Crime Thriller



Crime Thriller

That Wasn't Expected! Chapter Two

That Wasn't Expected! Chapter Two

2 mins

Sabrina handed her baby (Maria) the milk bottle and she quickly gulped it and started laughing. Sabrina smiled at her and lifted her in her arms and went to the daycare. She dropped Maria there and headed to her office.

As soon as she entered, she got showers of "good mornings", which she knew, was for formality. She smiled at everyone and went to her cabin. She sat and emailed a few business companies, in a flash of a second. Suddenly, she remembered that Claire, had to be in her cabin sharp at 8 a.m.! She slapped her cheek slightly and looked at the clock, 7:59 a.m. She was so disappointed, thinking, how could Claire come in a flash of a second?

Boom! Claire entered straight in her cabin, panting like a dog, as if, she ran 20 miles, which for the record, could be true! "Did you j...ust run 20 miles?" Sabrina looked at her horrified. "UH HUH- I AIN'T LEAVING THAT MAN, HOW THE HELL DID HE JUST DRIVE THE BUS, EVEN THOUGH I REACHED THE DOOR!!??!?! DOES HE NOT HAVE MA-" Claire stopped, looking at Sabrina's "do you know where you are shouting" expression. Uh huh- Sabrina has a "do you know where you are shouting" look.

Claire stood properly, tying her hair once again, and straight forward said, "I had to r-r-un to come t-to the office..." she said embarrassed. 

Sabrina just shook her head while laughing and started sorting out the files, "Go drink water, Miss. Marathon." Claire nodded while grinning, and went to get a glass of freshwater.


"WHAT DO YOU WANT! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE US ALONE?" shouted a man, at another man. "What do I want?" the second man said, and boom, he shot the family. "I want money. I WANT MONEY. I WANT THE MONEY, THAT I WORKED FOR, BUT MY BOSS, DOESN'T GIVE IT TO ME!? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? SHE SAID SHE WILL GIVE ME LOADS OF MONEY AFTER THIS. WILL SHE STOP LYING!" the voice echoed in the basement, where... people.. were.. killed...

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