Drama Others



Drama Others

That's My Girl

That's My Girl

2 mins

A few years ago, there was a little girl in a little town called Jalpaur, yes that is me, Vishanthini. I wasn't from a rich or happy family. I was raised by my mother Janaki and my grandmother Pavithra. My father... Well he was no where to be found. 

My mother said that he went on a journey to Europe and never came back. My mother worked at 3 places to earn money. My grandmother made traditional sweets and sold them. And I, I was pretty talented in making cute sculptures and small decorations. I sold them to make enough money to at least support my school fees.

For 16 years my family and I lived that way. Until one day. It was Deepavali season and we usually decorate the house with the crafts I made. I don't know why, but I felt like my mother was really sad. So I decided to make a surprise gift for her. I went to the old closet to find some memories of my father. 

When I was searching I found a secret compartment under mom's bed. I opened it and saw a red box. I really wanted to open it, but I thought it might be my Deepavali present and left it as it was. 

On Deepavali we had a wonderful breakfast and started opening our gifts. I didn't ask mom about the red box. I opened the gift that my best friend, grandma, and mother gave. I felt so confused about that box. I wanted to see what's inside, so I waited till mom slept and went in. 

I took the box and saw it had a weird shaped keyhole. I recognized the key hole because it's shape is similar to the one that my mom is wearing as a necklace. I quietly took the key from her necklace and opened the box.

And then I started tearing up. It was a divorce paper of my mom and dad. I was devastated. I found a letter from my fatehr. I started reading the letter. "Dear Janaki, I'm sorry about the divorce, I knew it wouldn't work between us. I just want to see my daughter 1 time before I leave to Dimsdale. Please bring her to the food court beside the train station at 6. From, Karthik.

I immediately packed my back, broke my piggy bank and took the money, took some food and wrote a note before leaving the house. I took the local bus to Dimsdale and when I got there....

To Be Continued....

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