Ravi Valluri

Drama Tragedy Action


Ravi Valluri

Drama Tragedy Action



1 min

He was named Shravan by his parents. And he served his parents with utmost dedication living  to his impeccable credentials.

Years ago , there was  yet  another Shravan Kumar , who was felled by the lethal arrows of Dasratha and was cursed by the parents that he would be separated from his favorite son Lord Ram , in the  most unfortunate circumstances. This unfortunate incident occurred  in Treta Yuga.  

Kalyuga  - 2021

Meanwhile Shravan's  parents were afflicted by the lethal virus Corona or Covid - 19.They were gasping for breath and were desperately in need of Sanjivani in form of O2.  They were battling for life as their breath clung tenuously . The vital prana   for existence was slowly ebbing.

Meanwhile a devastated and distraught Shravan  ran from pillar to post  bin search of O2. He was fortuitous to discover two cylinders of O2  for his septuagenarian parents. Filled with jollity he bicycled 30 miles ferrying the life saving Sanjjevani.   As he reached the hospital he struck by a speeding SUV.    His parents were hospitalized in this very hospital. At the wheels of this  pretentious vehicle was one Dharmendra Kumar.

Shravan  was immediately wheeled into the ICU as he sustained  a grievous  head injury. The oxygen cylinders came in handy and were  administered on Shravan Kumar's parents and  they were brought out from the jaws of death.  Unfortunately Shravan  collapsed on the operation table and life was snuffed out of his life.

"Why did this happen ?" an inconsolable Ramesh Kumar  thought allowed .  He then recalled that around  several years ago , he did not partake o2 to his brother  Sunil Kumar  at a discounted rate when his brother and wife were in desperate need of oxygen . The miserly Ramesh like a vulture was keen on profiteering   at a critical juncture.

Nature thus avenged , Karmic Cycle took its toll as Shravan paid for his father's misdemeanor. Be it Treta Yug or  Kalyug , humanitarianism should never be compromised at the altar of avarice. 

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