Paavan Parmar

Fantasy Thriller


Paavan Parmar

Fantasy Thriller

Questionable Existence....

Questionable Existence....

2 mins

I don’t know about other children of my age, but since the beginning of this whole COVID-19 pandemic, I have started to think that is it possible to have life on other planets?? I personally believe in extra-terrestrials, those gods who helped us to become something new. And after this whole ‘New Normal’ life, I have been thinking that it is possible and one day, we will meet them, as it is the destiny of humans.

 Some familiar questions like, will they destroy us? Or will they help us to be a next-generation human? According to me, some part of their ‘masterplan’ would be catastrophic, but some part would be very helpful to us. I mean, they tried to warn us about the destruction since we developed the nuclear weapons and used them in World War II. If anyone knows about the story of Valiant Thor, they would know what I am talking about. But if you haven’t, then let me tell you about it.

 Valiant Thor was a Venusian i.e. a person from Venus. He came to Earth to meet the US government during the late 1950s. He told them that he had been sent from the council of “nine mysterious gods”, and he tried to warn the US government that if they didn’t stop developing the nuclear weapons, then the result would be like ‘The Great Flood’, as described in Bible. Some say that the story is just a bunch of science fiction, but the reality stays hidden. 

There have been many UFOs sightings in the world and I personally feel that we might meet them someday. That day would be the most important day in our history, keeping in mind the various disciplines of science which are in touch with Ufology.

 So, keep your eyes open and look at the beauty of the sky getting tainted because of an ‘Unidentified Flying Object’ speedily traveling in the sky…….

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