Swati Sahoo

Drama Others Children


Swati Sahoo

Drama Others Children

Love At First Touch

Love At First Touch

5 mins

Mine and my parent's life was all well till I realised that I too need a small brother to play with because all of my friends had one, so my 6 year mind dropped a bomb in the house that I REALLY NEED A BROTHER!! From the first only I was not in favor of having a sister because then I had to share my barbie dolls with her which were much close to me. But now I realize that all I need was a living toy to play with and with whom I could share my sibling-hood. Today also I remember that day when I went with my mother and my grandmother for my mother's sonography. I was only 7 then. When we were outside the doctor's Cabin, I saw a woman with a small charming baby who was smiling and looking at me. Then reacting to this I asked my mother that when will I get to see my brother. Before I could get any answer from my mother the nurse called for us and we went inside. We took our seats and then the doctor asked my mother to lay down on the raised bed so that the sonography can be done. Just then the doctor turned towards me and asked that what I wanted, a brother or a sister? And without any kind of hesitation I answered BROTHER! Then like a GOD the doctor answered "AYUSHMAN BHABHA" as if he knew that I will get a brother and not a sister. Then the most amazing thing I saw in the sonography was the baby which was in my mother's womb is saluting us and then the baby moved one of his hand and action-ed as if he was asking us for something. Reacting to this the doctor said to me that my brother is very happy to see me so he is welcoming me, his elder sister, with a salute and is asking for LADOO  by forwarding his hand.

For me at that fairy tale age it was like a magic that I saw that day on the LCD screen of the clinic. Then came the night which completely changed our lives. It was 6 in the evening when my mother's labor pain started, then my father went to call for an auto so that we could take her to the hospital as we didn't a have four-wheeler at that time. All went to the hospital except for me and my grandmother. That whole night I couldn't sleep dreaming and imagining about the next morning that when I will see my small brother. At night 10.30 PM we got the news that it's a boy and I don't know about others but I danced like a mad person on bed that night after getting the news. Now it became impossible for me to wait for the morning but somehow my grandmother made me sleep. Next morning, I was the one who had woke up before anyone in the house out of excitement. Then I went to the hospital with my father and saw my mother was holding my brother in her lap. I went close and for me it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!! Then slowly my mother gave my brother to me so that I can hold him and then suddenly he grabbed one of my fingers' with his 5 little fingers. I felt like my breath stopped and I went to another world of my imagination. Now it was LOVE AT FIRST TOUCH for me. That day I felt now I have to be responsible because now I am his ELDER SISTER and he is a baby and I need to take care of him. That day I promised to myself that I will be the second mother for my little champion. SIBLINGS are the ones with whom we share our lives. They are our secret keepers and sometimes secret revealers too but the bond between siblings is inseparable. I really feel that in my case my younger one is more responsible and caring. He is the one who is there for me in my every difficult time. Generally, people say that if there is more age gap between the first child and the second one then the relation between this two is weak. But for me the gap of 7 years didn't change the definition of SIBLING-HOOD between us rather it made our bond stronger. And I have also heard about sibling insecurity, that parents give more love and attention to the younger child but in my case i am the luckier one  because till now I am treated like a baby in the house and my brother also treats me alike. Now he has reached my height. Sometimes for his height I feel that he is elder and I am younger. But then the ELDER SISTER in me reminds me that its time to attack the younger one so that he follows my order and then I can pull his cheeks till he shouts and then I can say that I LOVE HIM THE MOST!!! And I will always kiss him and pull his hair till he cries even after he becomes a father. Because he will always remain my small champion baby who used to wait at the balcony for me to come from school so that he can come and jump on me. He shall always remain my strength as well as my weakness because at any cost I don't want to lose him because if he goes away from me then I shall lose myself.

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