My Life..

My Life..

2 mins

I am not a fluent English speaker so please bear with me

13th November 2019

Waking up early can be so hard for some people but not me, I am an early riser, what's hard for me is getting to class. I'm not an introvert but I get suffocated in the mist of people, so I always prefer being alone in my own world.

Back to the story, I woke up early, as usual, studied for a while and oh I forgot to say that I'm a medical student which means books are now part of my life, I keep going out of context. So I studied and then chose the outfit of the day which means comparing every jeans and shirt to see if they will match( honestly picking the right outfit is the hardest thing for me every morning). Well, I had my breakfast and then went to my friend next door to see if she's ready which she said she wasn't aware of our morning class so I had to walk alone to class yayyyy. Not that I don't like walking with her I do but as I said I always want to be alone, sometimes because I say lot of things, like things I should be telling my really close friends.

Well I got to class silently praying that no one was on my seat, not that it's a good spot but I just like sitting there because they are rarely people around the seat. We had biophysics the lecture was okay, and anatomy comes after but I went to the bank to do stuff, I came back thirty minutes into the lecture I already told my friend to sign my attendance, the lecture was suffocating as usual so I went out for fresh air, the lecturer gave them 10 minutes break as usual, I saw my crush walking with his crush, I'm so tired I will probably write tomorrow

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