Atish Home Chowdhury

Crime Tragedy


Atish Home Chowdhury

Crime Tragedy

The Atonement Of A Murderer

The Atonement Of A Murderer

10 mins


A sudden door knock made Rajnish walk downstairs to peep outside the window. He was shocked to see a man of around 30 with a gun in his hand was standing outside the door. Even before the 10-year-old boy could react, he heard a loud sound as the armed man slammed the door and it was already half broken.

Rajnish straightaway hid himself below the bed to witness something ominous in front of his eyes. There were 4 men barged into his 2-room flat and straightaway ran upstairs into the bedroom where his parents were sleeping. On hearing the sound of a few rounds bullets, Rajnish got awestruck and scared. The boy was wondering, why his police dad haven’t rushed to him?

A few minutes later, Rajnish saw the armed men ran out of the house. To take stock of the situation, the little boy went to the bed room but even before realizing what has happened, his eyes filled with tears. His parents were lying unconscious in a blood stained bed. The boy informed the neighbors – who were still in deep slumber.

One of the neighbors came forward taking his parents to nearby Senai hospital but it turned out to be a mere formality. The hospital doctor formally declared both his parents were brought dead. He said, “Six bullets shot into your father’s chest and three bullets into your mother’s head. Both of them have died on the spot! Sorry, we couldn’t save anyone despite our best efforts.” Rajnish was speechless. Nothing can be worst than this. A young boy losing his both parents at the hand of murderers but he could do nothing.

Police investigation followed soon about this double murder. Rajnish’s father was himself a senior police official and had taken on against many notorious people in the Senai village in his tenure. So enmity and life threat were imminent but he never paid any attention to them. He kept on chasing goons and put many of them behind bars.

A few months later, the police intimated Rajnish’s uncle with whom the little boy was now living in Mumbai that out of four murders three were caught but the mastermind was still missing. Though it brought some solace to little Rajnish’s heart but it was too little too late. He vowed to avenge the murder of his parents from anybody who committed such a heinous crime. As per the police, the motive of the murder was goons’ failure to create law and order mess in the Senai village, due to vigilant approach of Rajnish’s father so they resorted to such a horrific crime including killing the entire family. There is no doubt that if Rajnish was noticed, the goons would have killed him too. Fortunately he was safe.


Twenty years later….

Time flew so soon that Rajnish was no longer a child but a young doctor in his early thirties. Thanks to Rajnish’s uncle, a gentle, selfless soul, who transformed Rajnish’s dream of becoming a surgeon to a reality with whatever he can. Uncle stood beside Rajnish like a strong support helping him with money efforts or whatever he needed. And Rajnish didn’t waste that opportunity. He was now one of the most prominent surgeons in Mumbai.

Meanwhile, Hiren, the mastermind of the double murder, was now a matured man of around 50-year-old. He was frustrated of living a life of a fugitive. He ran from one village to another and from one city to another just to stay aloof from the Police who were frantically searching for him in regard to that case. A wrong deed can never become good no longer how many years are passed by and Hiren was now exactly paying the price of what he did. He hid here and there and wasn’t even able to enjoy fresh air.

For Hiren, that night was the ill-fated one. This was the first and last crime that he committed on advice of his notorious friends. He was somewhat remorseful for what he did to Rajnish’s parents. But in the spurt of seconds he did something which was irreversible. Though he felt sorry for it but didn’t surrender before police fearing the capital punishment.

Living a life of a fugitive for the past two decades, Hiren became frustated. He could neither join politics nor was able to establish his reputation as a notorious don in the vicinity due to his deteriorating health. But Police had a sharp memory and they were in no mood to close his file and chased Hiren every nook and corner of the country.

Several FIRs, chargesheets and cases were filed involving Hiren’s name but he safely changed his locations from one parts of the country to another. Sometimes, he sit as a helpless beggar outside Chennai station and the very next day he would disguise himself as a saint in Varanasi. This way his life goes on but with high difficulty. He always had to cover his face with a hanky to stop police from recognizing him.

Though Hiren realized his mistake in the last two decades living an isolated life but it was already too late. It was now useless to cry over the spilt milk. He cursed all those bad friends who compelled him to join in to the world of crime out of sheer poverty. But past can’t be erased or modified and whatever future was left, Hiren lived his life with the fear of police.

Chapter III

It was just before Hiren’s 51st birthday that he decided to move to Mumbai to begin a new life as a cobbler. Just near the Mumbai CST station he opened his shop. The time goes on. One evening a police officer caught the eyes of Hiren, it took less than a minute for them to recognize that their long chase ends here. They were just about to arrest him, when Hiren ran away. After repeated warnings, the police shot at in Hiren. A bullet entered inside his stomach. But he didn’t stop and kept on running.

When the pain was just unbearable Hiren went inside a nearby hospital. Co-incidentally, Rajnish also works there. Hiren was crying of pain, he was helpless. But nobody came to save him because he had no money. Suddenly, Rajnish saw Hiren and realized that he has a bullet stuck inside his abdomen. Heavy blood was oozing out of his body. Rajnish instantly urged his team to cooperate and take him inside the operation theater.

But nobody came forward. Rajnish then assured the management that he will personally fulfill all legal formalities and will also pay the price on behalf of the poor and unconscious patient. Rajnish took him inside emergency cabin. Hiren was severely injured with the bullet. He was lying unconscious on the hospital bed. Rajnish slowly initiated the operation. He was alone in the hospital and did everything possible to save the patient. When Hiren gained little consciousness he felt it was the right time to speak his heart out.

“Thank you, Very much doctor. I knew that today or tomorrow it was about to happen. I’m not a cobbler but a former murderer. I don’t want to live with the sin that I committed two decades back. The very purpose of my life is to meet that boy of Senai village and tell him everything.

Yes, I’m that sinister who killed his police dad and mother. I know it was I who made him orphan. Nothing can be more monstrous than this. The little boy must have grown up but I wish to ask for an apology from him that I don’t deserve. What I did to him is simply unthinkable but I don’t want to carry this burden of apology inside my heart any longer.

Ever since I committed that crime, I haven’t been able to live my life freely. I know that what I did is irreversible and those horrific images of myself killing a little boy’s parents is very horrendous. Look at me today I’m an aged man with no one is here to take care of me. I didn’t get married because I didn’t want my children to realize that their father is a murderer ever in their lifetime.

I didn’t have any personal enmity with that Senai Police officer but he was just too strict for me and my cohorts and never allowed us to take law and order in our hands which we used to do easily in those days. So I and my 3 friends decided to kill him and his entire family on that unfortunate night.” While rushing out of the door I saw a little boy hiding himself inside the bed but I didn’t decide to harm him because he was too small at that time. Silently listening to the cadence of Hiren’s voice, Rajnish was now damn sure that he was not treating and curing his patient but his parent’s murderer!

Chapter IV

Meanwhile, the police entered the hospital in search of Hiren. But Rajnish thoroughly declined saying to the Police officials that no such person has entered into his hospital. Police went away.

Rajnish’s face was sombered and eyes were filled with tears. But, he was calm speaking nothing. It was the time of revenge because Rajnish knew that the life of his parent’s murderer was actually in his hand. If he wished he could do anything.

“You know the little orphan boy about whom you are talking about is me. Yes, you killed my parents and I almost waited for two long decades to catch my parents’ killer. And finally that day is now. Before you say anything I want to let you know that when you killed my parents I came to Mumbai with my uncle and today I’m a popular surgeon in Mumbai. Ever since my childhood I was damn sure that if my Parent’s killers would appear before me anytime I would eat him away alive. And see where your fortune has taken you to now? You thought of escaping from Police and came to me!

Though Hiren was lying unconscious he realized soon that the doctor who was treating him was none other than his victim’s son. Hiren was dumbstruck he wished to say something but emotions chocked his voice. He can’t get away with the thought that how much bad he did to that little innocent boy and the same boy now repaying him all the goodness with his skill and dedication. By now Rajnish had already carried non-stop operation of 8 long hours.”

I’m really very-very sorry doctor. I too was waiting for the day to at least express my sense of atonement of what I did that day to you and your parents. Now my life is complete. You can do whatever you want. I ask for mercy killing for myself. I don’t want to live any longer. Please doctor let me become free of this sin. I am really ashamed of what I did to your parents and it’s quite astounding that you are now trying everything possible to save my life and keeping me safe from Police. Please forgive me. I apologize to you for all my wrong doings that have directly or indirectly affect your life.

Pretending to show as if he didn’t hear anything, Doctor Rajnish said, “I will do what my profession teaches me and what any good man should do under such circumstance. Before Hiren could speak anything else, Rajnish injected an an injection inside Hiren’s body.

Chapter V

Next morning, the door of the operation theater was wide open. Hiren opened his eyes and saw a bouquet of fresh flowers was there in his nearby table. A nurse came rushing towards Hiren and informed him about the 12-hour non-stop surgery that Doctor Rajnish performed to save his life at any cost. The operation turned out to be successful as the bullet was finally removed from Hiren’s body – thanks to doctor Rajnish who stayed awoke entire night while performing the performing the surgery with utmost sincerity and earnestness.

Taking the bouquet in his hand, Hiren found the little note which says, get well soon. Finally, I took revenge from my parent’s killer with goodness and kindness – the language that many people don’t understand. Even my late parents would be feeling proud of what I did to you. Yes, I gave you a second life that you didn’t wish for!

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