Tragedy Inspirational



Tragedy Inspirational

Scars and Stars: Finding Light

Scars and Stars: Finding Light

6 mins

Once upon a time in a small city in India, there lived a girl named Aashvi. She belonged to a well-educated family, with her father being a lawyer at the Supreme Court and her mother a teacher at a renowned school. Due to her mother's job, they had recently moved to Melbourne, leaving her father behind.

Aashvi was excited about her first day at her new school. Her mother woke her up early in the morning, reminding her not to be late. Aashvi quickly got ready, had her breakfast, and headed off to school. Like any other child, she made new friends and everything seemed to be going well.

However, after a few years, her mother had to move again for her job and Aashvi was admitted to a hostel. Initially, she enjoyed her hostel life, but as time went on, things started to change. She was constantly judged and ignored by her peers because of her appearance and looks. Her imperfections overshadowed her talents, and she felt like her true self was concealed.

One day, during a free class, the students decided to play truth or dare. The bottle spun and it landed on Asher and Adam. Adam chose truth and was asked to compliment Aashvi. Instead, he cruelly insulted her, mocking her looks and appearance. The others joined in, laughing at her and supporting Adam's hurtful words.

Aashvi: (teary-eyed) "Why do you all have to be so mean? Can't you see that I have feelings too?"

Adam: (laughing) "Oh please, Aashvi. You should just accept that you're not as pretty as the rest of us. It's not our fault you're so ugly."

Aashvi's insecurities grew, and she became afraid of being judged. She started to believe that her imperfections defined her worth.

Her school life passed in this manner, and she carried these insecurities with her to college. She was bullied by her peers for her looks, and even her parents tried to make her look perfect like others. They bought numerous beauty products for her, hoping to change her appearance. Aashvi felt alone and misunderstood, with nobody to support her or cheer her up. She became afraid of meeting new people, fearing their judgment.

Aashvi: (to herself) "Why can't they see beyond my looks? Why do they judge me solely based on my appearance? I'm more than just a pretty face."

Several times, Aashvi contemplated suicide, but the fear of being judged for her decision stopped her. She felt trapped in a world that constantly judged her, and her self-esteem plummeted. Every time she looked in the mirror, she would break down in tears, sharing her problems with her reflection. She distanced herself from others, believing that she was mentally unstable.

Despite her struggles, Aashvi managed to find a job as a marketing manager in a small town in India. She owned her own flat and was in a relationship with a guy named Asish. They had been together for a long time and were about to celebrate their third anniversary. However, Aashvi's world came crashing down when Asish asked for a break, claiming he was tired of being pampered. He eventually left her for another girl named Tinna.

Aashvi: (pleading) "Please, Asish, don't leave me. I love you."

Asish: (coldly) "I'm sorry, Aashvi. I need someone who can fit into my perfect image. You're just not good enough."

Heartbroken and devastated, Aashvi begged Asish not to leave her, but he blocked her from all forms of communication. Desperate for answers, she created a fake account to stalk him on social media. That's when she discovered his new girlfriend. Feeling even more rejected and judged, Aashvi decided to create her own social media handle to seek attention and validation. However, instead of support, she faced more bullying and judgment from others.

Aashvi: (typing) "Why can't people see that I'm more than just my looks? Why do they feel the need to tear me down?"

Her insecurities overwhelmed her, and she felt like she had no other option but to end her life. Before doing so, she left a heartfelt note on her Instagram handle, expressing her frustration with a generation that constantly judged and manipulated others. She questioned why people felt entitled to judge others based on their looks, and why they couldn't see the good qualities in people instead. Aashvi emphasized that everyone is perfect in their own way and that it's the world's problem if they can't see it.

Aashvi: (writing) "The problem isn't my looks, the problem is in your perception. It's easy to judge, but have you ever asked yourself who you are to do so? Are you God or a Supreme Court judge? We all have imperfections, and judging others based on them doesn't hurt just them, it reflects poorly on you. Consider how your words might make others feel before saying them.

This generation owes an apology to everyone, including ourselves, for perpetuating manipulation. Everyone is perfect in their own way, but judgment and manipulation make us feel like flawed heroes. Ask those suffering if they see themselves as heroes or victims. Nobody has the right to judge us, not even our closest friends and family. They shouldn't dictate our life choices.

Parents often push us to meet their expectations without asking about our own. They dream of a perfect child who excels in everything, but that's unrealistic. Nobody is perfect, but that doesn't mean they're failures. Friends do the same, labeling us based on appearance – "skinny," "fatty," "American," "African." Why? We chase these compliments to prove ourselves, yet even when we're "the best," the goalpost seems to shift. Why can't we stand together instead of competing? Why can't we tell those judging us that we're perfect just the way we are and they need to adjust their perspective, not us?

Somewhere in this photoshopped generation, we lost our authenticity. We hide behind screens, faking identities to feel accepted. Instead of tackling problems, we embrace them as companions, allowing them to control us. We need to fight back, stop them from winning and regain our own. It's us against the world, not with it.

I may not convince everyone. This generation loves judging before listening, demotivating others to feel superior. They judge without knowing our talents or stories, ready with labels before understanding our characters. We're not mentally unstable, we're just trying to navigate this world by distancing ourselves. Nobody wants to hear our struggles, yet we expect the same courtesy from them.

Our sexual orientation is ours to choose. Being different isn't wrong, everyone deserves respect. When everyone understands this and stops controlling others and themselves, suicide rates will plummet. So many fight silent battles with suicidal thoughts. Be strong enough to fight back, show them your resilience. You're a survivor, a warrior.

This edited version retains your powerful message with improved grammar and clarity. Remember, communication is most effective when it's constructive and inclusive. Let's uplift each other and build a world where everyone feels accepted and empowered.I hope my words can make a difference. I hope people realize that they are stronger than they think."

In the end, Aashvi's story serves as a reminder of the importance of strength and resilience in the face of judgment. This generation owes an apology to those who suffer from these issues and fight against suicidal thoughts every day. It is crucial to support one another and fight against the societal pressures that dictate our worth based on appearance. We must embrace our imperfections and celebrate our unique qualities, for that is what truly makes us perfect.

As Aashvi prepares to end her life, she receives a notification on her phone. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she opens the message. To her surprise, it's a heartfelt response from a stranger who stumbled upon her Instagram post.

Riya: (message) "Hey Aashvi, I read your post and I want you to know that you're not alone. I've been through similar struggles, and I understand your pain. Please don't give up."

Intrigued and desperate for a lifeline, Aashvi reaches out to Riya, and they begin exchanging messages. Riya introduces Aashvi to a support group, where she meets others who have faced similar challenges. They share their stories, offer advice, and provide a safe space for Aashvi to express herself without fear of judgment.

Aashvi: (to Riya) "Thank you for reaching out to me. I thought I was alone in this battle, but now I see that there are others who understand."

Through the support group, Aashvi discovers a newfound sense of belonging and learns valuable coping mechanisms to deal with her insecurities. She realizes that she is not alone in her struggles and that there are people who genuinely care about her well-being.

As Aashvi continues her journey of self-discovery and healing, she decides to use her own experiences to help others. She becomes an advocate for mental health and body positivity, using her social media platform to spread awareness and share her story. Aashvi's posts resonate with many, and she gained a significant following of individuals who find solace and inspiration in her words.

Aashvi: (posting) "You are perfect just the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Embrace your imperfections and shine."

With her newfound purpose, Aashvi starts organizing workshops and events to promote self-acceptance and mental well-being. She collaborates with Riya and the support group to create a safe haven for those struggling with judgment and insecurities.

As time goes on, Aashvi's efforts make a significant impact, not only in her small town but also on a larger scale. She becomes a renowned speaker, traveling across India and even internationally, spreading her message of self-love and acceptance.

Aashvi's story takes an unexpected turn as she realizes that her struggles are not in vain. Through her darkest moments, she found her purpose and the strength to make a difference in the lives of others. She becomes a beacon of hope, proving that it's possible to rise above judgment and find true happiness by embracing one's imperfections.

In the end, Aashvi's story serves as a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope. It shows that with support, resilience, and a determination to change the narrative, one can overcome judgment and find their own path to self-acceptance and fulfillment.

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