Sumit Vanjani



Sumit Vanjani


The Blind Date

The Blind Date

3 mins

“Appreciate you taking time out for a coffee.” She said with a sparkle in the eyes. “You know I was a bit hesitant to meet a stranger like this. Not something I have done before.”

He smiled back. A genuine and earnest smile. Almost as if to say, “Look I earned this date.”

“I like your choice of a café. It makes me wonder if you are a pro at this. Maybe you have been dating here often!”

“I really like your no holds barred and candid approach. However, did we not say that we would discuss about here and now and not about then and when.”

“Hehe, yes, maybe like all girls I am already starting to get possessive about you.”

“I do not know whether that is good or bad, whether it is right or wrong, but I know one thing, and that is, this is real. This moment is real. This lovely ambiance of the café is real.”

“I am being honest, and your eyes radiate a certain élan as if to tell a story.”

“I am a writer.”


“No, I also write. I mean I write whenever I get time.”

“Your eyes tell a story of a genuine and earnest demeanor. But they also hide the pain.”

“Are you a mind reader?”

“I am not generalizing but some men are like a black and white portrait. You see no greys. You do not see in between. You see zeros and ones.”

“Am I one of them?”

“You are black and white in your approach. For most people. However, when your mind resonates with somebody, you allow that person to paint your portrait with bright colors. And not everyone can access that zone in your mind. You are in the eternal quest for a painter. But not in a hurry. You want the painting to be like a Sonnet Lumiere. Like the slow ticking of time. Like a gradual intoxication of the mind. Love is the music of the soul for you.”

“I do not believe this!”

“Tell me about yourself?”

“Why don’t we do one thing, read my mind as I read yours?”

“Okay let me try, a writer tends to look at the world colorful lenses.”

“I am all ears.”

“Well you attractive, I find your straight hair lovely.”

“I thought you were going to read my mind!”

“You are the early morning chirping of a happy bird. You tend to look at mirth in every action. You love fearlessly with no expectation of reciprocity. You know that love heals more than any medicine can. You shrug off any opinion that says that love is only in the novels. You know that you cannot love any less than you think you should. You are the dragon in the desert, even the oasis bows to you. You take the definition of love to a whole new level. For you love is on a high platonic and emotional level. For you love is the dance of the neurons. The look in the eyes form bridges that take you to destinations hitherto unknown. You lady are the warrior in love.”

She wept as he finished his explanation.

“Sometimes warriors in love need to keep their weapons under lock and key.”

“The world relies on hope. Someday you shall conquer and vanquish the thoughts from those men who think that love not the elixir of life.”

“How can you be so patient in life, are you going to let your portrait remain black and white all your life.”

“You need to wait for the colors of joy to imbibe into your psyche.”

“This is the best date I have ever had to date.” She said.

“Well, this is my maiden one.” He replied.

“Marry me!” They quipped in unison.

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