Gauree Nair

Children Stories Thriller


Gauree Nair

Children Stories Thriller

Terrific Trio and scary ghost

Terrific Trio and scary ghost

4 mins

Hi guys. My name is Jenny. We are a family of four- my mother, sister, my father and of course me. Oh yeah and I forgot about our dog, colonel. Me and my sister, Mary are having a fight almost every day. It is as my mother says, a war. We both go mad at each other and start hitting each other. I will be really glad when I go back to my school, Green Valley High Junior. You know, I am a part of a really cool gang. The name of it is terrific trio. It consists of my two besties: Alice and Pamela. Our school allows dogs so Colonel is allowed to come with me. He is a white labrador of 1 year. And he is adorable. I really love him and he loves me too. Finally after a long summer holiday I was sitting back in the train on the way to our school. After reaching a pair of hands pulled me out of the crowd. I turned and saw that it was Alice. And she looked really worried. "What's the matter girl?" I asked her. She said "Pamela was supposed to be at my place for summer holidays. But she never reached. I called her parents and they said that she left in a taxi days ago. Police are searching for her. But still no trace of her. I was terrified and so was colonel. He realised that something was wrong and was whining like anything. We both reached our dormitory in despair. Where on earth can Pamela be. The next morning I was wishing childlishly that pamela is still in her house. But I knew the truth. Then all of a sudden a brilliant idea came to my mind. Why don't we start searching for her maybe we will find her. Full of exitement I told Alice about my plan. However she did not look too sure about it. But after a little persuading she agreed. We had heard about a scary subway ghost in news. So we were told to sleep early otherwise the ghost will come. I know maybe you are thinking that it is a scheme to make us fell asleep, but believe me real ghost hauntings have taken place in our school. And a few children have been kidnapped and I think Pamela is one of them. But we stayed up all the night to find the ghost but nothing happened so we were about to give up hope but suddenly curtains started fluttering and the lights were off but before we knew we fell asleep. Next morning when I woke up I had a terrible headache. Alice said "look what I found in pamela's bed. I looked and saw a note that said-


  • I am not kidnapped by the ghost 
  • The ghost is real
  • I am not in the old house next to the town park
  • Do not come to find me
  • I am safe

This was odd. Why dis she write 5137 suddenly it clicked to me I turned the page upside down and saw that the word 5137 looked like LIES.

What??!! It means that whatever she wrote is a lie. It meant that she was kidnapped by the ghost, the ghost is not real, she is in the old house next to the town park, we should go and find her and she is not safe. OMG!! I told this to Alice and she was as scared as me. That night we sneaked out of the school and went to the old house. Suddenly Alice screamed we were dragged along by a man and were put into a big cage. Luckily colonel was safe. I whispered to him to go and find help as quietly as fast as he could. And there he went. And bless his little nose, he was back with police half an hour later. It was found out that a man was dressed as a ghost and kidnapped children and then demanded ransom from there parents but where was Pamela? We searched the whole house and foun her in the old kitchen. We all did a big group hug. And this was the end of the subway ghost.....

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