Kalai Selvi Arivalagan



Kalai Selvi Arivalagan


Love At Dusk

Love At Dusk

4 mins

Men become old, they never become good. Oscar Wilde

Few seconds she relaxed her breath. She could sense the stealthy steps behind her. When she turned around to check, no one was there. Scared she hurried along. A brisk rush of chilled air passed, leaving her perspire profusely. 

Once again a day in October! Kayal gazed at the dark streaks that slowly surrounded the bus stop. Though the bus stop was in a place that bustled with activity throughout the day, she could feel uneasiness at heart.  

Last minute work occupied her time and when Kayal left the office, it was 6:30 pm. It was drizzling lightly and it took more than ten minutes to reach the bus stop. Usually Kayal would reach the bus stop before 6 pm. After 6 pm, it would be crowded and the buses screeched with people literally hanging around the steps of the bus. Kayal decided to wait till the crowd cleared. 

By 7 pm, most of the crowd will not be there and there will be at least some breathing space in the buses. Kayal decided to wait and take the bus after 7 pm. Sometimes she would take the share autos that were even crowded.

The drizzling rain suddenly turned into a vehement downpour. The crowd at the bus stop ran to the nearby shops to take shelter. Kayal stood there in the downpour and the umbrella did not protect her much from the lashing rain. The rain lashed her with pellets as if punishing for her mistakes. The chill rainwater made her wavering mind cool down for a while and she stood there shivering. There were vehicles on the road but they were at slow pace in the lashing rain. 

 "Hello," someone called her from behind. "Someone from that Tata Magic is calling you." Kayal struggled to see who was inside the car. To her surprise, Kathir in the driving seat waved her. Kathir opened the front door of the car and asked her to get in. 

Kayal could not decide if she must accept this help or stand in the rain for some more time. Except the front seat near Kathir, all the seats at the back was filled with women passengers.

"Get in. It may take another one hour for the rain to stop."

Kathir requested.Folding her wet umbrella, Kayal climbed inside the car.  Her dumb heart made her senses also dumb and she just mumbled "Thanks." 

Kathir did not tell her anything. He was busy driving through the lashing rain that hindered sight. The sound of the lashing rain and the swishing sound of the window wiper filled around her.

"Do you want me to leave at your home?" Kathir broke the silence.

"Hm." Kayal turned around to see if anyone was there at the back seat. All the women passengers had left and Kayal was the only passenger.

"I am going home. No problem to drop you at home." Kathir spoke to her in a softer tone.

The flooded road made her feel timid and the striking lightning sent a shiver down her spine.

"Thanks." Kayal could not refuse his timely help. 

"You need to tell me the way." Kathir smiled at her.

"Sure." Kayal mumbled. Still in her dumb state of mind, she gave him the directions to her home. Her mind was vague and nothing registered on her.

"Will you please stop here?" Kayal requested Kathir.

"Thanks for your help." Kayal had to shout as the sound of raining filled the place. Holding her wet dress clumsily Kayal got down from the car. For a few minutes, she struggled to open the umbrella.

"Nothing is ok with me." Kayal murmured.

"I don't think so." Kathir replied with a smile.

Kayal frowned at him. "Bye, see you later." Folds of drenched saree clung at her legs and Kayal walked clumsily to reach her doorstep. The key slipped in her wet hands and she struggled for a while to open the lock. 

 As usual, there was no electricity. Kayal lit the candle that she usually kept at the windowsill. She lit the candle and made her way into the hall. She could not still come out of the pleasant shock of meeting Kathir at that odd time and his timely help. If he had not dropped her home, she would literally be stranded on the road. Sidharth reached home only after 10 pm and even if had returned earlier, he would not bother to come searching for her. 

It took another thirty minutes for Kayal to grope around in the dark and get changed to warm clothes. She lit the stove and made some hot tea. Sipping the tea she relaxed for a while sitting near the door. A frequent dash of lightning lit the place every few seconds.  Looking at the swirling rainwater down the road made her feel dizzy again.  As there was no electricity, Kayal wiped her hair dry with a towel. She always preferred to dry her thick strands of hair with the drier. 

 "Why you can't wait till it stopped raining?" Sidharth's angry tone shook her up. 

"Hm." Kayal responded reluctantly.

When Sidharth stepped in, the electricity resumed and the entire place turned bright with the light. Kayal blinked her eyes for the light dazzled her eyesight. 

"Why, you thought of picking me up from the office?" Kayal questioned him.

"Never mind. Make me a cup of tea with elaichi." Sidharth slammed the bathroom door loudly.

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