arshiya khan

Others Drama Children Stories


arshiya khan

Others Drama Children Stories



3 mins

It is one of those cold days, that makes people miss the warmth of sun on their faces. The chill breeze is mighty enough to pull down the resilience of the warm clothes. It touches the bodies and everytime it did so people longed for the sweet summer sweat ! Kia Seltos enters the school gate and stops by at its usual parking spot. Ariel gets down the car and kisses her mother a goodbye.

She inhales a deep breath and looks up at the sky aimlessly. God, I don't want them to be standing there! As she reaches the staircase that leads to the secondary classes, a hand grabs her bag that hung loosely from her shoulders. Miss country girl why don't you greet us before entering your class says, Beatrice. Did you bring your chickens for the biology class? joins in Craig. They laugh out loud. Ariel pushes away Beatrice and runs to her class. She walks down the aisle of her classroom to reach the last row not before going through some racist and rude comments from her fellow mates. Her face falls with embarrassment.

Mrs. Solomon enters the class with the brightest smile, class I have been called for a council meeting, so I expect you to keep up the decorum of the class and go through the salient features of DNA. As soon as she leaves, the class is filled with howls and chirping. Ariel leaves for the restroom. Unlike other girls that would never go to a restroom without their pack, she always went alone. It is always crowded, with senior girls taking out their palette and brushing over their cheekbones. Junior girls gossiping about the new matchups and breakups. Ariel reached the last toilet cubicle and shut the wooden door behind her. She was taken by surprise to see blood… all …over.

She was about to scream but something choked her pharynx, her fragile emotions. What if they accuse me of this crime? I don't want to be the talk of the campus! I have always been bullied …I can't take this accusation though!! She opened the door in a Jift and ran away from there. Seeing her run so bewildered a senior girl checked the cubicle and let out a scream!. The school counselor Mrs Salvatore had reached the site upon being called immediately. She was calm and composed, the girls in the restroom were viciously curious. I shall talk to Ariel, all of you can leave.

Ariel was sitting in front of Mrs. Salvatore with tears rolling down her cheeks, frightened, she clutched her bag close to her chest. I didnt do anything, I see people staring at me and that's humiliating! Mrs. Salvatore was silent and let Ariel speak her heart out. And then dialled her mother's number, after speaking for a few minutes she handed over the phone to Ariel. Poor Ariel held it close with both her hands trembling. Her mother on the other side "Welcome to womanhood sweetheart! I shall come and pick you up, relax."

Mrs. Salvatore with her genuine smile and years of experience, "Ariel let this day be the last day that you are embarrassed about periods! Stand up to the stain and bullying, you are a woman and that is your greatest strength".

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