



Sky Gazing

Sky Gazing

1 min

Turtles all the way down by John Green

The story is beautifully narrated and one can actually relate with Aza, the protagonist of the story. It speaks volume about people dealing with mental illness and about those who are part of their lives, like a best friend, mother, and almost-boyfriend.

People will support tirelessly and will try to understand what goes on inside a person suffering from mental illness but there are layers to it.

Somedays the support will wear away a little bit, and understanding can take some rest but It doesn't make them bad people or their love any less.

And for the one suffering it, is dealing with so much more underneath those smiles and laughter. Somedays the feeling strangles them so tightly that they can't even confront their own feelings to themselves, and they actually do not know the right way and right words to express them.

There is no proper answer or a procedure to follow what's the right thing to do.

My take away from the book:

Sky gazing

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