SushreeBaisakhi Sahoo

Classics Inspirational


SushreeBaisakhi Sahoo

Classics Inspirational

My Best Friend Saved Me

My Best Friend Saved Me

3 mins

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend Who changes your life. Just as part of it Makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there is truly good in the world. Someone who makes you believe that there really is an unlocked door waiting for you to open. It's forever friendship And I got that friendship from you.

what should I write about you? what should I write for you? sometimes i don't find words to write you and sometimes I don't get enough words to write you. But I am writing to you to thank you.

When the inevitable happened, In last, I talked about how difficult my life was, and Was I at risk? Absolutely. Did I hate who I was, and think I was worthless? Totally. Did I drink? Self-harm? Want to die? More days than any teenage girl should.

In truth, my story really hasn’t even begun. I’ve really only just laid out the framework, where things all started. What I’m trying to do is paint a picture of the million things in life that impact us.

you were there to pick up my pieces. I fell apart for the first time in front of you and you didn’t even back away. You held my hand through the darkest times and I don’t think I will ever be able to repay you.

That saying that God puts people in your life for a reason, and it is so true for me. God placed you in my life at the right time and for all the right reasons. We were always meant to be friends, our friendship was built for this. I don’t rely on anyone for anything but you made it so easy for me to. I love you so much more for that. You allowed me to let go and feel everything when my life was in pieces. For the first time in a long time, I didn't feel alone.

When he broke me, you helped me glue the pieces back together. You talk to me about darkness because you knew it could bite me back. You were there for me even when I didn’t want anyone. You showed me how much better off I am without him. 

I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for the kindness you showed me. And I know I’ll never be able to tell you how grateful I am for saving my life. Your friendship means more to me than anything in this world.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for picking up the pieces of my broken heart. Thank you & Love you till the eternity.

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