Silverstone cat

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Silverstone cat

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The boy and his burden

The boy and his burden

6 mins

Chapter one 

The swordsman shrine 

I woke in a forest at first I was scared but the a, white wolf was their with me. And I wasn't scared anymore, I looked around, I was on a path, I got up and followed the path. To an old shrine, I walked inside where a wood carving was standing on the wall and in front a stroll. 

I opened it up, and it said here is a tribute to the greatest swordsman, he grow tired of helping and never getting a break. So he left for good his village was angry with how he was treated, so they to argue with the church. But they were hold against their will to force the swordsman to fight. But instead he joins the other country to attack and get rid of the church. 

I then looked down because I heard splash on the floor it was blood. I looked in the direction where it was coming from it was a woman in a maid clothes I went closer. She reached out a hand as I hold it she said, "I don't know if you can ear me or you even their but you have to get out of the country and get home. Your been hold here so your brother wouldn't attack" "but how do you know it was me?" I ask."Your mark on your hand is the marks of the lce wolves, and they only come from are county not here. It's a pack with him and that means you can use lce magic and call out his pack because his a alder". I seat down next to her listened to her telling to here going east stay off the road and to my mark hide. 

After a hour she died I dig a hole with my wolf who named Boro, after I dig the hole. I try to drag her out, but no luck she was too heavy but just when I was going to give up, she suddenly became as light as a feather. I looked at the body their laying on top of her was a green lizard with leaves around it's neck. It was a earth lizard named Goran, I didn't know how I knew that I just did I touch it and suddenly got a mark on my left shoulder. I put the woman in the hole full it back up, I then took the book of the swordsman to write my journey in it because there were pages free. And made a basket to carry food along the way out of barck that Goran found. 

Then start walking along the way I met two fire bear cubs named Amber and Ash their mother was killed by hunters. And a wind Eagle, whose name was Storm her one was on my right leg and the bears on my feet. I walking east only stopping to rest never stay one place too long just incase someone spots me. I didn't know why I knew so much about how to live on my own, it was like someone in my head was telling me what to do. I kept walking east until I reach a wall Damn I thought I had avoided the road like she told me. But now I had no choice as I walked to the road, Boro changed into water and went into my water bottle. Goran turned invisible on my head spread out, both Amber and Ash shrunk to the size of a chicken egg and hide in my pockets. As a storm, she flew over the wall and was probably waiting for me on the other side. 

I found a bridge that crossed the river in-between the walls to the next country. Two guards were guarded the bridge and only let people through with a pass. A piece of paper I was hoping I could go pass unnoticed, if I walked pass when they were looking at someone else pass. "Hey" said the guard Damn he walk over "papers," "I er." Then I felt a tug on my shirt, I looked to see a blonde hair girl "not yet I know it's annoying waiting in queue, sorry he just got in presume" said the little girl. The guard went back to check papers, as we went to a big broody man with some people they must be a travel market. "Daughter and who is this" said the the color beard man "he was trying to cross the bridge without papers", "get in the carriage". I was about to say something but I stop and got in hide behind a truck and put a blanket over me as we started to move. 

"Where the boy" ask the guard "daughter made a mistake he wasn't are just didn't want him to get into trouble". The guard didn't say anything but he must of let them through because the carriage was moving. It didn't until we got a bit a distance way from the bridge I jumped out of carriage, "Thank you," I said. Storm landed on my shoulder "are you sure we can't take you into town" said the father. At first, I was going to say no, but now I was this close. So I ride with them I show the girl my elements animals friends "wow I can't wait until I awake but it is a shame I will only have two. This country people can have up eight at the very least, but I did ear about some of the royal family had fifteen once" . I wonder what that met as to the city again my friends hide and I jumped out of the carriage. "Well good bye and thanks for the ride" I told them. "Good luck" I hope you find what you're looking for" said the father. I walked to the place which, at the end of the city when I got to the top the stairs and the entrance of the castle. A dragon flew on tops of me at first all my friends were ready to protect me but in the end he was lick like a dog welcome me home. 

"What going on down here" said a voice I looked at the entrance door and there was a middle-aged man with blonde hair and a lce owl. He noticed the mark on my right hand "good heaven come with me" I got up and followed the man and the dragon inside. To a big room where the throne was but on one was in it "what is it uncle" ask a voice opposite us. I turn to see a black hair young man with a kimonos on and a samurai sword on his waist so this was the king and probably my brother.

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