Cherline Madera



Cherline Madera


My One Great Love

My One Great Love

4 mins


       The school bell rang signed for all students inside of St. Louis School. That was my first day in said school, as a freshman, I feel nervous and definitely have no idea what school surprise is.

I adjusted myself and take a deep breath before I walked towards the building where the freshman classes took while walking in the hallway I looked one by one at the section written on the door. " Hi!, you need help?!" 

Voice of a burly man from behind me and I turned on behind me, it's Alexander wearing a smile back at me and slowly approaching where I stand," mmmm...Hi!, Yeah, I can't find my section, can you help me with that?" I responded to him, " Sure not a problem,can I have your schedule class card?" He asked, I gave to him my schedule. Class card and he read it" hmmm... Section Star, let's go there," he said, without any words he held my hand while we sped toward my classroom, and we found it, he the one knock at the open door while still hold my one hand," Yes, mister Morgan," the teacher thought while glancing at me" Good morning, Mister Mc Daniel, I have with me one of your students, she was my neighbor, aren't late on her first-day class Sir?!" Alexander told to my teacher, "Not so much, Morgan, she can go inside now" the teacher said to Alexander, Alexander look at me with a handsome smile" You heard that you are not yet late for your class, so, I'll leave you here?" He told to me" yes, sure, thank you" I thought with a smile and I immediately entered my classroom, my teacher followed with me

" You may sit now, lady," my teacher told me. " Thank you, sir," I told.

That was so good start to our moment with Alexander.

Right after my two subject classes, I and my two close classmates, Quincy and Katie decided to go to the school pantry because it was our break, I bought one chicken tuna sandwich and cold drinks and pay at the cashier, and we easily find a vacant table and occupied it.

" Are you sure, Bea, the handsome guy help you awhile ago it's only your neighbor, not a suitor?" Katie asked, "Yes he was only my neighbor only, In fact, I was thankful he was there for me when I have a hard time finding our room," I told Katie, " Question, did you not find he was attracted to you?" Quincy said " Nope" my response, " I don't know if your eyes have a problem or maybe you are denying it"Katie told, " Speaking of..." Quincy said It was Alexander at the door of the school pantry, there with my companions, I focus my eyes on my food, so that he doesn't see me, but I was wrong, So, he saw me, and he approached our table together with his companions, " Beatrice, it's your breaks?" Alexander told me, lifted my head from the nod and look towardly at him smiling back at me, my heart started to beat faster I didn't know why," Yeah, i- it's our .I mean ..breaks also?!' I stuttered a response and quickly drink the cold drinks" nope, it's our vacant time, me and my classmate to go here to take a snap" he told, I saw his eyes how staring on me, Almost I melted on my sit that moment, I don't know what happened to me." Excuse us ." Quincy cut us, Alexander looks at Quincy" Hi!, I'm Quincy, Bea's classmate, and this is Katie!" Quincy introduce themselves to him, " Nice to meet you, I'm Alexander Morgan, Bea's neighbor, but you can call me Xander" Alexander told to them., Alexander sat beside me that time reason that I felt restless, but I don't manifest so, therefore, Alexander and others noticed it.

Alexander offered to accompany us back to the building, but we did not refuse it.

" So, here our building, thank you guys to accompany us," Katie told" You are welcome if you need us or even me just find or ask me in the Sophomore building, they know me well," Alexander told to us " Yes, because he is one of a heartthrob in Sophomore.." told Alexander classmates and everyone's laughing, while me smiling, Alexander see that and he smiling again back to me" so, we needed to go to our next class, again, thank you guys, A-, I mean Xander," I thought to him" sure," he responded.

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