Reva Saraf

Tragedy Action Crime


Reva Saraf

Tragedy Action Crime



16 mins


Judy was reading the daily newspaper. She loved to solve all the puzzles and crosswords, that would be in the newspaper. Her little sister, Maya, asked her, "Sister, why do you always read the newspaper?" She replied, "My dear little sister, it's very important. You get knowledge!"

Maya smiled sweetly. Judy solved some crossword puzzles, and then, her friend, Lisa, and Kylie entered.

"Judy!!! We have great news for you!!" They screeched. "Oh hello, Lisa and Kylie! Hope you're good! You both had exams, right? And did you get the result? How was it? Tell me now!" She said, breathing hard. "Slow down, Judy! I got 95%, and Lisa got 94%. Isn't it great? We both are really happy with our result." Kylie said, smiling. 

Judy appreciated them lovingly, "Great work you two! Amazing! Love it! But what about Flora? She's also our friend! Why didn't she accompany you?" 

"Well, um, Flora's result was a bit bad. She got depressed!" Lisa said. 

"Yes, and to be honest, Flora has a lackadaisical attitude towards her studies. We tried to console her, but, it was inutile." Kylie said, agreeing with Lisa. 

"Don't worry, we'll fix that issue as well. What was the 'great news' that you wanted to inform?" Judy asked, remembering. 

"Oh yeah! Well, turn to page 3 of the newspaper." Lisa ordered. "Okay," she said turning the pages slowly. "But these are all advertisements of cosmetics." "Oh, look at the bottom right part of it!" Lisa said. "It's an advertisement. It says, 'Mystery to be solved! Detectives or expert mystery solvers can help!'" She read. "Yes, so, we all will solve it!" Kylie finally announced. 

"Oh, great." Judy said. "Judy, you're an expert detective and mystery solver! And remember, you helped me figure out about the thief who stole the family heirloom!" Lisa pointed out. "Okay then, Lisa. Let's go!" Judy cried out, excitedly. "Wait a second! At least read the whole article about the mystery in the newspaper!" Kylie said, laughing. "Woops! I forgot, sorry. Okay, so this tells us that there's a statue near the mansion on 14 Pubsgo street. Mansion number 2. And, the further details will be told by the people staying at the place." Judy said.

"Let's go then!" Kylie said, grabbing Judy's and Lisa's hands. "Okay, let me tell mother about it. Otherwise she'll worry about us!" Judy said. Then, she came back a bit later, after informing her mother. Then, they took a taxi, and sped across the streets to reach the address, that was mentioned in the newspaper. 


Half an hour later, they had reached their destination. The mansion seemed old and it also needed a lot of renovation. "Well, it doesn't seem as if someone even lives here! This place is enough to give nightmares!" Lisa said, noticing. "Hmm, it does look a bit old. Let's go inside and check if someone is there or not." Judy said, and Kylie nodded. When they went inside the mansion, some bats flew away, through the front door. Kylie frowned. Judy knocked the door, but, it was open. They went inside, and then, Judy called out, "Hello? Is someone there?"

Suddenly, a couple came in front of them. "Hello, strangers. I'm Julie Hicks, and this is my husband, Martin Hicks. I think you've come here to help us. You might have read the add in the newspaper, today." Julie Hicks guessed. "Hello, yes, we've come here to solve the mystery. But, how could you guess about our arrival?" Lisa asked. "Actually, we're old, and no one ever comes to visit us. Well, I suppose you three might have been afraid by seeing the appearance of our house. It's a bit old, but we are very attached to it." Mr. Hicks said, smiling lovingly. "Oh, that's really sweet! I think you should tell about the problem, now!" Judy requested. "So, there's a statue in the garden. Come, let me show you!" Julie offered. They followed the old woman, and she quickly led the three girls towards the statue. "Here. This is the statue!" She said.

"Uh, Mrs. Hicks, the head of this statue is missing!" Judy said, widening her eyes. "Yes! This is a statue of my father-in-law, Mr. James Hicks." She said. "Wait. James Hicks? Is it the eminent lawyer who has won all the cases?" Lisa asked, interestingly. "Yes! He has a record of winning about three thousand three hundred and thirty-three cases! That's the total number of cases he's fought in his own career!" Mrs. Hicks replied, smiling. "Oh yes, even I've heard of him! Well, who doesn't know about him?!" Judy and Kylie both said, agreeing. "Well, it's been many years since his death. But, he was a very, very, very famous person! And, it was rumored that he left all his family members some precious objects. But, we don't know where it is!" She replied, sadly. "Oh, don't worry, we'll help!" Judy said, smiling. "Can you tell me if you know about any clues? That would be really helpful." Kylie asked.

"Well, I'm old now. So, my memory is not good. But, I think you might find some clues in the mansion. I can lead you to his room. Maybe he left some clue or hint there?" Julie Hicks replied.


"This is father's room. He used to write some things about his life in his diary everyday. So, I think you should read that. Maybe you get something which is useful?" Mrs. Hicks said. "I'm leaving. You three can continue on your research work!" Before leaving the room, Julie Hicks handed over the diary to Judy. "Thank you!" Judy said, smiling. Then, Julie left, and the young gumshoe quickly flipped through the pages of the diary. The notebook was old and rusty. The pages smelled of forgotten secrets. "Okay, so, there's nothing so intriguing and interesting in the first page. But, here, on the third page, it's written that 'My family is been so caring. I really want to appreciate them in a special way. So, I decided to leave them some great presents before I die. They will always remember me!'" Judy said. "Okay, so one thing is clear: James Hicks has hidden those treasures somewhere. But exactly where?" Kylie said. "Let's read further," Judy said. 

After 2 hours of investigation with the diary, the three young sleuths had just learnt a new fact: James Hicks had written that the clues about the treasures would be found in the garden. 

"Garden? But where exactly in the garden?" Lisa asked. Judy thought for a minute, and then she said with an excited gleam in her eyes, "Maybe we find it near the staue? You know, it's the main clue!"


They ran towards the garden, and then they started looking around the statue. "Okay, there's nothing here, but, I could just find this small piece of paper." Kylie said, waving the paper. "There's something written in it! Let's read!" Judy urged. "It's written that, 'My son is very hardworking, and I would love to give him half of my will and testament. The other half, I hereby declare, will be given to my daughter-in-law.'" Judy said, after reading it.

"Mostly, people hand over their will and testament to their son after their death. But, that was very thoughtful of Mr. James to give half of it to his daughter-in-law." Lisa said, smiling happily. "Oh yes! Absolutely!" Judy and Kylie said.

"But where is the will?" Lisa asked. "Maybe we should read the diary again?" Judy said. "Hopefully we get some new and important clues?" "Yep! Let's go! But, I think, let's inform Mrs. Hicks about our next move. Otherwise, she can get worried about us." Kylie suggested. So, the three young sleuths went to Julie Hicks' room and told her that they would be investigating to find clues so that the will could be found. They also told her that the will was distributed to both her and her husband, as declared by James Hicks. 

Mrs. Hicks said, "Okay! Do take very good care of yourselves!" 

Judy, Kylie, and Lisa smiled and then went into the room, opened the diary, and started reading. Then, after fifteen minutes, Judy finally said, "If James Hicks was really a famous person, then there should be news about his will." "Oh yes, and you know what, Judy, I have a strange feeling that the will might have been stolen!" Kylie said, frowning. Judy and Lisa patted her shoulders. Then, Lisa asked, "But, why do you feel so?" "I'm not sure! But, I don't know why I have this really strange feeling!" Kylie said. "Don't worry, girls! Our intention is right, and I am sure that we'll solve this case. It's important to find the will, otherwise, it could go in the wrong hands, to the wrong person!" Judy said thoughtfully and confidently. Lisa and Kylie smiled at Judy. They loved Judy's positive spirit and behavior.

After reading the diary for some more time, Judy, Lisa, and Kylie had figured out a new clue: James Hicks had written in his diary that he feels worried, because he felt that the will might get stolen, as it was a very precious item. "Well, Kylie, after reading James's thoughts, I also feel that the will might be stolen!" Lisa said, tensed. Judy just looked at the sky, and then she ran towards Julie Hicks' room. When she reached there, she asked, "Aunty, when we read the diary further, we learned that the lawyer was worried. Because he felt that his will might get stolen. It's actually very precious!" "Oh! But, that's sad." She replied. After that, Martin Hicks came inside the room. "I was exploring something in the attic. Sorry if I missed something." He said. Suddenly, Lisa's eyes flashed. "Wait a second. Uncle, can we go to the attic and explore it? Maybe we find some new hints? And possibly the will?" She asked. "Oh yes, but what will?" He asked, confused. His wife explained about how the girls had read in the diary that James Hicks had left his will for both of them, while Judy and her two friends hurried towards the attic. 


Judy, Kylie, and Lisa carefully entered the attic. Then, Kylie's foot hit something sharply. She slipped. and she fell down with a thud! "Kylie! Careful!" Lisa and Judy screamed with fright. Hearing the screams, the old couple also entered hastily. "What happened?" They asked. Kylie was unconscious. Judy answered, "Uncle! Aunty! Actually, Kylie fell down and she hurt herself. And now she's unconscious! Can you get some water?" Mrs. Hicks rushed to get a glass of water. Then, Judy sprinkled some droplets on the unconscious girl's face. Kylie woke up slowly, holding her head. Then, she said, "Judy? Lisa? Mr. and Mrs. Hicks? What's happening?" Judy told her that she had been unconscious for a while. Kylie stood up sharply. Then, she took the box, which had been hit by her foot. The others started looking for the will. Meanwhile, Kylie opened the box. What she saw inside, made her eyes wide.

On top of the lid of the box, it was written, 'My Will' in big and bold letters. Kylie guessed that it could be the box that contained James's will! But, when she opened it, it was empty! She told the others, "This box's label contained the lawyer's will. But, it's empty! The will is not there!" "Oh my! That's not good!" Lisa screamed. But, Martin's eyes were fixed somewhere else. He urged his wife to follow him.

"Julie, if I am not wrong, you had kept some valuables in this attic, right?"

Julie nodded.

"It's not there!" He said, sadly.


Half an hour later, the five people collapsed on a huge sofa, which was in the living room. "So, do you think the will and the valuables are stolen?" Judy asked. "Yes! We need to find them!!" Martin and Julie Hicks said. "Don't worry," Lisa said. "Can we turn on the television? Maybe there's some news related to our mystery?"

Judy switched it on, scrolling through the channels, to put on the news. "Hello, and welcome to ABC News, I'm Julia Smith. Today, we're going to show you very, very shocking news!" The reporter's voice blasted. She continued, "We all are aware of the great and magnificent lawyer, Mr. James Hicks. It is rumored that his will, that he left to his son and daughter and law, has been robbed!"

Everyone in the living room looked shocked. "So our guess was right!" Martin Hicks shouted, while the News report continued, "Some people living in Torquemada street, 18A, had seen some men running all the way from the lawyer's house. We still do not know about the thieves' appearance. Stay tuned!" "Come on, let's go to Torquemada street! Quick!" Judy ordered. They took a taxi and rushed towards the place.


When they reached, they heard some boys talk between themselves, "Do you know? James Hicks's will got stolen! Oh, that's so sad!" Judy rushed towards them, and asked, "Hello! Have you, by chance, seen the appearance of those robbers?" "Why? Who are you?" They asked. "I'm Judy Smith, and these are my friends, Kylie and Lisa. And, they are James Hicks's son and daughter-in-law. We came here to help them solve the mystery, But, we learned that the will was stolen! We're on a search for it." The boys smiled and said, "I am Jules, and he is my friend, Julien. Yes! We know, luckily!" "Would you mind telling that to the police? That would be a great help!" Judy asked kindly. "Oh, sure! Let's go!" They said.


When they entered the police station, there was a lot of chaos and confusion. Suddenly, Jules screamed, "Judy! These are the two thieves!" Judy was shocked! Well, it seemed as if the thieves had already got caught. That made Judy's investigation a lot simpler. But, still, she asked, "Jules, are you sure?" The young boy nodded reluctantly. "Yes? Who are you, people?" The police constable asked. Then, Judy introduced herself, her friends, the two young boys, and of course, the old couple. "Oh, I see. So, you were on your way to establish an FIR? But, it made your task simple! The thieves already got caught!" He said, laughing. Later, the head police officer came, and he told strictly to the constable, "Hey! No jokes allowed in this police station!" The constable hung his head low. Judy asked the officer whether they had found the will or not, but he just replied, "Don't worry. There is some investigation going on regarding that. You will receive it." Judy also added, "Uh, okay, and, some valuables were also stolen!" The officer looked at the thieves, who were behind the bars, and said, "Did you steal it? If yes, then tell me now! Otherwise, you'll be sorry!" The thieves were very scared, so they said, "We didn't! But, someone else did!" Then, the officer asked, "Who?!" "Our brother, Diego." They replied. Lisa thought, "Thank god they accepted quickly!!!" 

Then, the officer asked whether they had any photos of their brother so that he could be caught. The thieves replied that the picture was inside their mobile, which was under police custody. The officer scrolled through the pictures folder, and he finally found the picture. "Call him, and invite him to come to Greenery park, tomorrow, at noon.. Don't you dare tell him that we've told you to do so! Got it? And, tell them, that a customer is interested in buying those valuables." He ordered. Then, the thieves accepted the order, and called Diego, "Hello, brother? I've got good news for you! A customer wants to buy those valuables! We're gonna be rich!!! Meet them tomorrow at noon, greenery park." Diego's sharp voice asked, "What's the name of those customers?" "Wait! I'll ask." He replied. Then. Judy whispered some fake names, and then the robber told them to his brother. Soon, he hung up. "Okay, Ms. Judy, you can leave. And, the will. it will be returned in a week or two. You and only your friend, Kylie, will come here, again at 11am tomorrow. We'll go to the park together." The officer said. Judy and the others thanked him, and headed back to the mansion. Mrs. Hicks prepared them some delicious pasta for dinner, and then, they slept.


After a good night's sleep, they woke up at 8am. They freshened up and ate breakfast. Then, soon, by 11am, Judy and Lisa headed towards the police station. On the way, Judy reminded her friend, "Lisa, you fake name is Rosa. And mine is Maya. Get it?" She nodded. Then, they reached the police station, finally. The officer greeted them, and he told his fake name, that was 'Mike.' Soon, after some time, they left, and reached the park. They were dressed in simple clothes. The officer noticed Diego, and then, he went towards him. Judy and Lisa followed him. "Hello! I'm Mike. I think your brother must've told you that we're interested in buying those jewels?" He said. Diego nodded, and showed them the valuables, and said, "I'm charging 10 lakhs for this." Mike nodded. Then, Diego turned around for a moment, and the officer pulled out his gun, and pointed it towards him. Then, Diego said, "You are not a customer! You traitor!" But, Diego caught hold of Judy's hand, twisted it, and then pointed a knife at her neck, threatening to kill her if the officer wouldn't lower down his gun. Judy tried to free herself, but she was hurt by the knife. It created some deep wounds on her neck. But, the young sleuth was finally able to escape. And then, Diego was in trouble. He tried to run, but he failed. The officer caught him. Lisa, who was worried about Judy, asked her, "Judy, are you okay? I'll take you to a hospital, afterwards, as soon as this drama gets over!" Judy said, panting and breathing heavily, "Yes, yes, I'm o-okay."

The officer took the thief to the police station. And, he was soon behind the bars, like his brothers. But, the jewels, along with the will, was still under police custody. Meanwhile, Lisa took Judy to the hospital, and got some dressings done on the wounds. She was basically fine. They together went at the police station. "Ms. Judy, and Ms. Lisa, as I said earlier, the will and valuables will be returned safe and sound under a week, I promise! And, I think, Judy is hurt badly. She needs rest! You can go back to the mansion." The officer said. "Oh yes, we trust the police men! Thank you for the help!" Judy said, smiling.


The two young sleuths reached home by taxi. Julie Hicks and Kylie were eagerly waiting outside for a long time. When they saw a wounded Judy, they quickly rushed to help her. They had tea and some biscuits. "Judy, Kylie, and Lisa, thank you so much for all that you've done for us! And, you girls ought to stay at our house for a week, atleast!" Julie said, and Martin smiled. The three girls readily accepted the offer, and as said, they stayed for a week at the mansion. Judy also got better day by day, and she even learned knitting from Julie Hicks!


They reached home soon. After that, Judy called Mrs. Hicks that they'd reached, and she also said, "Aunty, inform me when you receive them will and valuables back!" Mrs. Hicks agreed politely. The old woman told Judy that they had contacted a sculptor, and he would repair her father in law's statue, which was in the garden. 

Well, Judy is a great mystery solver, and not to forget, her best friends, Lisa and Kylie, are also!

Author of the story: Reva Saraf

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