• Sayan •

Children Stories Comedy Children


• Sayan •

Children Stories Comedy Children

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

2 mins

“Quantum physics is not a silly TV show” the doctor shouted. Like a bunch of little chicks, the five of them looked up at him. I wondered at physics as I saw the doctor’s clenched fist and rolling eyes. “The antman jumps in the quantum tunnel...” The little one called Kabir took the lead,

“Doesn’t work that way” the doctor cut in, throwing out his hands over his head, struggling not to laugh.

He was invited to the school as an external examiner of laboratory progress in physics for seventh-grade students, a university teacher, and an old friend of mine, we used to work together. In the Department of Technical Education of Madhya Pradesh.

The Dr. looked at me straightening his glasses and said aloud, “ it took me 15 years to just understand the nature of electrons, You need a lot more study to understand”

“ I know the relativity theory" Kabir raised his fingers "I just can’t wrap around my head around the wave-particle duality”

I was stunned!

Was this child a prodigy?

Did this kid understand Einstein?

He was easily the best among them, always a winner! First in class. A perfect and the finest in the game of chess!

The doctor rose with a slow, jerky movement and give the kid a pat on his wee-tiny frame.

“ I wasn’t so clever when I was your age,” he said. Fishing out a smartphone from his trousers, he showed them a photograph of an atom under an electron microscope and explained the famous thought experiment, Schrodinger's cat

“ So you kids a saw a bunch of aliens fight over some stones in a tv show?” I asked.

“ well it was a movie, but yes...” Kabir’s eyes shone! Like innocence in youth often does!

The next half hour, listening to his version of Quantum Physics, was the first time I heard some fascinating stories from a comic book and enjoyed it.

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