Ashish Kumar Yadav

Children Stories Inspirational Children Drama Others


Ashish Kumar Yadav

Children Stories Inspirational Children Drama Others

🌞🌞Right To Education🌞🌞

🌞🌞Right To Education🌞🌞

4 mins

🌞🌞Right to Education🌞🌞(My fight with life to be literate/ educate myself )🌞🌞

Disclaimer-" All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental."The authors do not intend to hurt anyone`s personal beliefs or sentiments with this story. 

About story -
This is the story of a farmer's son of a combined family. How he struggled to educate himself with life and society too. Hopefully; this wonderful story will make you think that education is how much an important part of life to build- up the individual's character.

Moral of the story:-
Education is an essential need just like a breathing/ just like a river which does not stop anywhere/ just like the need of air(oxygen) and a child without education is a bird without wings. Education is never ending process (we keep on learning till the end of life).Through education only, we improve our ethical performance, quality of life (even change the future),We feel free to express our ideas and this is how education changes us. It's help us walk in the right path, take the right decision and can help us in bringing the change that we always wanted. Education is most important and most powerful tool, by which we can change our entire life socially and economically healthy.that is why eat less but never stop studying and keep yourself educated and your next generation too.


 In this story a boy with the name of Ashish plays the Main character, Ashish's father has two elder brothers, Ashish's uncle is living in the city and doing the job to earn money to take care of their own family/ children. Ashish's father living in the village and doing farming to feed the combined family of a total of 16. Ashish's grandfather was appeared/seen as the guardian /caretaker of the entire family. But there was also a dispute within the family, as is usually the case in a joint family. Ashish's grandfather was somewhat partial/inclined towards elder sons and his family, as the elder sons used to work outside and earning money. But no one recognized Ashish's father's work because he used to work at home only of farming's/ husbandry. Ashish's father used to do plowing with a pair of plowing bulls for the cultivation/ sowing of farms. Ashish was just a kid at that time and maximum time used to stay with his father. most of the time whenever his father was doing levels the land after plowing by using Henga/ Pata (A assemblage of three bamboos with the length of 6-7 feet and width 2-3 feet; pulled by the farming bull to level the farm's after plowing the land). Ashish likes to sit at Henga and be there with his father, most of the time Ashish used to sit between his father's ankles and hold them tightly to avoid falling down while the bull is pulling the Henga but sometimes Ashish was not lucky, After falling down from Henga, sometimes he got hurts/ minor injuries too but at that time Henga's riding was most enjoyable things for Ashish and he loved to do. That was the phase of ultimate joyfulness; as a kid, he doesn't need money and all.....just enjoy the resources he had at that time. The ride of Henga/ Pata gives him the joy of ride like a plane. As a kid, Ashish thinks he was flying in the sky. Most of the time he got hurt too after falling from the same but he again used to do. It was one of the best moments of his life and now as an adult whenever he thinks about those days, he felt emptying of something's somewhere....right now he had money and all, a reputed job but he didn't get satisfaction, the same joy/ relaxation, he got during Henga/ Pata riding. Most of the time when his father was doing plowing with the pair of bulls, he also used to teach Ashish, how to hold the furrow handle with one hand and with another hand- how to control the ox lead by using bamboo sticks and the plowman's wordings which is used to manage/command the leading/ turning for plowshare and that wordings, bulls were understood easily and followed effectively.

Ashish's father was doing his best to teach his next generation (Ashish) in the best manners, the things he knew and would be passed to his next generation through him. Ashish sometimes did mistakes too and through his mistakes, bulls were injured too. Basically, if you plowing the field with the help of plowshare and you were not able to hold the handle of the plow tightly then with sudden jerked from earth cultivation gives uncontrollable motion to furrow/ploughshare and that uncontrolled movement could lead to injuries for plowing bull's legs. Ashish seen the closeness of his father with Ploughing bulls, Ashish's father get tears in his eyes whenever he has felt the injured legs of the bull. He used to make a paste of Lohban(A solid resin used locally in villages for medicinal purposes, while heating it converted in liquid and used to poured at injured surfaces for healing the wounds) and used to apply some paste at bull's leg injured surface at evening after taking of dinner. Ashish was his father's partner for the above. Whenever his father used to apply the paste, Ashish would hold the Diya(A small bottle filled with kerosene oil, a piece of cotton clothe dipped insides kerosene, and small portions left without dipping, ignited/ illuminated the un-dipped portion of cotton's cloth using match-box/match-sticks for lighting. The wick(cotton clothe) is used to produce a bright/ yellow flame after ignition and kerosene are used to burn through capillaries action).

To be continued.......

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