Aparna .

Abstract Comedy Children


Aparna .

Abstract Comedy Children



4 mins

For most of the people it is normal, casual, easy,disgusting and not so serius. But, the first experience of everything is always unforgettable weather it may be good or bad. Such was one of my experiences. In fact my first experience. First experience of crossing a busy National Highway. Yes, and that too with a bicycle. And the most embarrassing thing was that I was with my little sister as her guide but I had never done it alone, so forget about guiding I could not even make her feel confident because I myself was not an expert in handling that situation.

   We were returning from one of my friend's house and had to cross the peaceful safe campus to go to my house which was the other side of my school campus. But unfortunately the gaurds were in a serious mood and affectionately denied to allow us to go through the campus. In their sweet denying words I could feel the bitterness of their mood so, gave up the plan for a last request. Now there was another road round the way to reach my house. I had always heard from my teachers that the round-way road is quite dangerous for children. That thing was enough to make my confidence down towards the worst level without even seeing the path. I and my sister moved forward with many assumptions in mind. As soon as I reached the road I was both amazed and terrified. It was the huge road I had to cross. It was the road which had become famous many times just because of accidents occurring there. It was a wide, huge and long National Highway. Of course, I had crossed that road a hundreds of times but with someone beside me, guiding me and taking me. But what about now when I myself is an untrained guide!! What if the bridge road collapses... What if the traffic police asks for our bicycle's licence.... What if my cycle denies to move... What if... And many more uncanny questions.

     I could feel the roars of vehicles hitting my ear and suddenly saw the green signal. I took my sister and we both crossed the traffic signal. Now there laid the long road which seemed like welcoming us to face a new maga-danger. Finally we started!.

      After less than a minute, I got the first shock when I realised that my sister was not with her cycle behind me. Nor was she ahead of me. My eyes nearly had stopped blinking when I saw her on the right side of the road, cycling parallel to me. I gave a sigh of relief but after not more than a second I realised that this is India and we were travelling inside the Indian territory. Here, we should drive in the left side. In my mind I started telling her, "How many times I would say you to travel through the left side of the road. You won't listen to me anytime. Now face it. Once you learn the lesson, you won't do it again..". Suddenly I felt something big behind me. The inner me started again, "what can it be.. is it an elephant.. or a crashing plane or an approaching tsunami..or what?...". I turned back with great difficulty. It was a truck. I could not feel my heartbeats anymore. It was behind us but more closer to my sisters bicycle. I could see her eyebrows changing their shape every other moment and could understand her each and every terrifying expression. First I could not understand whether to laugh or cry. At that time my situation was like the one not able to find any difference between being happy or sad. I could feel the truck's wicked roar pricking my ear each second. Then,the truck started to cross us. I could not see my sister nor could she see me. That was a blank period of a few seconds. Then we both were relieved to see each other. Then we crossed another traffic crossing with a lot of terrified feelings. I was so frightened that I asked my sister to take a shortcut to avoid too much vehicles. I drove straight to home with her behind me in one go and did not stop to look at any one till I reached home. Father and Mother were not there in the home and we were aware of it. I told my sister to keep this a top secret and not tell anyone,not even our parents.

    But probably she could not carry the load of the secret,and revealed it to my Mother and Father in my absence keeping a condition to not let me know about their knowledge about all of this. Somehow, I got to know about all these secret allegations going on without my knowledge and I am still expecting not to attend a questionnaire from my parents about that road crossed.



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