Storytelling – How It Happened

Storytelling – How It Happened

2 mins

“After being mesmerized most of the time by this storyteller’s stories, did anyone ever think of being curious enough to know from where it all started. If not, then today we’ll walk -through that path in tandem.”

This has gained a platform now, but it was there in existence long back before. What has changed over the years is a different set of audience and the platform being raised.

To trace the journey, we have to go to long back when this ‘kid’ used to tell all the stuff that happened in school to his mamma. Although these stories lacked content, quality and what not but they had a willful teller and most importantly a patient listener (always there to listen and here ‘always’ literally means ‘always’).

Irrespective of being mocked by elder siblings this kid remained least bothered. You know why? The answer is so simple – since the ‘only audience’ was always there to listen to him and applauding with constructive feedback.

Eating the lunch in the kitchen right next to mamma and that too most mostly after other members of the family have done – could you guess why? Just to have much time with a pinch of patience for the storyteller and the only audience. There were multiple such instances.

Now it was time to leave home to pursue higher studies. He performed well in higher studies, took a reputed job and is all settled. Only one thing which keeps bothering him is the ‘continued separation’ he has been facing since once he has stepped out of the home. To add on, now he realizes mamma getting old which not only brought less number of years left in her life but indefinite sickness altogether.

If you are a regular audience, you might wonder where this storyteller had been since long – was he on an off or what? Yes, he was – this storyteller was with its first and favorite audience and devoting fully with whatever time she was left with.

On a promising note to her, till now the storyteller had told the stories of him and others. But, now the time has come for him to recite the stories of hers to this mighty audience – the story of the best audience any storyteller would ever dream of.

This is how it all happened and is in happening and will continue to remain to happen.

…From the diary of a storyteller

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