A journey to space!



A journey to space!


Number 1 Stupid Crazy Class #2

Number 1 Stupid Crazy Class #2

1 min

Hindi Classes

They are literally the best, the badmash(badass) boys always keep saying things that we all keep laughing over and we are so lucky that our hindi teacher is so funny too!

Malayalam classes

Always reading and tests! But not gonna lie because of it I've improved in it a lot.

Computer classes

Our computer classes are always filled with laughter the ma'am literally can't control our class!

Maths classes

Really fun doing math! Filled with homework... Our sir is also pretty cool and plus it's like someone is trying to not allow sir to take classes, because in between one of our math class we taken to computer lab and once for IDK I don't remember 😜.

Social studies Classes

Really full of notes and studies!

Science classes

We went to lab twice till now and having a great time 🙂

English classes

We have a topic for every Thursday and gotta speak about it in front of class! Everyone literally freaks out 😂😂

Art classes

I am the artist in class

Library classes

Don't have any good books only once I even got a good book and whenever any girl is sitting down and finding any book one guys always says "carpet for us". Like the girls skirts are carpet 😂😂😜

I am having a great time at school, what about you?

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