Riona D Souza

Children Stories


Riona D Souza

Children Stories

Mrs Grumpyface

Mrs Grumpyface

3 mins

Once, in a small town there lived a grumpy old lady who never smiled. She lived all alone in her tiny apartment. She was never happy and hated everybody, especially children. All her neighbors were scared of her. They called her "Mrs Grumpyface" since nobody knew her real name.

A new family had just moved in right next to Mrs Grumpyface's house, which was empty since the 30 years. Everyone in the neighborhood were scared for the new neighbors, especially since there was a little boy in it too. They all knew about how much Mrs Grumpyface hated children.

The next day, the newly moved Fritz family invited all their neighbors for a tea party to know more about the neighborhood. Everyone turned up to the party and were really enjoying themselves until...


Everyone froze as they heard the loud banging noise.

"It must be M.. M.. Mrs Grumpyface!" said Rosy from the 2nd block.

"All the children... hide... quick!" shouted Rosy's mother.

And all the children began to hide in various places inside the house. The Fritz's were very puzzled. Who was this 'Mrs Grumpyface' afterall ?thought Mr Fritz as he opened the door. It was Mrs Grumpyface indeed with her grumpy old face behind the door.

Suddenly, everyone began to feel uneasy and the party became boring. Mrs Grumpyface was standing in the corner with her arms crossed, staring at the Fritz family from top to bottom. She didn't seem very warm. She stared harder as Mrs Fritz tried to talk to her.

Little Timmy, the son of Mr and Mrs Fritz was curious about who Mrs Grumpyface was afterall. He ignored the other children as they warned him not to leave his hiding spot.

"Hey Mrs Grumpyface"

Mrs Grumpyface turned around after hearing the greeting and to her surprise it was a little boy. She certainly wasn't happy looking at him. Her eyes got redder, her frown got deeper and she was looking even more frightening now.

"Don't you know how much I hate children, little boy?" roared Mrs Grumpyface angrily.

"But why do you hate children?" retorted Little Timmy.

"Because they are noisy and always laughing!"

"Don't you like to laugh?" asked Little Timmy.

"I HATE TO LAUGH!" yelled the old grumpy woman.

"But why?"

Mrs Grumpyface turned around. She didnt reply. Little Timmy kept asking her "why?" over and over again, but she wouldn't respond. Instead everyone in the party heard sob. It definitely wouldn't be Mrs Grumpyface! She was always grumpy afterall. But the sobbing got louder and everyone were astonished to see that it was Mrs Grumpyface. Nobody had seen her crying before.

"I hate laughter because people laughed at me. I hate children the most because they laughed at me the most. I don't smile because my teeth are crooked, and that's why everyone laughed at me!" cried Mrs Grumpyface.

Everyone in the party felt a deep remorse after hearing Mrs Grumpyface's story. Turned out that Mrs Grumpyface wasn't actually grumpy, but very upset deep inside. All the neighbors realized how their laughing made Mrs Grumpyface distressed all these years. They all apologized to her and hugged her.

"We are all sorry Mrs Grumpyface, we didn't realize how our actions affected you. We are all very ashamed!" said all the elders in the room.

"And we are sorry too Mrs Grumpyface! We won't laugh at you again", added the children as they slowly crept out of their hiding spots.

Mrs Grumpyface finally let out a little smile. She wasn't grumpy or upset anymore.

"It's fine!" she said happily, "And I'm Ms Elizabeth Croft!"

The old woman wasn't known as "Mrs Grumpyface" anymore. They all lovingly called her "Ms Croft" and she always smiled wide and was kind to all the neighbors.

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