Jennifer Nocturn

Drama Inspirational


Jennifer Nocturn

Drama Inspirational

No Regrets

No Regrets

2 mins

Life is pretty small. Usually, things don't turn out as planned. At the very end, we mope and grieve for the loss which has already soared and yet to do more.

It's not late when everyone, sooner or later goes through this phase in their lives. We presume that we got a lot of time ahead of us. But everyone seems to find a way to ditch and we can see the unseen, the loss of a soul, a very dear soul. We're just left with some enigmatic memories and deep regret that we didn't fulfil the promises we made, not even a goodbye, nor a proper thank you. A thought just keep swinging in the mind, "If I could have just one more chance, I could tell him how much he was worth to me, how important he was in my life and how thankful I am for all his favours, how grateful I am for all his support and how dearly I loved him."

If only things could go back to how they were, if only we could revert our deeds, if only we could make different choices.

Folks, life is not the one to blame, it gives us pretty abundant chances to keep things going right, the fact is however foggy until someone precious is lost to the dire grasp of death.

Why can we not live the day, speaking what's on the mind, how the heart and the brain truly feel, how their constant quarrels still produces a meaningful result, apologise for all the stupidity and all the mistakes, and thanking for the beautiful moments by keeping the cliff high ego aside and carve a monumental place to accommodate many in the heart. So that, maybe someday when you are to leave this world behind, you'll be happy saying "I got no regrets since I didn't keep any".

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