





3 mins

  Horror is something that most of us detest. It is not enjoyable nor pleasant to hear or read about Horror scares us even though we know it is not real. But,it does elicit creepy feeling especially when we are all alone. Just imagine yourself alone in a house that is isolated and in between a jungle or bushes and as night approaches if you are to stay alone amidst the screechy sounds made by insects, birds and sometimes the doors and windows due to the fast-flowing winds, owls howling and jackals braying oh no this is enough to scare you Right?  Let us read about a story that did not happen exactly amidst this backdrop, but the eerie feeling got generated due to the happenings.     Shukla are you ready? Asked his group of relatives as he was a bit slow in getting ready and start on an onwards journey back home. They had come to Aurangabad from Patna to attend a wedding ceremony of a very close relative. The women and children had been traveling by a bus that had been engaged for this wedding purpose. They were already almost back to Patna. A group of about seven men had to stay back as they had to look for a conveyance Now, finally at around 8 pm in the night they could engage an SUV which was charging reasonable rates and since the journey back home was of about five to six hours they were satisfied.   Once the SUV arrived with a hefty looking driver Shukla and his relatives got ready to start their journey back home. Winter was round the corner and weather was gloomy and dull. The route they were to travel was for a distance of about 60 kms which they had to cover as early as possible. They embarked on their journey. After about half an hour or so Shukla's uncle suggested another route that would reduce the distance by about 30 kms. But the only problem being the route was secluded and dark. Most of the people one heard used to avoid traveling that route. Many chilling and scary stories were heard about that journey and route. Since everyone were in a hurry, they decided to take that route. The road was uneven and full of pebbles and stones. No vehicle could travel beyond the speed of 40 kms per hour. So, Shukla and his relatives were traveling very slowly and were talking amongst themselves to keep each other suddenly they saw some unusual scene. A lady who was fully clad in white was waving at the vehicle with an intention to stop it. But the driver speeded the vehicle and asked everyone to keep quiet. After crossing that path the driver explained to all present in the SUV as to why he did not stop the vehicle nor wanted any one to speak anything. He explained to the tense passengers that the woman who used to ask vehicles to stop would vanish the minute the vehicle approached her and later on many scary and unexplained events used to happen with those who stopped on her asking for it.                   

Shukla and his relatives heaved a sigh of relief that they were safe from the lady in white and were horrified at thinking what could have happened to them if they had stopped the vehicle and responded to the lady's request or so.

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