Children Stories



Children Stories

Mickey Carol

Mickey Carol

2 mins

There was a boy named Mickey Carol in London. His father was a poor farmer.He was a hard-worker.What he was produced from a small piece of land was enough to meet his family's need.Out of his four children,he had three daughters and a son.As Mickey was younger,his parents loved him very much.As a child ,Mickey was very mischievous.He didn't mind in reading.His parents were worry about these types of thinking like one son,didn't read,what will be his future ?.......etc. but Mickey didn't care about this.He said "the text won't be passed by me .If God will help me a little,I'll bring so much money that you can't keep it ".

        A few days later , Mickey got a job as a laborer in a factory.He was paid very little.It was hard to drive , but Mickey wanted to be a rich man.Always he thought how can he make more money ? ,buy a new car,build a big house ,spend more money on his own way.......etc.One day his dream came true.He was a big lottery winner in London.He won 

a $ 9.6 million lottery.He was very happy.He thought " even though I worked throughout my life ,I can't earned that much money .Now

I've a lot of money .so many people will come and work for me.Why would I work for some one else?" Eventually he quitted his normal job.He spent the days with lots of fun . Twenty-six years Mickey gradually became intoxicated.He did all the immoral things like took drugs,drank,played gambling, ate only in big restaurant, womanzie ,use expensive cars....etc.He was later jailed for drug possession.

      Wealth is one of those things that make a person prosperous,who invests it in the right way.His wealth increases.Anyone who invests it in the wrong way,ends up with the root.Gradually all his money was gone. Then he was the ordinary man he became.He was no longer able to eat .In the end he begged.Then he understood his mistake and forgot to eat laziness.He thought ,he would work hard and eat. Again he thought he could be happy if he got a job for £200 in a week.At the same time his avarice was gone .At last he comprehended" The wealth of hard work is always sweet".

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