Poonam Vaze

Romance Fantasy Inspirational


Poonam Vaze

Romance Fantasy Inspirational

Ordinary Love

Ordinary Love

2 mins

Boy meets a girl in the most ordinary way. They get married not in heavens; but in a simple way. Parents happy and boy satisfied, only the girl thinks:

'Is he my Mr. Right?? He is surely not my fantasy man.' She says as her heart sinks.

Her only desire being her boy propose kneeling on his feet , but he always denies it.

He gives her all goodness of life but her romantic wish is never satisfied. In melancholy she ask him one day:

"Am I asking too much? " She says.

"No dear that's peanuts for me. "

"Then why don't you succumb to my wish? "

"I find this quite kiddish."

"That means you don't love me.. . She says in anguish.

She feels betrayed in love just because he didn't bow down and lurve.

Years pass by and they age with grace but she always feels half-embraced. Still he hasn't knelt on his knees and proposed...

"We are at the end of our life, I suppose." She says and collapse in a second.

The stroke paralyzes her body in a lethal way. The doctor says:

She may pass away.

"No she won't ."Says the oldie-goldie boy as he arranges the oxygen cylinder nearby.

That morning being embellished with beautiful sunlight, with gentle breeze flowing between them giving fragrance of life.

And then he kneels to adjust the oxygen pipe and murmurs:

"Please live for me a bit more... You are the only gift I have in my store."

Oldie-goldie girl 's heart beat on his emotional knit. Vaguely she hears him sobbing at her seat.

My My !!!! It is his love exhibit .

She calls him near her and whispers her poetics:

Why did I yearn for one gesture

When I had lush green pasture

Love is love even if not expressed

Needless to say it should be heartfelt 

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