Bhaskar Mulagada

Tragedy Fantasy Thriller


Bhaskar Mulagada

Tragedy Fantasy Thriller

Phosphorus 4 - Unidentified

Phosphorus 4 - Unidentified

3 mins

The fireball mystery is over and now it is time to finish up the witch..... 

All are stuck in the dense jungle and now are lost. Sandy, being injured stays on the shore and waits for everyone. Everything is dark in the jungle. Pythons and Vipers are plenty and are visible easily. They are totally scared. 

All of a sudden, Sandy's shouts from the shore, indicating he is in danger. They ran towards him, to their sad he is killed by someone unidentified on the island. He was not in ashes, he was completely visible. Unbearable, they buried him quickly and moved away. Something is strange. They didn't cry loudly as the opposition can kill them after hearing their voice. 

While moving away, Horner spotted some unidentified footsteps of some creature, it was not a human, it was like an unidentified animal. They had a camera so they quickly took a photo and moved away as quickly as they can. 

After an hour, they heard a creepy spooky echoing voice coming from the east. It was an hour before sunrise. Suddenly, Waddle, who was walking at the last, was missing. They called him out, no response. Carl spotted some blood dots fallen on the ground and they were continuous till the Mango Tree where Waddle's dead body was found. Something is going on. 

It looks like Waddle had been eaten by some animal. The creepy spooky echoing sound came again. It was 30 minutes to sunrise and they are not in a happy mood. Every 30 minutes, someone or the other were killed. Recently, Dre was found on open grassland, dead. After sunrise, they had five members to go. 

But it was a sigh of relief after sunrise because no one else was killed. It was a good opportunity to finish up the ongoing mystery. They were lucky as their phosphorous barrels came to the island's shore as the tide changed its way. 

They were on the shore when they spotted it. They decided to bag up some phosphorus and move through the deserted city rather than moving inside the jungle. They were running short for their food and water, so it is the best option to move through the deserted city. 

They started their journey at 9 AM sharp. They moved through the deserted road and bagged up food and water from whichever deserted house they went. On their way, they spotted a light coming from a window of a building. Is there something?? They decided to move to that room as there is a high chance that there would be human traces. 

Luckily, an old man opened the door and welcomed them to his house. It was unbelievable that an old man survived all of this. But he was staying in a room of a building which is a mile from the city, and from outside it was well camouflaged by moss, hard to see from a distance. 

He was a child when his parents shifted to this island. This big house was once home to a family who was killed by those fireballs, except him, who was left alone, in this house. He kept himself in a room which was well contained. He kept himself in this room, having canned food and water in plenty. He only used to keep only this room clean. It had a window with furniture. For him, it was a safe place. 

After ten years, he came out he noticed it was well camouflaged with moss from outside and safe to stay. 

But this old man something knows about the mystery why is it going and how. The old man tells........

The Story will be continued......... 

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