let me tell you the story of the real, brave, fearless red riding hood who fought for herself with the help of her faithful friend – iPhone 14.

In a quaint village near a dense jungle, there lived a little girl who was fascinated by her red hooded cloak. This became her trademark, and everyone started calling her “Hoodie” or “Red”. One morning, Hoodie asked her mother eagerly, ‘mummy I think I must go visit granny. It has been a long time'. Her mother said, ‘that’s a wonderful idea dear. Let’s pack you up a basket of goodies to take to her.’ As she was getting ready to leave, her mother said, ‘go straight to granny’s and come straight back, I don’t want you roaming around.’

As she walked through the forest, she met a wolf who asked her sweetly, ‘what are you doing here little girl?’. She replied, ‘oh Mr. wolf I am going to meet my dearest granny on the other side of the forest.’ ‘Ah, okay, well I will leave you to it,’ said the wolf and quickly took the shortcut to the grandmother’s house.

After he left, she took out her iPhone and rang up her friend Maggie. ‘Ugh, Maggie where are you? You said you would be at the park at 5. Come fast, I need to see granny after you?’

Just then, Red’s mother called her up ‘Have you forgotten I installed the tracking app in your phone last month. I know you are still at the park – go to Granny’s now.’ Red told Maggie not to come and went to Granny’s.

As she entered Granny’s small & cozy wooden cottage, she saw the back of a large woman in Granny’s frilly gown and a cap ‘Come in dear child, I am lying in bed because I have a bad cold.’ Just then the lady burped loudly ‘Just a bit of indigestion,’ she said in a strange croaky voice. Red understood something was fishy and said, ‘you are not your usual self, grannie’ The wolf, realizing Red had sensed the disguise, took off the cap and said menacingly ‘now, I will eat you young lady, just as I ate your dear grandmother.’ Red, a smart and brave girl, replied ‘Oh no you won’t,’ took out her cell phone started dialing 911. The wolf, realizing what she was doing, sprang towards her. She picked up the lamp next to her and hit the wolf squarely in the head, the beast collapsed. Thereafter She took a deep breath and told the operator to send the police and an ambulance fast.

After that, she cut open the wolf’s stomach and took granny out – she woke up soon. Granny hugged her in delight and said, ‘All those hours on the baseball pitch came in handy today, you just might be the first girl from here in the major leagues.’

Moral of the story - cell phones, like any other gadget, are not such a bad thing in themselves. You never know when you could face a big bad wolf and need to call an ambulance for him. 

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