Nature's Lesson

Nature's Lesson

3 mins

Once upon a time, there was an old man staying alone in his house. He was very fond of gardening and was very strict, particular regarding the cleanliness of his garden. He used to sweep the garden every morning and evening. During the autumn season when leaves start to fall, his workload multiplies twice, sometimes thrice. The squirrels used to jump over the pile of leaves, butterflies roam and exchange their love with flowers, birds used to sit over the mango trees to build a nest and sometimes children do enjoy their hide and seek among themselves. Gradually the number of the incoming audience (squirrels, butterflies, birds, and small kids) increased to spend their enjoyable time with nature. But this became a hectic for the old man as he has to work even more hard to maintain the garden as per his wish. To him, no leaf, flower should fall on ground and even if so happened, immediately he was cleaning that. The ground should look completely fine to his eyes. To make this happen he restricted the entry of children, frightened squirrels, butterflies, birds so that they would run away. He used to sit in front of the garden day and night so that nobody can touch his well-grown trees, beautiful fresh flowers and green growing grass.

This trend continued day by day and through time he could notice that grasses have become wilted, mango trees have more yellow leaves than green, that year mango quantity seem to be extremely low, fresh flowers gradually lost their cheerfulness, started becoming dull so started falling soon. He watered the plants more than before but no improvement happened. Even situations became worse.

One evening, his friend came to his house to meet and found him very sad. When he asked to the old man what happened, he narrated the story. After listening, his friend said trees, flowers, squirrels, butterflies, birds and even children are the beautiful creatures of nature those together bring happiness, glory the environment and ultimately beautify it. Flowers also need the gathering, the innocence touch. Kids, squirrels definitely require their enjoyment. Birds want to fly in the open sky but at the same time need greenery shade to take rest and nourish their children. We all are interdependent and that's how we exchange our love, share our beautiful timings so that there will be a balance in nature and the grassy land of Mother Nature will grow, glow and shine with colors.

So, my dear friend, you allow everyone to come to your garden, give freedom to share their time with nature so that your garden will be happy. The old man could understand his faults and next day onward he removed all the boundaries and allowed everyone to enjoy in his garden. Within few days, the faded glow of the garden returned back and everybody was very happy.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Mother Nature has spread the love equally among all her creatures. Kindly do not restrict it.

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