Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

Children Stories Drama


Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

Children Stories Drama

Rimy, The Cozy Cat

Rimy, The Cozy Cat

3 mins

 It is a cold, cold, winter season. It has started to snow and this made kids happy and cheerful than ever. But, for Rimy, the cozy cat, it is not so. She could not bask in the morning sun and let sun rays make her coat shiny. Standing on the window sill, she peeped outside. 

Chill winds blew and made her shiver. Let alone the daylight, there were no warm rays of the sun. A lighter drizzle of rain cleaned the leaves of the plants in the garden at the backyard, and evoked the sweet smell of the hidden flowers. Rimy smelt the rain in the air. Rimy thought it will be fine if she can smell a rat in the air. It has been days since she has chased a rat. The chilly climate has made all the rats stay inside their holes and rarely did they come out to eat anything left at the kitchen table. 

'Rimy, dear, don't go outside, it is chilly there,' Susie took Rimy in her hands and left it on the nearby chair. Rimy stretched lazily and looked at her face. 'How long should I stay inside, please, let me go out for a while?' Rimy's eyes requested Susie. 'Hmm. Then go out. You will come inside within a second.' With a laugh, Susie took Rimy and let her out through the front door. Rimy's outer skin shivered badly in the piercing cold winds, yet, she slowly stepped outside. Near the shoe rack, she found a place to squeeze in. One side of the shoe rack prevented the chilly winds to hit her directly. Yet, she can look out through the grills of the door. 

After a while, Rimy heard the feeble sound of footsteps near the steps of the front door. Unsteady foot steps climbed the steps and stopped near the door. Rimy can see two beady eyes through the slightly opened door. Shining whiskers moved in and out of the gap in the door. Rimy's sense of smell got alert and she sharpened her nostrils. 'O My, it is a rat.' 

Rimy wanted to get up immediately and catch the rat. Yet, she decided to wait for a while. The blowing chill air brought in the strong smell of rat and trickled Rimy's nostrils once again. For a second she forgot about the chillness outside. With a leap she opened the front door. Fortunately, the rat also realized the smell of the cat and so it decided to run back into its hole. Not aware of the sudden turn of events, Rimy rolled on the steps of the front door and reached the ground.

Susie could not suppress her laughter, yet, she carried Rimy back into the house. Susie then gave Rimy a warm bowl of milk and made a cozy bed to rest for a while. Rimy felt ashamed, but could not deny the warm milk and cozy bed made for her.

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