Sanyas - A Story

Sanyas - A Story

11 mins

A boy named Omkar was watching a cricket match, at that time, he was in his teen age. It was India v/s Australia final match. And then came his mom and dad from market, told him that they have to go Delhi quickly because they were shifting there. So Omkar was very curious that they were shifting to Delhi. They packed all things from their current sweet home and put those things in a truck. And then truck departed in which Omkar’s father was sitting. Omkar, his mother and his sister had their own luggage with them and they reached railway station where they had done reservation. After reaching the railway station they put their luggage down, because train was delayed by 20 minutes.So they were waiting for the train to come. In between they bought some packed milk and chips. After 20 minutes, train came, they went to their berth and saw that they got all upper seats including the side seat. Then after some time, train departed, and Delhi was 6 hours away from them, so they were very excited for that and in those six hours they played some games like antakshari, ludo etc. And in another 6 hours, they reached Delhi.

It was a big city, so they decided to stay there with their relatives till Omkar’s father reaches there. But they got lost at that railway station. After looking at some places at the railway station, they found their relative. He says, "I was looking at all places since 1 hour, why you came late?”

Omkar’s mother said, "We were lost at that station and were not able to find a way to exit.” He said, "No problem, come with me”. And they said yes to him and got out of that railway station.They got in his car and departed to his home.

Omkar was very amazed, in this short journey from station to his relative’s house and looking at those big flats, those market and some beautiful and mesmerizing places of there.They reached their relative’s house and stayed there till Omkar’s father reached there.They got fresh and had talk with those relatives. After talking for long time they found that Omkar’s father had come. His father said, "Lets move to our new house”. Omkar asked, "But where is our new house located?” His sister and his mother also asked his father the same question. Omkar’s father said ”Lets sit in the car and come with me”.They sat in the car and followed that truck in which Omkar’s father was sitting. After sometime they reached a place which had lot of apartments, after reaching there, that truck was stopped and they saw their new home which was a flat at ground floor. (Omkar felt good after seeing the flat in ground floor especially in Delhi). So they called some people to help them to get things to their new home. After sometime, they put all those things in that new home and said thanks to all those people who had helped them.

Feeling good, Omkar sat in his sofa, but his mom said ”We have to arrange all things in a good manner”. Omkar said ”we all are tired because of that long journey so can we do it tomorrow”. His mom said ”ok”. So they slept whole night and were awake late at 10am. Omkar’s father said ”It is too late, lets start arranging all things after having tea”. After having tea, they started arranging all those things in a well mannered way. Omkar was also helping them by arranging those things. But here a life changing moment came for omkar! That it had no words to tell. He found a book which was very old, means a 500 year old book in which a secret was written in, it had a secret written of how to worship all lords of Hinduism. He was very amazed and shocked after seeing that book. He was happy and amazed that in his old house in which he was living from my childhood, he had not seen this book, and here he found it, but why and how?

He asked his parents about that book but his parents said that they did not have any book like this, it can be of that truck driver, but that truck had gone so he doesn't have any way of finding his owner, so he started reading those chapters. After reading all that he started feeling amazed that is it the best way to worship lords of Hinduism. And he stopped reading that book and started doing his daily work. On next Monday, he got admission in school.So he decided to read remaining chapters, when he got admission in his new school. So he went to sleep.Next day he woke up and did his daily routine, on that day he saw that one guest had come in his house who was not very close to them but his father knew that person when his father was in Delhi for his college days and that person was his father’s classfellow. His father and that person were talking about their college days.His father asked him "how did you find me”, his father’s friend said, ”I found you when I saw your purse, that you forgot last night when you were coming to your house from market, in between somewhere your purse had fallen down. I have seen a photo of your college years in that purse and your address was written in it.” Omkar’s father says "Thank you so much, I had so much tension for that purse and I had no hope of finding this purse, so again thank you so much. His friend said ”Thanks to you that you forgot your purse and it was found by me and I met you.”After talking some more time that friend of Omkar’s father left.

And it was Monday, Omkar’s admission in his new school had to be done. Omkar and his father got ready and departed for Omkar’s new school. Omkar was very happy that he will get admission for first time in an English medium school because his previous school was Hindi medium. And his new school had come, they both go into the school building and his father asked a person "Where is principal’s room?” That man said ”It is on 1st floor”. Omkar and his father went to 1st floor and met that school’s principal. And after entrance exam, Omkar’s admission was done, they came back home. As decided by Omkar that after getting admission he will again read that book so he goes to his room where his book was kept by him, but what he sees! His book was not there! He was very upset,he asked his mother about that book, she said "Your sister has taken your book to read.”Omkar was surprised by this that my sister who is in her college days and not having any interesting in spirituality,how she had interest in this book. Omkar went to his sister’s room and asked her to give that book to him, but she refused, he said how much you have read this book ,she said I have read till one chapter. Omkar says lets read next lord’s worshipping, one by one. His sister refused and told that she only will read and Omkar will only listen. So she starts reading and then Omkar’s sister stopped reading that book because they were called for playing outside some games with their friends, so they decided to read this book when they finished playing games.That book had some power in it because when omkar read its first chapter then he stop reading for some reason,and when Omkar and his sister read second chapter then they stopped it reading of some reason.S

o they were playing games outside with their friend and when they finished playing games then they came back to home and want to start reading that book’s third chapter. But here again Omkar and his sister’s relative came to stay there for 5 days.They ask their parents to not tell about this secret book to anyone previously when they got this book. Because all their relative were jealous of Omkar and his parents and his sister. So they decided that when their relative were gone after 5 days then only they read that book. So they hide this book and going for dinner.They were talking with each other on various points,but Omkar and his sister were thinking that what would be in the third chapter. After finishing dinner they all have gone out for walking sometime outside. After coming home they have seen that relative of Omkar’s relative was searching for something in Omkar and his sister’s room.They both were shocked after seeing that relative doing such that thing in their room.When they ask their relative about what he is searching? Their relative said nothing and said Omkar’s father and mother that he is going today only to his home. All were shocked by listening that but he was saying that it is urgent.So Omkar’s father and mother say yes to him, and he got in taxi and went. Omkar and his sister were happy but shocked by this type of thing happen to them.So they gone to that room and get that book out to read third chapter by showing each other victory sign.Because they thought that their relative somehow was searching for that book only but how he know of that book?where Omkar and his sister has kept that book so he can’t able to find. Omkar and his sister were very happy after seeing that their relative has gone.But where they kept that book so that relative of them not see that book.They kept that book in the school bag of omkar,and that relative has search allover the place especially where holy scriptures kept,so their relative can’t imagine it in the bag.But here is the question that how their relative has known about that book.He has known it by help of that friend of omkar’s friend!because while talking omkar’s father has told his friend that has he seen this book in past or has he know about it!.But here the question again arises that what is the connection of the friend of omkar’s father and the relative of omkar.It is the mystery because even omkar and his sister cant get know about the connection between the relative of omkar and that friend of omkar’s father.

They started reading that book they take that book but here third chapter was not there! and here is only two chapter’s remaining in that book,other pages and chapters were not there. After reading it they both were shocked that how here are only two chapters remaining , where are those other chapters have gone.So they ask their father about where his friend is living in Delhi. His father told them not to go his home because in past he was a thief who has a tendency to stole holy scriptures of all religion,especially hindu scriptures.But they both were wanted to go to their father’s friend’s house but their father told them not to go today,he told them to go there after 1 month.So after 1 month they sit in an autorickshaw and departed for their father’s friend’s house. after sometime they were reach that man’s house,but here they found that it was a big ashram in which they got in,but here what they have seen is shocking!they have seen that the friend of their father’s became a big spiritual leader and their relative was his shishya!Both Omkar and his sister were angry about that,so they wanted to say all people their reality but all were following that man blindly so they say”why you both want to say our beloved spiritual master a thief,lets beat both of them and get out of this ashram,”so all blind followers make them out of the ashram.Both Omkar and his sister have only one chance remaining,which is they have to find that truck driver in which Omkar got that book.

So they get back home and ask their father about that truck driver’s residence.Their father says”he is living in our previous city but why you are asking about him”,they both tell all things that happen with them to their father .Their father told them lets go their.Their mother was also listening that so she also go with them.They departed from their current city to their previous city by train.They reach there and gone to that truck driver’s house.He was at home and after knowing all that happen to omkar and his sister,he tell them”this book was of a true saint who came to me at past when I was at haridwar,he told me to keep that book with me,and also told me to give this book to a person who has very pure soul,but one thief came to me to take that book,but I refused to gave to him,and call police to got him to jail”.After knowing all that omkar asked”how it came with us with our luggage?”that truck driver said to omkar”because you have pure soul so I kept that with your luggage”. They all have decided to show reality to those blind following shishya of that thief.They make a plan which was to get a true saint in front of that fraud saint to do competition between those two about that religion.But here they were thinking that where to find that true saint?but here one miracle happen a person of big beard and hair has come near to them who wear saint like clothes,they ask him to help,he agree.They all were departed back to delhi. And here they reach to that ashram of that thief.They all tell the devotees of that thief to make competition about religion between both of that saints.Then competition started.And here winner is that true saint.

Omkar was very impressed by that true saint’s knowledge about religion and he want to get sanyas.But he was only in his teens so how he get sanyas at this age only.But all doubts were cleared by that true saint,he said to all”this is his destiny because he will be a great spiritual leader in future”.So omkar took sanyas and tell all good bye and departed for his journey towards the path of mesmerizing,amazing,and not to described by word means ” speechless” spiritual and sanyas path.And in future omkar has became world spiritual teacher,which mean jagadguru in hindi.But what is the connection between that friend of omkar’s father’s friend and omkar’s relative is they both meet in jail when that friend of omkar’s father got in jail by that truck driver.Relative of omkar was also a thief in past.

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