Avinash Chaurasia



Avinash Chaurasia


Metro Travel

Metro Travel

1 min

A fine day, I was traveling in a metro. It was averagely crowded. A woman entered the train with a child held in her hands. Hopefully, she was not used to the metro travel. Someone told her to grab a ladies seat. She looked for seat around, ran toward a vacant women's seat but that was occupied by another woman. Her child was crying now. No one was bothered to offer her a seat. Then a man nearly in his fifties offered her a seat.

A man standing there commented "This is the difference between a man and a woman. You will never find a woman sacrificing a seat. We sacrifice without thinking yet they scream out for equality. Even when everyone seeing her helpless just no one, no woman offered her a seat."

All the seated women saw him furiously but after all, they had to hear him. He sounded bitter but everyone knew he was right.

Why it is always a man who has to sacrifice, has to take care of? Why not a woman? Even I couldn't agree less. Just big mouths don't help. Learn from the man before criticizing and demoralizing him.

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