Tanmaya Nambiar

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Tanmaya Nambiar

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The Bad Leaf

The Bad Leaf

1 min

Once upon a time, there stood a maple tree. On one of the branches of the tree, there lived a leaf. She loved tricking and fooling others. So nobody liked her. But still, she was happy and cool. When it wore her red jacket, the tree's roots asked ''O red and beautiful leaf please come down and make us warm'', but the leaf said ''Ha, why should I keep you warm??? And you are none of my life''. The roots became sad. But, a moment later they cheered up and said ''Ok, we have other leaves to keep us warm. ''And the leaf said ''So what, I don't care. '''Then all the leaves shed down. It looked so beautiful. But the leaf didn't care about it. Weeks passed and the leaves started to be carried by the ants and the bad leaf became old. Then new leaves grew. They started to make fun of the leaf. The leaf felt ashamed of it. She thought of the old times and the trees were angry at the leaf. So, she shed down. The trees got surprised by this. And at last, she went through the life of a normal leaf.

The end 

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