Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Drama Action Thriller


Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Drama Action Thriller

Shadows Of Retribution

Shadows Of Retribution

16 mins

Chapter 1

The Encounter

Saakshi hurried through the bustling streets of Mumbai, her heart pounding with nervous excitement.

She clutched a worn-out notebook close to her chest, its pages filled with a story she had poured her heart into. Today was the day she would finally meet the renowned film director and producer, Vikram Malhotra.

Entering the sleek office building, Saakshi took a deep breath and approached the reception desk. The receptionist looked up, her eyes scanning Saakshi from head to toe. Saakshi's casual attire contrasted with the polished corporate environment, but she refused to let it deter her.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Malhotra," Saakshi said, her voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and determination.

The receptionist gave her a sceptical look before confirming her appointment and directing her to the waiting area. Saakshi settled into a plush chair, her hands trembling slightly. She glanced around, noticing framed movie posters lining the walls, a testament to the director's past successes.

After what felt like an eternity, Saakshi was escorted into a spacious office adorned with film awards and memorabilia. There, sitting behind an imposing mahogany desk, was Vikram Malhotra himself. He was a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair, his eyes exuding a shrewd intelligence.

"Saakshi, please have a seat," Vikram gestured towards a leather chair opposite him. "I've heard good things about your story. Tell me more."

Saakshi's heart raced as she took a deep breath and began to narrate the tale she had crafted with painstaking detail. She painted a vivid picture of a young girl's journey to uncover the truth about her estranged father, who had abandoned her mother, leaving her to die on a lonely roadside. The story delved into themes of betrayal, forgiveness, and the search for identity.

As Saakshi continued, Vikram listened intently, captivated by her storytelling skills. When she finally finished, there was a moment of silence. Vikram leaned back in his chair; his gaze fixed on Saakshi.

"You have talent, Saakshi," he said, a spark of intrigue in his eyes. "But writing a story is one thing. Writing a screenplay is another. Can you handle that as well?"

Saakshi's heart skipped a beat. She had indeed written the screenplay, pouring countless hours into bringing her characters and their emotions to life on the page. She could hardly believe that the opportunity to share her vision had finally arrived.

"I've already written the screenplay," Saakshi replied, her voice steady despite the elation bubbling inside her. "I wanted to give you a complete package, a story ready to be transformed into a film."

Vikram's eyes widened with surprise. He leaned forward, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You truly are a talented one, Saakshi. Show me what you've got."

 Chapter 2

Lights, Camera, Action

Days turned into weeks as the pre-production process for Saakshi's story began. Vikram and his team meticulously reviewed the screenplay, discussing casting choices and scouting locations. They sought the perfect balance between capturing the emotional depth of the story and ensuring its commercial viability.

Vikram's vision for the protagonist was crystal clear. He desired an actress who could seamlessly embody the complexity of the young girl's journey—her vulnerability, her determination, and the depths of her pain. He wanted someone who could breathe life into the character, capturing the audience's hearts and immersing them in her story.

As auditions for the lead role commenced, a string of aspiring actresses paraded through the studio doors. Vikram watched each audition intently, searching for that elusive spark, that intangible quality that would set the perfect actress apart from the rest. But one by one, they fell short of his expectations.

Saakshi observed the auditions from the corner of the room, her heart growing heavy with disappointment. She knew the character inside out, every nuance and every emotion. The thought of someone else portraying her creation gnawed at her soul. The young girl's pain, her anguish, and her quest for justice were deeply personal to Saakshi.

One evening, after another disheartening round of auditions, Vikram sighed and rubbed his temples. He longed for an actress who could channel the raw intensity and vulnerability that the role demanded. He needed someone who could make the audience feel the pain and suffering that Saakshi had poured onto the pages of her screenplay.

Just as Vikram was about to call it a day, Saakshi hesitantly stepped forward. Her voice trembled with a mix of anxiety and determination. "Mr. Malhotra, may I have a moment?"

Vikram turned towards her; surprise evident on his face. "Of course, Saakshi. What is it?"

Saakshi took a deep breath, her eyes filled with unwavering resolve. "I understand that none of the actresses so far have met your expectations. But I believe that I can do justice to the role. I know this character intimately, and I can bring her to life on the screen."

Vikram's eyebrows shot up; his curiosity piqued. He had been so focused on finding the perfect actress externally that he hadn't considered the possibility of Saakshi herself taking on the role. The audacity and conviction in her words intrigued him.

"You want to act in your own story?" Vikram asked, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

Saakshi nodded, her eyes shining with unwavering determination. "Yes, Mr. Malhotra. I've lived and breathed this story. I know the emotions inside out. I believe I can bring authenticity and depth to the character that no one else can."

Vikram studied Saakshi's face, searching for any signs of doubt or hesitation. But all he saw was a burning passion and an unwavering commitment to her story. A smile slowly spread across his lips as he made up his mind. "Alright, Saakshi," Vikram said, his voice filled with newfound excitement. "I trust your conviction. Let's give you a chance."

With those words, a renewed sense of hope filled the room. The film had found its leading lady, and Saakshi had found her opportunity to showcase her talent and breathe life into her creation.

The news of Saakshi's selection spread throughout the studio, causing a stir of curiosity and whispers of doubt. Many questioned Vikram's decision, wondering if it was merely a favour to the young writer.

Sakshi had never acted in her life, not even in school. She knew that she can not fail the screen test; the confidence with which she spoke had to be supported by actual talent.

Sakshi, dressed in comfortable yet stylish clothing, stood in the middle of a room filled with aspiring actors. The acting coach, a seasoned professional, was observing the students intently.

She hesitatingly approached the coach and stood in front of him.

The coach eyed the girl standing in front of him. The girl was just ordinary-looking, but something caught Coach; Sakshi’s eyes. They were deep grey in colour, but they were very sharp and burning with something; the coach thought, it must be ambitious to succeed.

“Alright, Sakshi. It's your turn. Show us what you've got.” Spoke to the coach.

Sakshi took a deep breath, channelling her emotions. She began a monologue, immersing herself completely in the character.

Sakshi spoke in a passionate tone; “I am not defined by my past, by the pain and suffering that I have endured. I am a force to be reckoned with, a flame that refuses to be extinguished.” Sakshi paused, lifted her chin and looking directly into the coach’s eyes, continued. “ I will rise above it all, breaking through the barriers that society has placed upon me. I will not stop, even pause until I reach my goal.”

As Sakshi delivered the lines with conviction, the room fell silent, captivated by her powerful performance. Her voice resonated with energy and determination, leaving an indelible impact on everyone present.

The coach, impressed by Sakshi's raw talent and unwavering commitment, approached her and spoke with a smile.

“Wow. That was extraordinary. You have an undeniable presence on stage. There is something in your voice that compels listening. You just need to smoothen the few rough edges in your body language. Otherwise, you are camera ready. Attend just couple of more classes, I will hone your skills, Ok?”

Sakshi nodded, grateful for the coach's words of encouragement. Her passion for storytelling and her ability to bring characters to life has been recognized and validated. 

She knew that Vikram would select her. 

He has to.

Sakshi returned to her apartment, a mixture of excitement and determination bubbling within her. She looked at the posters on the walls, her eyes lingering on one particular film poster—a reminder of the stories she wishes to tell.

Sakshi spoke loudly “I will make a mark in this industry. I will bring stories to life that touch people's hearts and ignite their souls. This film project is just the beginning.

With renewed passion, Sakshi sat back at her desk, ready to continue writing her own narrative—one where she shines as both the writer and the protagonist.


Chapter 3

Unveiling the Wounds

The film's production was in full swing, and the set buzzed with a flurry of activity. Saakshi, now stepping into the shoes of Sahana, the young girl seeking her elusive father, found herself immersed in a world where reality and fiction intertwined. As she delved deeper into the character, the emotional toll began to weigh heavily upon her.

One day, the crew prepared to shoot a pivotal sequence—the moment Sahana learns about her father's betrayal from her dying mother. The scene was set in a humble, dimly lit hospital room. Saakshi took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to unleash the raw emotions that lay dormant within her.

As the cameras rolled, Saakshi stepped into the room, her heart pounding with trepidation. The paleness of the set and the heavy atmosphere mirrored the anguish she was about to portray. The frail figure of Sahana's mother lay motionless on the bed, her face etched with pain and sorrow.

In the flashback, the audience was transported to a dilapidated room, where Sahana's mother, Rukmini, fought a losing battle against a life-threatening illness. The room was a stark contrast to the dreams she once had, shattered by the man who had promised her a future.

Rukmini's suffering was etched into every line on her face, every wrinkle a testament to the pain she had endured. The film delved into the depths of her heartbreak, her spirit crushed by the man who had ruthlessly pursued his own ambitions, leaving her abandoned and alone.

As Saakshi delivered her lines, tears welled up in her eyes, a reflection of the anguish she felt deep within. She could feel Rukmini's pain as if it were her own, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger, grief, and betrayal.

"Tell me, Sahana, do you know what it's like to be deceived by the person you loved the most?" Rukmini's voice was weak, filled with a lifetime of suffering. "To be left alone, abandoned, with nothing but shattered dreams?"

Saakshi's voice quivered with a poignant mix of despair and longing as she replied, "No, Ma. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you've endured."

The weight of the scene bore down upon Saakshi, overwhelming her senses. The lines between fiction and reality blurred, as she felt the echoes of the pain her own mother had experienced before her untimely demise.

Overwhelmed, Saakshi couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Her sobs filled the room, echoing the sorrow of Sahana and the countless others who had suffered similar fates. The crew, captivated by the intensity of the moment, watched in silence, understanding the emotional journey Saakshi was embarking upon.

Vikram, standing by the monitor, witnessed the toll that playing this role was taking on Saakshi. He rushed to her side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Saakshi, it's okay," Vikram whispered softly. "You're doing incredible work. Let your emotions flow, but remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here to support you."

Saakshi looked up, her tear-stained face revealing a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. In that moment, she realized that she had not only found a mentor in Vikram but also a compassionate friend who understood the depths of her pain.

With Vikram's reassurance, Saakshi gathered her composure and wiped away her tears. The shoot continued, and she channeled the anguish and determination of Sahana, bringing the character's pain to life with every fiber of her being.


Chapter 4

The Shadows of Power

As the production of the film progressed, the time had come to discuss the climactic scene, the revelation that Sahana's tormentor was none other than the Home Minister of the state cabinet. The screenplay depicted a powerful confrontation between Sahana and the minister, exposing the depths of his cruelty and corruption.

Saakshi and Vikram sat in the director's office, pouring over the screenplay, their brows furrowed in deep concentration. They needed to find a way to make the scene impactful and authentic, capturing the essence of the minister's malevolence.

Saakshi broke the silence, her voice filled with conviction. "Vikram, I've been thinking. What if we invite the real Home Minister to the shoot? It would add a layer of realism and bring a sense of authenticity to the scene."

Vikram's eyes widened at the audacity of the suggestion, but a spark of intrigue ignited within him. He recognized the potential in Saakshi's idea, the opportunity to expose the true character of the powerful man in question.

"I must admit, Saakshi, it's a bold proposition," Vikram said, his voice laced with caution. "But if we can convince the Home Minister to participate, it could elevate the impact of the film. It's a risk, but one worth taking."

With newfound determination, Vikram arranged a meeting with the Home Minister. They were to meet at his lavish office in the new Block of Vidhana Bhavan, the corridors of power, a place where decisions that affected the lives of millions were made.

As Vikram entered the office, he was struck by the opulence that surrounded him. Gold-plated accents adorned the furniture, expensive paintings graced the walls, and an air of authority hung heavy in the room. The Home Minister sat behind his grand desk, a calculating gleam in his eyes.

Vikram extended a respectful greeting, maintaining a composed demeanor despite the turbulent emotions churning within him. He knew that this meeting would determine the fate of the film, and perhaps reveal the true nature of the man before him.

The Home Minister studied Vikram with a mix of curiosity and arrogance. He relished the attention and power his position bestowed upon him, and this film presented an opportunity for him to bask in the limelight further.

"So, Mr. Malhotra, what brings you here?" the Home Minister asked, his voice dripping with self-importance.

Vikram chose his words carefully, keeping his voice steady. "Sir, I've come to discuss an opportunity, Our film tells a powerful story of a young girl seeking justice against a corrupt and heartless man. We believe that your participation in the film would lend it a unique authenticity."

The Home Minister leaned back in his chair, a self-satisfied smile playing on his lips. "You want me to act in your film, Mr. Malhotra? Why should I agree to such a proposition? And what did you say? Corrupt minister’s role? Are you out of your mind, Mr. Malhotra? If I do such role, what will happen to my public image?”

I agreed to meet you because of your reputation and our mutual friend, the Governor who said, he knows you personally. But what you are saying is preposterous.” 

Vikram's gaze locked with the Minister’s; his voice filled with conviction. " Sir, this film has the power to shed light on the realities that are often hidden beneath the surface. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your acting skills and demonstrate your commitment to the truth."

A glimmer of interest sparked in the Minister's eyes. The prospect of being in the spotlight, even if it were within the context of a film, appealed to his ego. He relished the chance to prove his prowess as a performer.

"And what guarantee do I have that this film won't tarnish my image?" the Minister inquired, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Vikram leaned forward, his tone earnest. " Sir, just because you are going to don the role of the corrupt minister, people will not change their opinion about you. Moreover, we are changing the script in the climax to finally catch the real culprit which will be an opposition party person. So, this will boost your image. And We assure you, Sir, that the film will present a fair and balanced narrative.”


 Chapter 5

 Unveiling Shadows

The days leading up to the climactic scene were cloaked in an aura of suspense and hidden intentions. Each rehearsal served as a tightly wound spring, ready to unleash the torrent of emotions that lay dormant within the characters and the actors who portrayed them.

Unknown to the crew, a storm was brewing beneath the surface, threatening to shatter the fragile balance between reality and fiction.

In the midst of rehearsals, Saakshi's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The prop gun, cold and heavy in her hand, whispered promises of closure and vengeance. Its weight served as a constant reminder of the power she held, both as an actor and as the harbinger of truth.

Vikram, recognizing the gravity of the situation, approached Saakshi with a grave expression. His eyes bore into hers, mirroring the weight of the secret they shared. "Saakshi, today is the day we reveal the shadows. But be cautious, for the line between reality and fiction is a perilous path to tread. Stay strong, my dear. The dialogues are sprinkled with lots of reality and should spart emotions in Minister. I doubt whether he comprehends the hidden truth that we convey. These guys are thick skinned. But as artists, our job is to portray truth and reality woven in to fiction and surreal atmosphere. Good luck dear.”

Her gaze unwavering, Saakshi nodded, her heart pulsating with a symphony of emotions. The moment had arrived to confront the Minister, to lay bare the sins he had committed against Sahana's mother and the countless others who had suffered under his ruthless ambition.

As the rehearsal commenced, an electrifying tension enveloped the studio. The air crackled with a sense of impending revelation, a delicate balance on the cliff of upheaval. The cameras whirred to life, capturing every subtle movement, every whispered line, and the secrets woven between the actors' performances.

Saakshi and the Home Minister locked their eyes, a dance of hidden motives unfolding before the lens. Sakshi thought she saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes, though monetary.

The weight of the real gun pressed against her thigh, its presence both reassuring and terrifying. She exchanged glances with the Minister, his facade of power and influence wavering, his eyes betraying a flicker of unease.

The scene escalated; each word uttered like a dagger slicing through the tension-laden atmosphere. The camera lens zoomed in, capturing the subtle quiver in Saakshi's voice as she confronted the Minister with the truth. Her words reverberated through the studio, echoing the cries of those whose lives he had shattered.

In the chaotic stillness, Saakshi's fingers danced with purpose, surreptitiously swapping the loaded gun with the prop weapon. A silent transformation occurred, her weapon of justice concealed, ready to be unveiled in a symphony of retribution.

The climax neared, an invisible thread connecting Saakshi, the Minister, and the unspoken truth that bound them together. Time seemed to elongate, each second stretched thin like a spider's web, straining under the weight of destiny.

A collective breath held, suspended in the air. Saakshi's heart pounded in her chest, her palms slick with a mixture of anticipation and fear. She raised the gun, its weight familiar yet transformed, a conduit of her character's determination to right the wrongs inflicted upon her mother.

In a flash of catharsis, Saakshi's finger found its place on the trigger.

The gunshot shattered the silence, reverberating through the studio, a declaration of justice and vengeance.

The room erupted in a symphony of chaos, the crew and actors frozen.

The Home Minister staggered backward, his eyes wide with realization and pain. Blood trickled from the wound on his shoulder, staining his pristine white shirt. The truth, once veiled in shadows, had now been exposed in a blaze of fury.

Saakshi stood there, her breath ragged and adrenaline coursing through her veins. The weight of her actions settled upon her, a mix of triumph and the weight of responsibility. The line between fiction and reality had blurred, and she was now faced with the consequences of her choices.

Vikram, the director and mentor, rushed to the Minister's side, his face a mask of concern and urgency. The crew and cast members broke out of their frozen states, a flurry of activity as they tended to the wounded man and called for medical assistance.

Amidst the chaos, Saakshi remained rooted to the spot, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. The gravity of what she had done sunk in, and a whirlwind of emotions swirled within her—relief, guilt, and a sense of accomplishment.

As the medical help arrived and took charge, whisking the Minister away to receive medical attention, Saakshi felt a mix of satisfaction and unease. She had achieved her goal of exposing the truth, but at what cost?

The boundaries between her character and herself had blurred, leaving her to grapple with the consequences of her actions.

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