Md Maruf Hasan

Tragedy Action Inspirational


Md Maruf Hasan

Tragedy Action Inspirational



15 mins

David was talking with Adam while walking in park. They both are students living in small town in Mexico. For last few months people are mysteriously disappearing from different parts of Mexico. David and Adam often discuss about various issues when they walk during afternoon. They talk about various issues randomly as this

is just free time for them. Both of them love to read downloading books from internet since this is very difficult for them to manage hardcopy in this small town.

David started to speak today.

David said, “Anyone who has read Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment would perhaps predict that the most dangerous threat is debt for which we are tied with invisible power. Money is the real living God whom we worship regardless of our religious and non-religious backgrounds.”

Adam replied, “True, if you follow this society, you would be trapped forever till you die.”

David kept on talking, “"Go outside of your comfort zone" one university Professor was advising to his students. Muhammad named it "Tawakkul"(Depend on God). Jean-Paul Sartre and Heidegger introduced the concept of thrownness. Nietzsche earlier introduced the Übermensch. Kierkegaard named it as “Leap of faith”. All are using the same concept giving different terms. Each individual living here has a unique capability that another person does not have. You are the best decision-maker for yourself if you can use your active mind in this human society. Do mistakes and learn but keep on moving. The world is a merciless place. The person parsing you today would scold you tomorrow just because you missed one paper. All people you see around you working for his or her personal interest. An emotional game is one of the most dangerous games by which people want to manipulate and fool others. That's how a lover does for his beloved. A politician does play this emotional game with mass donkeys to keep his position. “Divide” and “Rule”. The basis of Nationalism depends on these two simple words.”

Adam expressed his thought also, “A manager wants a restaurant to be organized according to his views. Have you noticed that if another new manager comes in, you need to follow new way to organize the restaurant? A waiter or worker just need to blindly follow whatever manager asks to follow. What if you do not listen manager’s instruction without justifying your stance? (I do doubt that they would provide little chance to work using your creativity based on your justification. I mean the scope is very limited and confined by higher authority). The answer is you would be kicked out from job the next day as simple as that.”

Said David, “No doubt, we have no freedom. By the look at the prostitutes in Mexico. What is the status of prostitution in society? How prostitutes are seen in society? Who are these prostitutes? That is your grandmother whom your parents kicked out long time ago. That is your mother who wanted to provide foods and give money for your education after your father’s death long time ago by so called written fate by stupid God (Everything has wisdom? Read The Candid of Voltaire). That is your sister who wanted to pay debt that was paid to doctors for your critical operation? That is your ex-wife whom you left for dowry. What about the brokers of prostitutes? Are not they devils? Are not some devils being better than Devils? They actually provided a way when your grandmother, mother and sister were on the street desperately looking for money when worthless God ran away from the street by not being able to calculate the math of human problems.  God seems always ready to punish once these prostitutes are death with HIV, STD and cancer.

These grandmothers, mothers, sisters become like cancer in the eyes of religious and so called dumb educated society and they would be seen like trash in hell after the death. Why? Because they broke religious rules when religion provided no solution in the street. Once a prostitute left with critical condition before her death bed in Indian subcontinent, no religious leaders went there to take care of her except a so-called bad man, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay who was called as bad man by religious fundamentalists. “God is merciful” is meaningless as for A. J Ayer and the sentence makes no sense as for David Hume.”

“Do not you believe in God?” asked Adam.

“I am not sure but I am just curious to understand the credibility and effectiveness of world religions” replied David.

“Hmmm …. That is best position in fact as a student” commented Adam while both of them walked near to some small shops in the park. They bought some snacks and kept on walking again.


“The world is all about marketing now. Nobody gives a damn about your emotional state. As soon as you write it down and publishing by bashing your personal God. That's so sensitive. You should keep it in your mind only. Why? Because society is led by donkey politicians and donkey religious leaders. Both have common ground and both play an emotional game by the name of Gods. Millions of people are out there to die based on their statements. Why? because they are speaking on behalf of God which nobody has ever seen.” David talked first.


Adam added saying, “I guess in one dimension Mansur al-Hallaj realized that God does not exist and hence he is the real God. Unity of existence (Wahdat al- Wujud) against unity of witness (Wahdat ash-Shuhud) makes sense but both are wishful thinking based on their level of realization about the God and the universe based on old religious literature. Monism of Spinoza and Einstein is similar wishful thinking about the God and the universe. All these ideas have no empirical basis, only linguistic expert fools can argue for years by accusing for not proper understanding primary language. What a dirty foolish thought they hold at their minds! Imagine story of Joseph in the Quran or Bible. Even though the works are translated but the main theme is not distorted. When it comes to major themes, we can easily grasp the content but these religious linguistic behave as if we misinterpret and misunderstand their religious thoughts just because we do not speak in a language that they do but we do have our own language and the books translated in our language and we can pose relevant question. Maybe one person can be wrong but not all the readers. I am talking about general theme or content, but they always try to divert excusing language to win the debate.”

David seemed thinking for 15 minutes not speaking anything

“The best realization came in New Atheism actually, I think. It is like you created God and you must kill him by your knowledge. I would say , in fact , the Five Horsemen (Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence M. Krauss, Sam Harris) have done really great job for our young generation that must be appreciative. That’s why the movement new atheism carries value in 21st century. The society you live in is pure bullshit. Have you read Kafka? No matter how much you try you are pulled down from back for no valid reason and this is still your fault and that is how society works and you stare at sky hoping a God must be there for justice. Both have common feature and both ask you to follow blindly even if that looks irrelevant, absurd with your case “They’re talking about things of which they don't have the slightest understanding, anyway." Kafka (The Trial) . We spent our time paying debt our whole life. Money is our real God whom we worship only. Look at your middle-class uneducated parents. What they are looking for? What do they expect from you? That's the money man. Did you break up your relationship yesterday? why man? Money. Wherever you go you end up learning money is the real God whom we worship. Frankly speaking, The only universal lie it seems when we say, " you have a God.". That is a universal and absolute lie that every religion wants to spread. This is the only unknown working tool by which we can drive mass people.” Said David


Adam said thoughtfully, “your speech makes sense. In fact, we are jealous and want to prevent our friends from giving religious excuses when he is dating a beautiful girl whom we like also. Your hypocrisy is covered by the mask of religious hypocrisy. That's how religious teaching works in the current world. We ask the best students to die for God but do not realize that the decision came from religious political leaders containing human speculation. We should try to prevent them targeting school children. Education curriculum should be free from religious dogmas. Otherwise, we can see later on they are brained washed by different religious and political organizations and if they die, they are fine but they can only realize the hypocrisy of their leaders when they would have active mind free from any religious dogmas. Corrupted ideologies are practiced everywhere for sex, money, and power directly or indirectly. What they say in day time, they do completely opposite at night. We are tied with system that cannot be broken easily unless we show stubbornness like our previous reformers. How would you say to “No” to senior officers when our education system taught us to say “Yes” always in school? Did you experience being disagree with your teacher? Blind religious teaching and blind secular teaching made our students mind so passive that we even do not dare to use our active mind to say “No” even if we think our teachers are wrong. Science class has that solution. You get either 10 out of 10 or 0 out of 10. You can challenge your paper always what social science and religious subjects fail to provide. As a result, we need to worship teachers as Gods despite their nonsense views.”

“Exactly. It makes sense” David confessed.


Then he said, “As a victim oppressed by society when a boy or a girl shout out speaking against religion. Why do you want to shut the mouth of that victim? This is literature. We would shout for our concerns. We would write down what is happening with us. Why do you hypocrites ask us to keep silent? All the sincerity for God is just useless madness when God is just dead notion. What kind of ambiguous justice by  these scriptures is being referred? Gods are themselves fighting each other for their particular groups as shown in Homer’s Odyssey. All the religious scriptures are nothing but more than artistic literature for wishful thinking. The concept of Day of judgment is one of the most illusionary concepts ever produced to make a false promise just for consolation for mass people, I think. Living celibate life and running away from worldly life being coward are taught in many world religions still in this age of technology. Wilson, Iqbal and Byrne understood the materialist world as void of spirituality and gave some kind of solution for consolation. Huxley also gave the solution of spirituality by perennialism. Frankly speaking, none of the works carry little truth about the fact about the universe. The universe is merciless. Power is everything here. If you know how to swim you would survive and if you do not know how to swim you would die as simple as that. Learn how to swim whether you are a girl or a boy. Do not depend on others. Sea can be your friend but very dangerous in your helpless condition. Fight till you are alive.”

Adam laughed and said, “Like Nietzsche perhaps Ubermen. I guess Sufi teaching is back here. The truth is you are the God. No God was is will be there. You need to be in your own God. Ibn Arabi did understand stating that God is blind faith. you clearly need to understand and you need to keep on faith in this like lover for his beloved even if that's absolutely wrong. There is nothing absolute in this universe and a lover can never ever accept that harsh fact. That is why the tendency of committing suicide comes in among young people who are lacking in regular sex and education. The realization requires knowledge but we have no time. We have no evidence whatsoever for existence of God”

David seemed to change the topic and started to speak about sex now. “Gore Vidal once said that sex does not make sense other than the act itself. The reality is we do have sex very little in a year if we calculate our time. However, the impact on our mind is very huge as Sigmund Freud explained (Childhood experience). Do you remember Adam that Greek literature Iliad started with extramarital affairs?

‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’

John Keats would feel ashamed at his silly statement if he came back on the earth today. He died with tuberculosis hoping for the best from wishful love and God. What consolation did he find today? The concept of beauty has never ever been challenged like today. We lost interest in flowers. We lost interest in women's beauty rather we find beauty in pornography. Bartered Russel gave the clue how we can reduce our excessive emotional state for beauty. I do appreciate the great literature of Shakespeare like Romeo and Juliet, but the ideal love portrayed in the drama is utterly nonsense today. Thousands of pages written supporting eternal love would be considered as waste of energy and time for nothing. It is like we are drunk like crazy and we cannot use our minds. Farid attar portrayed that ideal love for beautiful woman is deceiving emotional state in his epic poem "The Conference of the birds". For Attar, real love is only for God. Nietzsche went far and denied that ideal real love of Farid al- Attar for God by giving the example of a madman in the supermarket with the news of dead God. As a result, Dostoevsky declared that if God is dead everything is allowed. Unfortunately, Voltaire refused the concept of freedom giving us no choice. Voltaire is mostly right if we look from bird eye view but Jean Paul Sartre explained about our limited freedom which we can utilize to be better leaving aside the concept of traditional fate and God.”

Adam started to relate with American literature, “Edgar Allan Poe is considered as the most influential literary figure and the father of dark romanticism in American literature. American writers got influence by this important figure in the following years. Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of them. Nathaniel Hawthorne by his short story " Young Goodman Brown" came up to make us think about the hypocrisy of humans under the veil of sincerity. Nobody is to trust. The novel The Scarlet Letter can be considered as one of the most important novels of Hawthorne to show the oppressing nature of Puritans towards women by the name of religion. Reading Herman Melville’s Moby Dick makes life into absurdity. Irish writer James Joyce gave birth of modern literature leaving Christian God aside. As a result, Theatre of the Absurd in mid-20th century was introduced by Irish writer Samuel Beckett’s drama “Waiting for Godot”. It goes without saying that Shakespeare’s Hamlet is the most important literary masterpiece which covers major themes of human sufferings.

The famous line came out for the first time in English literature in this masterpiece “To be, or not to be: that is the question”. Sigmund Freud praised this masterpiece work of Shakespeare and Dostoevsky’s The Brother Karamazov. Francis Bacon had to leave Cambridge earlier with no degree for his doubtfulness. At first glance if we look at Thomas Jefferson’s historical evidences “Declaration of Independence” we may praise sincerity of American leaders for God but if you looked back historical evidences to establish New Eden by killing thousands of Red Indians, you would realize the real hypocrisy of religious justification. Polish scientist Copernicus did not kill thousands of people like puritan Americans when he sincerely declared his stance on Heliocentrism based on his sincere observation. The difference is religious sincerity is to fulfil personal interest (if you do not want to pay tax to king of England, you could declare directly but you justified your stance from religious stance as king of England did by establishing church of England just to enjoy more girls borrowing idea from Martin Luther. In fact, this trick is used by most of the politicians till today) whereas scientist sincerity is to speak truth as it is.”   

This is almost evening and David looked at his time in his hand watch. He felt like call off the discussion for today then he asked Adam, “Where are we today?”

Adam started to give his last sermon for David, “Business was high in December every year due to Christmas in major tourist cities around the world. When was actual birth date? Who cares about true or false when we can lead hedonistic lifestyle peacefully giving religious excuses? As long as the money comes in and business is profitable and we are happy, we do not care. Money was only living God in December; we say by name of different God and Gods but we only worship money in reality. Who cares about religion actually apart from cultural performance nowadays? Bring a beautiful girl in front of a young men who are from nominal religious background and asked them if they want to sleep with that girl even if it is strictly forbidden in their religion and the girl carries different religious belief. At least, I find all young men would subconsciously agree to sleep with that girl in this circumstance even if you remind them saying she is from different religious background and it is strictly prohibited to have sex before marriage in their particular religion.

People dying in a natural disaster? who cares man? We are out of it. Why should we bother? God is there to test innocent kids by drowning in water. What a test! Do you still sleep? Get up man and go to the street and write something hardcore philosophy. Write something hardcore literature. We want to see a real picture of a society like Russian hardcore writers. Make death your friend only. Die or write. Whom you care when God is being buried in the 21st century. Let’s make the street clear for our future generation. A dream of 21st century is to make upcoming century as the new dawn with knowledge. Education is the only key to success. Read in the street lamp and learn from street. Street can teach you what you never learned and experienced at your comfortable desk and chair. You may observe death while reading. Last but not least, let’s hope for the best of our advanced additions to open the avenue of new exploration to enquire the mystery of our universe.”


Both of them stopped and looked at evening sky. Light prolusion does not allow to see stars nowadays in this small city of Mexico. Thousands of thoughts are going inside their mind every day.

“Why should not we reject God when there is no evidence?” asked David while starring at sky.

 Adam laughed and said, “forget the topic. let’s go to supermarket. I need to buy some stuffs for this week”

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