Prakash Rao



Prakash Rao


Pandemic Time Stories

Pandemic Time Stories

2 mins

Let me recall a new story to you which is partly true and partly imaginative.

After losing the 3rd T-20 cricket match and also the series, during the post-match presentation ceremony, the Indian skipper had this to say: "Although we lost the T-20 tournament and series, there are some positives that emerged from the young team which we can carry back to India. All our boys tested positive for Corona which is quite "noteworthy" If not noteworthy. So what if we lost the series, but we caught the attention of Corona which is a positive gain by any standard. "Stay positive", is what I keep saying to my boys or teammates". Thus ended the speech of the Indian cricket team captain on a positive note!

Now let me recall to you another story of recent times which is very much true & factual. The title of the story is: "Stepping into a dangerous turf"

Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu has been chosen as the new captain of the Congress political party in Punjab. It is hoped that he can keep the party afloat and evergreen in Punjab in the days and years to come.

But politics is a different ball game altogether where the grass is not green and the pitch (turf) can be uneven & bouncy.

While cricket is a gentleman's game, politics is a "not so gentle" Man's game. Everything is "fair & transparent" in cricket while Every sting is "fair & hidden" in politics. Cricket is a game played between known rivals and familiar opponents while a political game involves non-rivals and fake opponents. Wrong decisions are reviewed in cricket whereas wrong decisions are approved in politics.

Bottom Line :

Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu seems to have taken a wrong decision which has been wrongly approved by the wrong people, for which I feel sad and sorry for him!

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