Chhaya Devda

Romance Fantasy Others


Chhaya Devda

Romance Fantasy Others



4 mins

Enjoying the past two robberies, Mike & Ed have finally started to enjoy the partnership. However, after the last one, Ed has kept his distance from Mike as per his rule of not meeting for 2 weeks. Mike usually progresses with his normal life as a 17-year-old. How can a story be completed of a teen without a female character in it?

Beccy is a year junior to Mike in School. However, she is an introvert. She focuses on what is more important in life and on her self-improvement so that she can achieve her career goals. Whenever someone asks about what she wants to become she says.....'I can become anything, you never know'. In reality, she doesn't know what she wants to become is just extending horizons so that she ensures no door is closed for her in the future. Although with only 2 friends in her life she manages to enjoy herself apart from her self nurturing agenda.

Mike does have a crush on her but never really spoke to her. Mike is not that obsessed about it as he knows he is attracted because of the hormones. One day after school, Mike was going back in his roller scooter and she was walking back home with her friends with paper Milkshake mugs in her hands. As Mike passed them one of the friends dropped a paper milkshake mug. Mike turned around and went towards them. Picked up the mug and threw it away. he asked if she was fine and another friend replied 'It might have slipped from her hand'. Mike without saying a word returned on his scooter as he didn't want to speak out of weirdness around. 

The friend's conversation'

Beccy 'Why did you jerked'

Friend 'Dah! I know you have a crush on him...just helping you'

Beccy 'No need, I am busy in my own world'

Another friend 'Ok then I will flirt with him'

Beccy irritatingly 'fine, I will speak to him tomorrow'

Next day during lunch break... Beccy was eating with her friends and Mike was at the opposite table. Friends teasing her & Mike trying to avoid eye contact with Beccy. Finally, one friend told Mike 'Hey, thanks for yesterday Mike.' 

Mike with no smile 'You are welcome...'

Friend: 'Why don't you join us

Mike ' I almost finished my lunch..some other time' & left 

The next day Beccy was just entering school when Mike too parked his roller. Mike saw Beccy but hesitated to say anything. He wanted to speak to her but about what he didn't know.

Mike without thinking just spoke whatever came to his mind 'Hi... I spoke to one of your friends yesterday....can you tell me her name?'

Beccy 'Why?'

Mike ' I just wanted to speak to her'

Beccy 'O, it Emily...we call her Em'

Mike paused then said 'Thanks...' staring at her for some time then left. 

Beccy was happy about Mike speaking to her but not that happy as he spoke only about Em. 

During lunch, Em brought Mike to the table where they usually sit. Beccy was conscious but did not react too much. 

The conversation started about maths subject and Mike being senior gave some tips. Em, and other friends went to buy brownie at the canteen desk leaving Mike & Beccy alone. 

Mike: 'Which are the subjects you like the most

Beccy 'I like them all, however, I am weak in history' I really don't understand why it's important to understand so much about what has happened, it's of no use!' 

Mike 'Yeah, as if world war ages will come again!' both laughed and continued 

With Em returned and teased both. Beccy tried to escalate the tease but Em then started calling them Mikey... Romeo Juliet of History.

Soon after school, Mike started to hang out with Em and Beccy and Mikey was officially popular in school

Beccy was on the one-hand unaware of Mike's dark secret and on another hand, Mike enjoying the company of Beccy kept chatting and calling each other often. While Mike helped her in their studies and Beccy attracting more towards Mike. Will Beccy treat Mike after knowing his truth the same way? Keep reading folks! 

P.S Even I don't want this sweet love story to end and can Beccy be the person who can bring back Mike from the path he chose to go on.

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