Maruf Hasan

Abstract Drama Action


Maruf Hasan

Abstract Drama Action

Survival Story of a Student

Survival Story of a Student

10 mins

Part 1: The Discovery

Maruf sat quietly in the Central Library at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), immersed in his studies. The peaceful atmosphere of the library always helped him focus on his readings. As the hours passed by, Maruf realized it was time for his afternoon prayer. He closed his books, neatly arranged them on the table, and made his way to the library's musollah (prayer room).

After offering his prayers, Maruf noticed something on the floor near the prayer area. Curiosity piqued, he bent down and picked up a crumpled one-ringgit note. A sense of delight washed over him as he realized he had found some unexpected money.

Maruf had been studying for long hours, and the thought of having a refreshing cup of tea seemed inviting. He knew there was a vending machine nearby that served hot beverages. Eagerly, he reached into his pocket and checked his wallet. To his disappointment, he found only 40 cents remaining. The vending machine charged 1 ringgit 60 cents for a cup of tea, leaving him 20 cents short.

Undeterred, Maruf pondered his options. He needed that cup of tea to recharge himself and continue his studies. Suddenly, he remembered that the Central Mosque was not far away from the library. Perhaps he could find someone there who could lend him the extra 20 cents.

With a glimmer of hope, Maruf made his way to the Central Mosque. As he entered, he scanned the area, searching for a familiar face. To his delight, he spotted his friend Ahmed sitting on one of the benches. Ahmed had recently helped Maruf secure a teaching job, and they had developed a strong bond over time.

Maruf approached Ahmed and explained his predicament, requesting a loan of 20 cents. But Ahmed, being the generous person he was, handed him a one-ringgit note instead. Maruf was taken aback by the unexpected gesture and tried to refuse, thinking that 20 cents would be sufficient. However, Ahmed insisted and smiled warmly, saying, "Consider it a small token of gratitude for your help and friendship."

Feeling grateful and touched by Ahmed's kindness, Maruf changed his mind about buying tea. He realized he could use the extra money for something more substantial, considering he had been surviving on very little food since morning. A packet of biscuits would provide some much-needed sustenance.

Maruf thanked Ahmed profusely and bid him farewell as he made his way to the nearby shop. With his newfound one-ringgit note and the 40 cents from his wallet, Maruf purchased a packet of biscuits for 1 ringgit 50 cents.

As he walked back to the library, his heart filled with appreciation for his friend's generosity and the simple pleasure of having a snack to satisfy his hunger. Maruf knew he would enjoy his biscuits while continuing his studies, and he eagerly anticipated his friend's invitation for dinner later in the evening.

Part 2: Reflections and Memories

As Maruf made his way back to the library, clutching the packet of biscuits, his thoughts drifted towards his experiences as a student from a humble background. The incident at the Bangladeshi food corner, where he had refused to accept food coupons, flashed vividly in his mind. It had been a moment of discomfort and embarrassment.

He remembered how the staff members, responsible for distributing the coupons to financially struggling students, had sometimes treated them with pity or condescension. Although their intentions might have been well-meaning, Maruf couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort when seeking assistance. He firmly believed that students like himself deserved respect and understanding, rather than being made to feel inferior due to their financial circumstances.

Maruf also pondered the lingering cultural dynamics he had encountered. Being from Bangladesh, he had noticed that some of his fellow countrymen would silently judge those who relied on food coupons, assuming they were destitute or desperate. The incident at the food corner, where he had refused the coupon in front of his Bangladeshi peers, had left him feeling self-conscious and exposed.

These memories reinforced Maruf's commitment to challenging stereotypes and misconceptions. He knew firsthand that financial struggles did not define a person's worth or intelligence. Despite facing hardships, he had persevered and excelled academically, securing a teaching job and even gaining expertise in using AI for research proposals.

As Maruf settled back into the library, he opened his books once again, ready to delve into his studies. He felt a renewed sense of determination and motivation, fueled by the kind gestures of his friend Ahmed and the memories that had stirred within him. He was grateful for the opportunities he had been given and the support he had received, both from his friend and from within himself.

The evening approached, and Maruf's concentration remained unwavering. He knew that his friend Ahmed's invitation for dinner was a way to express his gratitude for Maruf's assistance in securing the teaching job. The bond they shared had been strengthened through their mutual support, and Maruf was looking forward to spending time together, sharing stories, and enjoying a good meal.

As the day drew to a close, Maruf reflected on the importance of empathy and understanding, especially in the academic community. He hoped that one day, the stigma surrounding financial difficulties would be replaced with compassion and inclusivity. With his determination and the support of friends like Ahmed, Maruf knew he could make a difference, one small act of kindness at a time.

With a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of gratitude, Maruf continued to read, grow, and learn, knowing that his journey was not just about personal success, but also about uplifting others and fostering a more compassionate and inclusive environment for all students.

Part 3: The Dinner and Beyond

The clock ticked, signaling the end of another productive day for Maruf. He carefully bookmarked his readings, gathering his belongings, and made his way to the agreed meeting place with Ahmed. The familiar warmth of friendship embraced him as he saw Ahmed waiting outside the library.

"Maruf, my friend! I'm glad you're here," Ahmed greeted him with a wide smile.

Maruf returned the smile, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for their friendship. "Ahmed, I can't thank you enough for your help with the job and for the unexpected generosity earlier. It means a lot to me."

Ahmed waved off Maruf's gratitude. "We're friends, Maruf, and that's what friends do. Besides, your guidance with the research proposal using AI was invaluable. I owe you more than just a cup of tea or a meal."

The two friends walked together towards a local restaurant, exchanging stories and catching up on each other's lives. Maruf couldn't help but admire Ahmed's kindness and humility. It was a reminder of the power of friendship and how a helping hand could make a significant impact on someone's journey.

Over dinner, their conversation touched upon various topics—academics, dreams, and the importance of supporting one another. Maruf expressed his concerns about the perception of financially struggling students and the need for a more empathetic environment within educational institutions.

Ahmed nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right, Maruf. It's disheartening to see how some people can be judgmental without understanding the challenges others face. We should strive to create an atmosphere where every student feels valued, regardless of their financial background."

The conversation lingered on their shared vision of fostering inclusivity and supporting students in need. They discussed ideas for initiatives that could raise awareness and provide a platform for those struggling financially to seek assistance without feeling ashamed or judged.

As the evening came to a close, Maruf thanked Ahmed once again for his invitation and support. He couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Their friendship had not only provided him with job opportunities and guidance but had also sparked a passion within him to advocate for change and break down barriers for students like himself.

Maruf walked back to the library, his mind buzzing with ideas and possibilities. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to take on the challenge. Inspired by Ahmed's kindness and their shared experiences, he felt compelled to make a difference, both within the academic community and beyond.

The following days and weeks would see Maruf working diligently, not only on his studies but also on initiatives aimed at supporting financially struggling students. He reached out to student organizations, faculty members, and administration, sharing his insights and proposing ways to improve the experience of students facing financial hardships.

Maruf's dedication and passion soon gained recognition, and he found himself at the forefront of a movement advocating for change. Together with like-minded individuals, they worked tirelessly to create awareness, establish support systems, and foster a more inclusive environment within the university.

With each small victory, Maruf's belief in the power of unity and compassion grew stronger. He realized that by sharing his own experiences and raising awareness, he could help dismantle the stigmas surrounding poverty and empower others to seek the support they deserved.

Years later, as Maruf looked back on his journey, he marveled at how a seemingly ordinary day in the library had sparked a series of events that would shape his life and the lives of many others. The memory of finding that crumpled one-ringgit note, the kindness of his friend Ahmed, and the realization of the need for change had set him on a path of advocacy and transformation.

Part 4: A Legacy of Empathy and Change

Maruf's story would continue to inspire future generations of students, not only within the confines of IIUM but beyond its walls as well. His dedication to creating a more inclusive and empathetic environment for financially struggling students left an indelible mark on the university.

Through his efforts, scholarships and financial aid programs were expanded, ensuring that no deserving student would be denied an education due to financial constraints. The once-stigmatized process of obtaining food coupons underwent a transformation, becoming more respectful and supportive, thanks to Maruf's advocacy.

His experiences and insights also paved the way for counseling services and mentorship programs specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by financially struggling students. Maruf's words and actions resonated with the university community, sparking a broader conversation about empathy, social justice, and the responsibility of an educational institution towards its students.

Maruf's friend, Ahmed, stood by his side throughout the journey, offering unwavering support and contributing his own knowledge and experiences. Together, they became beacons of hope for those who felt marginalized or silenced, reminding everyone that every student deserved equal opportunities and respect.

As the years passed, Maruf's legacy endured. His name became synonymous with compassion, resilience, and the pursuit of social change. Many students who had once felt invisible found solace in knowing that they were not alone, that their voices mattered, and that they could overcome the challenges they faced.

Maruf himself continued to make a difference in the lives of others. He went on to become a renowned educator and researcher, using his expertise in AI to address societal issues and bridge gaps in access to education. His work extended far beyond the walls of the university, reaching communities and institutions around the world.

The impact of Maruf's journey was immeasurable. It served as a reminder that a single act of kindness, no matter how small, could ignite a chain reaction of positive change. His story became a testament to the power of empathy, friendship, and the unwavering belief in the potential of every individual.

As Maruf walked through the doors of the Central Library at IIUM one last time, his heart was filled with gratitude. The library had been his sanctuary, the place where he had embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and transformation. He knew that his time at IIUM had come to an end, but his impact would endure for generations to come.

With a final glance at the library, Maruf stepped out into the world, ready to embark on new adventures, fueled by the memories, lessons, and friendships he had formed. As he walked into the horizon, the spirit of compassion and change burned brightly within him, leaving an everlasting imprint on the lives he touched and the institutions he had transformed.

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