Tanu Patole

Abstract Children Stories Drama


Tanu Patole

Abstract Children Stories Drama

The Crown of the Queen

The Crown of the Queen

3 mins

My birthday was awesome cool and weird..... 

Sound funny.... 

Things were really vary complicated 😕....

The truth was hidden still....

But this time ...many secrets were revealed....

The new day started.... 

As I opened my eyes.... 

I just remembered that mystery girl.... 

(She was actually very beautiful but a great mystery of my whole life.... She made turing points in my life.... And many more changes ) 

I thought about to dress up as same as her .... In that pic .... 

I got up... 

Did all the daily basic things... 

And got dressed as her... 

I looked at myself in the mirror.... 

I looked so pretty ..... Bit all of her get up was like a great courageous Queen ... 

Her eyes were full of confidence and courage that actually a girl should have.... 

She had dressed purple.... 

I did too the same.... 


My sis entered.... 

She was shocked and surprised..... 

She was staring at me for moments... 

I said " How do I look"( I didn't want to tell her to full truth ) 

I just slowly opened the drawer and hided the pic .... 

She came and even didn't spoke a word.... 

Her eyes were completely like to cry.... .... But then she realised.... And just looked here and there.... 

I said "well, I am gonna change my dress and did you had any work for me "

She said "ohh yeah, I forgot, Dad's friend and their family is here, even your best friend will come.... Be ready.... And you look nice.... " 

She seemed very weird and was behaving very different....

And she left the room 

Now seems likeshe is Emotionally related to my family

I changed my dress....but now I was very happy for my bestie "Marie" Was coming.... 

After that, I went down to the garden and plucked the flowers and now I tie them together... Made a very beautiful.... One for Marie.... 

Now Marie came.... 

All the family members were at the main door for welcoming the guest.... 

As they came dad and uncle just hugged each other.... Mom and aunt were happy ... Me and Marie just held each other's hands and rotted and hugged each other.... 

We were very happy .... 

Everyone went in.... 

After I took her hand and pulled her till my room..... And now gave her the surprise 🎉🎁.... 

The flowers .... 

She was so happy and now she hugged .... And now we started talking .... 


" I love it... .... It's very pretty... Thanks.... "


"It's just for you "


"Do you know.... I started learning horse riding... And even how to use the sword "

I was surprised and said 

"Really you're awesome "

Then she said 

"Let's go... On a ride on my horse "

I said 

"Yes... It would be fun"

She pulled my hand .... 

We just went there..... 

And we just sat on horse .... 

She started ..... 

The ride was fantastic at the start... 

But then we went.... Through the village and now we were far so I was little worried... 

And after a while.... 

She lost control over the horse .... 

And now it was running here and there.... 

And we were about to fall.... 

And the mystery girl.... 

Caught us..... 

And after that we both closed our eyes .... 

After opening our eyes.... 

We were at the same place but there was a huge crowd.... 

My mom and all the people from the palace were there.... 

Mom just took both of us... And kissed on our heads.... 

She said.... 

"I was very scared .... Never go anywhere without telling us... "

We said with a sad face 

"Sorry "

She smilled.... 

We all went back..... 

Now we both were sitting in my bed.... 

Me thinking about the mystery girl.... 

And Marie about how did we were floating in air as if it caught us.... 

She was not able to see the mystery girl.... 

After listening to this I was horrified....

Who is she????? 

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