Alisha Jain

Crime Thriller


Alisha Jain

Crime Thriller

The Blood Trail... (Part 2)

The Blood Trail... (Part 2)

22 mins

Barricades had been erected, the sight of crime sealed. Red and blue lights from police cars disturbed the deadly silence of that ominous night. Cops were examining the arena with keen eyes. The ostentatious restaurant stood there, its grandeur lost in the recent events and its wealthy owner, Mr. Blanchet sat in an old crumbling chair in a far dark corner, his eyes hollow from speculations and viable outcomes of himself and his merited property. 

The mutilated bodies still lay in the broom cupboard, the blood trail was still as fresh as new, everything was as it had been about an hour ago when Mr. Blanchet had opened the second last door of his employees sector. The scene inside had been nerve racking, two female corpses lay there. Their throats had been slit open, blood was pouring down from the death wound. The floor below them was soaked in ruby red liquid which was gradually tracing its way around the spectacular eatery. 

Mr. Blanchet was horrified at the viciousness. His mind had gone numb when one of his most trusted employees, Mrs. Susan was discovered as one of the poor victims. The other lady was from a well to do household, elegantly dressed her body rested in the tiny broom cupboard. Beauty of her elegancy lost in the horror of one’s own death. The sight of mangled dead bodies had been daunting. Signs of terror lingered on Blanchet’s heavily lined face, aging him more than he already was. 

Blanchet had enough sense to call up the cops and within a quarter of hour, police vans had pulled up in front of his restaurant, Blue Moon Over Avila and property had been taken under investigation immediately. Officers had kindly attended to the poor old man who had collapsed under the pool of lamp light on the pavement. Senior officers had showed up within the other quarter and primary investigation was in procedure now.

All of sudden, a silver Volvo pulled up in front of the crime scene, its body was gleaming under the moonlight. The door to the driver’s end opened and a female figure stepped out. She was wearing a sober black leather jacket with a pair of dark blue jeans and knee high pair of boots. She was slender, average height, and a brunette. Her chocolate brown round eyes had steely persistence. High cheekbones, fair skin and excellently carved features added an air of gracefulness to her resolving sturdy personality. Jennifer Skinner was definitely one of the most exquisite person one would ever lay eyes upon.

The private investigator was standing in front of Mr. Blanchet in no time. She went down on one knee, and looked Mr. Blanchet straight in face, studying the expression. One look at it and she knew that the poor old lad freaked out. She sighed pitifully and decided to bring the poor person out of his reverie so that she can enquire about the scenario. 

‘Bonsoir Mr. Blanchet, I am Jennifer Skinner, private investigator. You had called me up.’

Mr. Blanchet snapped out from his depressing void. Jennifer gave him a kind calm look waiting for his response. 

‘Uh… Who? Jennifer, Skinner… Oh… Welcome Ms. Skinner. C-can I get you some- something?’ Mr. Blanchet stumbled uncertainly, his expression empty. 

‘It’s alright, Mr. Blanchet. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?’ Jennifer Skinner enquired politely. A part of her was quite certain that the man was going to refuse any inquiry, and she would not force the old man. It was one of her terms of work and binding faithfully to one’s terms is the true respect a person could hold for his or her profession. Jennifer Skinner loved her work, she would not leave case before cracking up the mystery. Her work apart from sharp wits required great level of determination and courage to look up and unfasten the veil from truth.

It is not that she had had those gifts since birth. She had built them up. After losing both her parents in a sudden plane crash at tender age of fifteen, she had gone off to live with her grandma in Florida. Her parents had left a good fortune. She completed her graduation and post graduation in law and science with flying grades and worked a variety of jobs learning intriguing arts and skills which now come handy in her noble profession. Before entering the field of private investigation, she had been a dynamic cop and had encountered variety of complicated cases with most unexpected endings, but rigid rulings of government and limitations were an obstacle in her frivolous desperation for searching and revealing the truth.

After leaving the job, she had started sharpening her detective skills. Starting from one room workplace, her first break came when a stingy but rich and respected nobleman’s daughter ran away, the desperate father had promised a handsome amount on return of her daughter. Skinner had carried out the investigation on her own seeking help from her childhood friend, Gemini Hales, and deciphered the case within forty eight hours. It had been a cake’s walk for a lady as brilliant as herself but for the noble it was the greatest present of his life. He paid Jennifer handsomely. The incident acquired the much awaited fame and her career shot up.

Following few weeks saw the most exotic sight. Jennifer Skinner had become the most renowned detective in country. After working out the case of lost diamond, worth $70,000 million, she became a global face. Even after reaching such pinnacle of success, her modesty and spirit was a sight for every eye. She would often visit her parental home in Avila, seeking some peace and solitude.

It was on one such solitary evening, Jennifer was curled up in her cosy armchair inside her bayside villa, a cup of strong cappuccino in one hand and a novel in other, when her phone had rang. An unknown number popped up on screen. She had considered avoiding the interfering call, but then dropped the idea. At first no voice answered, it was getting annoying when a fumbling voice had spoken from the end.

‘M-murder, D-double, Blue Moon Over Avila, Quick’

The call disconnected leaving Jennifer stunned. Blue Moon Over Avila was the most flamboyant and ancient restaurant of Avila, a place for classy citizens. She had never visited it, extravagancy was not her cup of tea. It could be someone pulling her leg, trying to lure her into the trap of humiliation or vengeance. The phone had unsettled her. A part of her was considering the call a hideous prank but a stronger one told her to look into the matter, it could be something serious. After deliberating over the possibilities, she had decided to visit the location.

Turning up the engine, she raced down the streets of Avila. Whole Avila was soundly asleep and a queer silence dawdled in the night. The streets were submerged into sound darkness. She took the turn into Driver’s way. There was a lot of commotion at the end of street. 

‘Not a prank or trap’, thought Jennifer as she pulled up in front of eatery. 

‘Ye- Yes, I- I will answer ’, uttered Mr. Blanchet. Jennifer gave a short nod and began her questioning.

‘Was it you who had called me up?’


‘Did you discover the bodies or it was one of your employees?’


‘Both had been slaughtered and dead?’


‘Are you familiar with victims?’

‘Pa- Partially… One of them is my most faithful employee, Mrs. Susan. The other lady must be a customer. I don’t know her.’

‘Hmm… Can you give me the description of corpses as you had found them?’

‘Susan was lying there, on the ground, her face pale, eyes popping out. Her black curls partially covered her face. Expressions were all submerged under the horror of death. Her throat had been slit open. She was wearing her uniform. The other lady was seated, gracefully, her white gloved hands were on her lap. Black veil covered her powdered face, hair underneath the hat had come undone. She wore a black sheath gown. ’ Mr. Blanchet responded, his eyes were staring past Jennifer probably imagining the dreadful scene. His lips trembled and droplets of cold sweat appeared on face as the images flashed across his empty eyes.

‘Thank you for now Mr. Blanchet. I’ll come back to you. Take care.’ Jennifer spoke with a gentle voice. ‘Poor man’, she looked down pitifully at the distressed old man seated in the chair, he had witnessed too much in past few hours.

She walked down to the entrance, examining every minute detail with each step. The restaurant was surely the one of the most magnificent places. Huge ornamented entrance led the way into a lavish dining. Tables were meticulously arranged with intricate designing and comfy but majestic chairs. An atavistic pendulum clock stood in front of reception desk. An elaborate gold plated umbrella stand stood in one corner of dining along with an ancient telephone in other. The windows on the other side were completely covered with immaculate and pretentious curtains. The marble floor below was as neat as a new pin apart from the obtrusive ruby red trail.

Jennifer scrutinized it thoroughly. She followed the trail, keeping a safe distance from it. It was going inside the employees’ sector. The glow in the dark sign on door had red scratch marks all over it. 

Jennifer looked down at it. It looked like they were a result of fierce struggle between one of victim and killer and had been intentionally drawn on the door. She followed the trail to the second last door. It stood open, just as Mr. Blanchet had left it. Two mutilated bodies lay inside, the blood trail was originating from the one seated. Their faces were pallid, eyes were popping out. It was a ghastly sight to look at. 

Everything was as Mr. Blanchet had described. She went closer, keeping the caution of not interfering with any evidence. 

The broom cupboard was tiny space, not more than 4 feet in breadth and 5 in length. There were a few mops stacked shabbily in one corner. The buckets had fallen and pieces of cloth were strewn across the floor, signs of struggle. An old stool stood in a corner on which the corpse of lady was lying in a seated position. The only source of light was a florescent light bulb. There were more red stains on the door and walls.

Jennifer moved out from the restricted space. The place was in the same state, apart from the number of people. The previously deserted restaurant was filled with a decent bunch of dressed up cops. The senior officers were seated in kitchen, deliberating over proofs and case. Jennifer guided her steps towards the kitchen. 

‘Sir, but how could that be possible? Blanchet himself reported the case to us’

‘No, no my dear man… It’s usually the most innocent who is later figured out to be the culprit’

‘Sorry to interrupt your explanation Mr. Denis, but I don’t find any lies and cheats hiding under the old man’s confession… The case is more complicated than we see’

Voices flew out from the kitchen. There must be about three or four men concluded Jennifer. She opened the door and was about to step in when a long sturdy arm obstructed her way. 

‘Trespassers not allowed madam.’ The uniformed cop spoke in a harsh commanding tone.

Jennifer gave a piercing stare at the man. He was a young guy, about twenty five, Square jawed, ash blonde and buoyant. His features were an outstanding attribute to his steely and stalwart personality. His voice was ice cold and highly professional when he addressed Skinner.

‘Newly joined’ Jennifer rolled her eyes at the cop. 

‘Heavens’ bless me! Jennifer Skinner in Avila, What a great surprise!’ exclaimed an old but animated officer. The man was about fifty, paunchy and stout, the personality was nowhere catering to a decent description of uniformed cops.

‘Let her pass Hastings’ Commanded the chubby officer as he moved towards the lady. Despite his loaded body, his steps were quite steady and resolving. 

‘Thank you Mr. Denis’ Jennifer shook hands with officer and stepped in the small gathering.

‘You seem to know my introduction’, Denis was utterly amused at the sudden mention.

‘The kitchen is not sound proof Mr. Denis’ Jennifer replied, smiling shrewdly at the cop. Denis gave a hearty laugh and nodded approvingly at her accurate attention. 

‘Officers, Ms. Jennifer Skinner, the renowned investigator and former cop’ Mr. Denis introduced her to his fellow workers as Jennifer shook hands with each of them. 

‘Mr. Blanchet had called me up regarding the case, I believe you have already proceeded with the primary investigation, will you mind if I join in the discussion?’ Jennifer explained her unexpected arrival. Unlike other operatives, she had no detest for policemen and was willing to work in cooperation.

‘Oh no no, my dear! We are obliged! ’ Mr. Denis replied cheerily, he was more than ready for her to join in. He was possibly the senior most in the spacious cookery. Jennifer nodded smiling towards the bubbly old cop. She scanned the faces around her, their looks were impassive, even if they had a different opinion, then also there was no chance it was to prevail. Jennifer started with her enquiry.

‘I believe you were caught up in an argument when I stepped in’, she asked calmly.

‘Yes, well, I think that the case is pretty clear; the murder, as in most crime scenes had been committed by the caller himself. There is no other witness, the shop had closed about half an hour ago before the crime had been committed and from what we know about Blanchet, he is not the nicest person around; a miser, dissatisfied with work of employees and always driven by the force of money. Today, he had stayed a bit late than usual, only person with him was the sweet cleaner lady, Mrs. Susan, she must have got into a heated argument about some financial matter related to income probably, Blanchet is not very regular or charitable with income of his employees, it is a difficult job to make him part with his money. From what we have come to know about Susan, she was a kind and lovable lady, but her poverty and sudden death of her husband had impoverished her living standards.

She took up the job of cleaner at Blue Moon at meager salary in order to meet the ends. About a few days ago, her only child had been diagnosed with typhoid, a pretty large sum is required for treatment. Susan had been quite disturbed in mind, thwarted by her helpless condition. She must have asked her boss for some bonus or financial assistance. Blanchet must have refused which had caused her to attack him in her frustration of not being able to give her child the deserving level of life, all because of her cheapskate boss. Blanchet in self defense had counter attacked, causing a fatal wound. The restaurant must be occupied by a single woman, who was probably the only witness, in order to wipe out the proofs he must have killed her too. Later on, he must have decided to frame the scene as a double murder. This would get cops on false trail and he would be safe.’

Mr. Denis explained his point as though it was the most obvious thing. 

‘Sir but the man is too old and weary and from what we have investigated, he seems to admire Mrs. Susan for her generous and sweet nature. We had used our best detector machines at the time of confession and from what the results were, I am quite positive that Mr. Blanchet had given us a true firsthand account.’ The man named Hastings contradicted his senior’s prediction.

‘Hastings you are a newbie, lack of field experience I believe, the detectors do not show results when the details have been omitted or the person has trained himself in the incredible art of controlling emotions.’

Denis nodded in agreement to the statement made by his colleague, Monsieur Delacour, another officer at high position.

‘Yes and apparently all the evidences are against him until now, we must take the man in custody; we need to do more in depth investigation of case.’ 

Denis concluded his part. Hastings did not look convinced; he still couldn’t see how the old man who had so readily given them his account could be the culprit. The man was completely freaked out when they had pulled over, but his superiors were correct, evidences were truly against the poor man and besides, Hastings himself had no solid proof for his statement apart from the detectors and a strong intuition and from what he had learnt, intuitions held no place in an investigation.

He looked at Jennifer Skinner, who was keenly hearing the exchange. He wasn’t a great supporter of private detectives working alongside police department. He categorized such jobs as an ‘insult to cops’ dignity’. He gave Jennifer a cold look and looked down at floor, hiding the anger burning in his eyes. His father had been a cop as well, reputed one to be precise, it was his clean image that had found Andrew Hastings respect among his fellow officers. Andrew had recently passed his academy achieving top grades and joined the forces a month back, it was his first big case. He was one of the most disciplined and oriented cop one would ever meet. At the younger stages of life he had been a charming and easy going boy, and had been in a number of casual teenage relationships. At age of twenty, for the first time he fell in love. The girl was his batch mate in college, her shy and innocent nature had captivated the young boy. They became friends and later on the friendship turned to love. Andrew was pleased and complete in her company while she was equally exuberant to find a best friend and cheery boy.

But every story doesn’t have a happily ever after, in their last year, the girl was diagnosed with a brain tumor, her survival was impossible, she had a little more than a year before her. Andrew’s happy world had been smashed to pieces, after graduating they travelled far and wide, sucking in the memories of time spent together and a year later the lady died. Andrew was broken, and lost his merry attitude, indulging himself in academics he managed to crack the forces exam and got a job to put his mind off the tragedy, but the incident was not something that could be forgotten easily, he would still remember the sunny moments and real life he had once had. 

  Pulling himself back from the reverie, Hastings tried to concentrate on conversation. 

‘I think I would examine the scene, now that the corpses have been removed, I am positive we get some real evidence, no matter how smart a criminal is, he or she ought to make a mistake to set us on their track’ Jennifer Skinner was speaking, staring past the gathered department.

‘Dear one, I think I would appoint an officer to assist you. I don’t have a doubt against your skills, they are admirable, but if you are working in cooperation with department, you must proceed with investigation accompanied by our officer’ Mr. Denis spoke in a concluding tone.

Jennifer tried to protest but decided against it. She would need police’s confidence and favor as she would breaking ample of laws while investigation. 

‘I agree to your condition sir, but I’ll choose who will assist me and also I seek your permission to pursue the case according to me. I apologize before hand for the laws I am about to break.’ Jennifer responded with a no nonsense voice. She was clear about her priorities and wanted them to be fulfilled.

Mr. Denis deliberated over her conditions but decided to agree to them. 

‘Great, so Mr. Hastings would be assisting me. It would give him some good experience’ Jennifer said. Andrew was utterly bewildered, he protested against the proposal but his pleas were over heard and he had no option but to stand up to the orders of his seniors. He looked at Skinner, anger and confusion clearly visible in his eyes. Jennifer had an impenetrable expression. 

‘Mr. Hastings, I hope you will join in shortly, I am not a great admirer of laggards’ 

Before Andrew could respond, Jennifer had already left the spot. He massaged his forehead and closed his eyes, pacifying the boiling rage inside him. He had never been bossed around like that. This lady was definitely testing her patience. He uttered an angry sigh and moved out to join the investigator.

‘I want identity of second lady to be discovered quickly, her handbag must have been removed by the murderer. Check the police complain for missing people. The lady was from a wealthy family, lonely late night outs are not a tendency of such women. Her family must have reported the case in police or decided to carry out the operation on her own out of the fear of social defamation.’

An officer nodded and moved away to carry out the instructed job. Corpses had been carried away by medical team for reports. There were huge blood stains on floor where Susan’s corpse was lying. There were a couple of photographers clicking at furious rate. Jennifer was standing at the doorway, jotting down some points in her classic black pocket book.

She went over to blood smudges on wall and wrote something. Andrew Hastings stood behind her, waiting for instructions. 

‘Mr. Hastings I believe you are fuming at the idea of assisting me, but this case would need a resilient and intelligent cop like you, so without wasting any time, I think we should get down to untangle the events of yesterday night.’

Jennifer commanded without turning to look at Andrew. Andrew had no option but to agree to it. Although he was enraged at the idea of being domineered, but the case was bound to give him some useful experience. He grunted in agreement. 

They were seated across each other on one of the table of restaurant, examining the postmortem reports. The lady’s identity had been revealed, she was Madame Laurent of Toulon, wife of Sir Laurent. She had been married in an affluent family of Toulon and later on moved to Avila with her husband and two children. Her younger child had recently passed away, result of a prolonged illness while older one had been sent abroad for further studies. 

Madame Laurent had been unable to handle the death of her child and suffered a severe mental trauma. Yesterday night she had visited the Blue Moon restaurant with her husband, who had to leave immediately for Marseilles owing to some urgent official call. He had offered to drop Madame Laurent home to which she had refused recalling an appointment with doctor and afterwards a small reunion with her convent friends, both at Blue Moon restaurant.

Monsieur Laurent and his son both had been sent a summoning letter. News crime reporters had acquired the crisp piece of news, though involvement of Jennifer Skinner had been kept a secret from nosy journalists. Press must be printing at top speed right now, after all the murder involved most arabesque restaurant and lady of most renowned household in whole Avila. 

Jennifer was writing down furiously in her notebook while Andrew was going through newspaper reports of past few weeks; all of them tracing the story and rumors about Laurent family. Death of Daniel Laurent had been a great matter of tattle all around town, the death had been under mysterious circumstances and from what reports said, Daniel had been a sparkling and healthy boy. He was being home schooled by his parents. Strangely he did not have many friends and was more of an introverted and shy boy, exact opposite of outgoing and sporty elder brother Seamus. Daniel had been an amiable boy despite of his shy nature, from account of few people who knew him, it was discovered that one month ago Daniel had disappeared suddenly, Mr. Laurent had spread the news that he had diagnosed with some deadly disease, for treatment of which he had been sent to some foreign country along with his mother.

About fifteen days following the announcement, Madame Laurent had returned highly distressed by the worsening health of her son accompanied by a severely weakened Daniel. Within following five to six days, Daniel had died, after his return no person apart from his maid and parents had entered his room, and it was the same maid who had discovered the lifeless of body of boy lying on bed one morning.

Investigation had been avoided due to family’s high social status and medical reports presented by the boy’s parents. But rumors could not be stopped from spreading. There were talks about Daniel being murdered by his own parents for not standing up to family’s status, and there were other gossips about stretched relations of Mr. and Mrs. Laurent, some of them even talked about a family curse on Laurent family. 

Andrew skimmed through every news report, recording each important detail. Jennifer was furiously noting down the theories and facts in her pocketbook. The sun had come up when they were finally done with the work, it would be matter of time before people start flooding around the sight. Jennifer’s presence could complicate the matters. She needed to interrogate a few people. Her recent study of crime scene had opened a whole new view of case to her.

‘Mr. Hastings I think we should leave the place. Some field interrogation needs to be carried out.’

Andrew’s eyes flew open at Jennifer’s voice, he had drifted into an uneasy nap, night had been quite exhausting for him, he had stayed awake for most of it. Jennifer on the other hand was wide awake, she had gone through multiple sleepless nights owing to her greatly demanding profession and this case was highly intriguing for her. She looked at Andrew, who was excessively tired.

‘We can grab a coffee on way; I know some pretty good cafes’ she responded smilingly at her colleague. Andrew gave her a stiff nod and joined her outside in the car.

Jennifer had maintained her car pretty well, seats were gleaming as new and a peculiar and intoxicating fragrance lingered in the car.

‘I hope you don’t mind some music, Mr. Hastings. I have a nasty habit of driving with music’ she enquired, smiling apologetically. Andrew was storing straight past the windshield.

‘It’s your vehicle madam, I have no problem’ he replied not turning to look at his companion. Jennifer turned up the volume to the level from where it was a slow background song. 

‘Mr. Hastings do you mind sharing the details of your investigation?’

‘Yes ma’am, from what I have seen in the reports, the case seems highly complicated. Madame Laurent’s younger son, Daniel had passed away under mystifying condition. About a month ago, as Mr. Laurent had propagated, he and his mother had been sent abroad for treatment, they returned after fifteen days. Daniel’s condition had worsened by then. Within five to six days he had passed away. From the day of his return his room had been visited only by his childhood ayah and his parents and his body was discovered by same maid.’

Andrew closed his notepad and waited for the response.

‘I see, what do you think about the case Mr. Hastings?’ Jennifer asked casually.

Andrew was bewildered by such a question, his opinion was being considered in case. 

‘I think that case is more deeply layered than it seems. The victim was supposedly Madame Laurent; Susan was just an extra, murdered for being a witness. And Madame Laurent was possibly killed due to some family issues. I am not sure by whom. ’

Jennifer smiled mysteriously keeping her eyes on the road ahead. 

‘You are correct Mr. Hastings, the victim was Madame Laurent, and she was murdered by a family member, and guess what, the lady was extremely clever; gifted with an extraordinary intelligence…. She had left the trail before dying…’

Andrew was perplexed. He did not know what Jennifer was referring to. He looked at his side for the first time. Skinner was staring straight ahead. 

She smiled to herself. The case was becoming more and more interesting now…

What was the hidden trail? Who was the murderer? What is the secret of Madame Laurent and her family? 

Andrew was caught in the turmoil of questions, some had been answered while new one had been risen. He sat there musing over what Jennifer had said while Jennifer smiled mysteriously on the seat beside him....

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