Manju lata Tripathi



Manju lata Tripathi


Promotion Of Informed Voting

Promotion Of Informed Voting

2 mins

Can a vote make a difference? Yes, of course, your vote is your voice. This is the way to make your voice heard on the issues that you concern.

 We want better healthcare, education, and childcare, fairer taxation, basic income for all, good recycling facilities, better roads and transport, better local amenities, but we don’t vote. We point fingers about our politicians, what they do or don’t. But we, the society, never discuss what we do.

We need to know about Lok Sabha candidates from leading political parties, which is about 30%, face criminal charges that range from assault and extortion to rioting, attempt to murder and defamation (Source: Association for Democratic Reforms).

If we cast a vote to change, we can remove candidates facing criminal charges.

According to Indian history, freedom fighters struggled to win our freedom. Now we have the rights to vote because of them. We should respect and honor for their struggle and take a pledge to cast my vote for better India.

If we don’t cast our vote:

·       Democracy will be losing their freedom because of lower voter turnouts

·       We will have no rights to complain about bad governance

For the past several years, Election after election has seen ineffective governments come to power that has done nothing because we don’t cast our vote. As always, India will be struggling with rampant corruption, unsure economy, and unclear foreign policy. Politicians deceive us because we deserve it.

Enough know that Casting vote is our responsibility. Then why we don’t understand the importance of a vote.

·       We don’t want to stand in queues for just to cast a vote but we can wait to buy tickets for blockbuster movies

·       We don’t take trouble for applying for a voter Id card because this process is time-consuming and tedious also

·       We don’t really care who comes to power, right? We can complain all we want

·        We find election coverage is boring, so we don't take it seriously

·        One vote will never change anything, like seriously!

So, Please don’t be lazy, go out and cast your vote.

Vote for Change!

·       We have to educate ourselves about local constituency’s MP and the parties contesting.

·       We have to promote informed voting and encourage others to vote. 

·       We have to say no to petty politics ( religion, caste, race influencing politics)

·        We have to vote wisely.

·        We can’t waste our chance.

Let's work towards a country we all are proud of!

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