Deekshaa J

Horror Crime Thriller


Deekshaa J

Horror Crime Thriller



2 mins

December 7th 1862

Once there lived a man called Louis. he got married to a girl named Andria.

December 2nd 1863

Andria and Louis became father and mother. They got a child and named him Antonio.

December 2nd 1883

antonio celebrated his 20th birthday and held a party with his friends. then he requested his dad to take him to cinema theatre. his dad told yes and took him to the theatre. in the middle of the movie a needle like thing poking on him . when he got up and saw it was an injection he took it up it was written u are injected with HIV AIDS. but he did not say this to his parents because he know that they will scold him.

December 6th 1883

Antonio was called to a party by his friends he reached there at 7:00. but he did not even return after 12 pm. his parents went within reach of him but he was not found until the next day.

December 7th 1883

the the next day there came a call from the police that he is hanging dead in the Eifel Tower. his eyes were taken off, his palm was burnt and his fingers were cut off. this showed that it was a murder and the higher officers began the investigation. then they found out that he was infected with HIV AIDS. 

                                                     PART 2 COMING SOON

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