Anannya Dash



Anannya Dash


Patriotism On Its Way...

Patriotism On Its Way...

2 mins

While going back to home....on Republic Day...

I saw a group of youngsters playing pub g in their cell phones in front of the school..a question arose to my mind...

What seemed to be more important than the tricolor?

I moved on without asking for an answer...

I realized one thing at the very moment and applauded for those juveniles..what a worthy quality they have inherited and what would they inherit!? the condition of society today ...where are those days when people starved to get Freedom and where are those days when people stayed awake the whole night and were those days when people dreamt of not living in a sedentary lifestyle...

When the national anthem blares out of the radio, my veins stand still and my heart gets strong...

But what about those fellows !!?

When Republic Day is being celebrated inside the ignorant they were to peep inside...what appeared to be more important than the mother India's birthday... Questions and questions but no one to answer... Yes! My dear readers, you are right this is the so-called 21st century......

A few hours later news came on the television.

"2 senior citizens gave their worthy life for the tricolor flag."

I was in a deep shock ... goosebumps all round by skin... What!?

After going in detail about the news I came to know that those youngsters I saw where the victims ...they were splitting on the tricolor flag and these two courageous men went to stop them from doing such blunders but in return were shot by those fellows whom I came across... Did they do anything wrong? Comment...

What a great patriotism did the two old men show...! What a valuable message did they give to society...Salute to them and bow down for the actually born legends.

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